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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility in adult education and training


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.3Mobility in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

Teacher and trainer mobility

The EU Agenda for adult learning has funds allocation for an educator/s to attend a peer learning activity abroad, and also funds available for management and implementation staff to attend training abroad which are of relevance to the project and to the Directorate for Lifelong Learning and Early School Leavers. The coordinator of the project is able to attend meetings in Brussels to meet up with other national coordinators to discuss and share best practices.

The project 'EU Agenda for Adult Learning in Malta' will focus on enhanced policy cooperation in adult learning while also prioritising the need of evidence-based on policy-making to improve provision of basic skills courses for low skilled and low qualified workers.

The project focuses on 5 actions, namely:

1) Ensuring policy coherence

2) Conduct baseline research

3) Ensure provision of essential skills in disadvantaged communities

4) Targeted awareness raising

5) Facilitate European exchange on adult educator up skilling

This project aims to steer actions of the Lifelong Learning Strategy Task Force to ensure convergence into a coherent framework. This is done in order to sensitise stakeholders into understanding and implementing European policies and practices while delivering value information and know-how to learners. The Directorate for Lifelong Learning also aims to gather and disseminate relevant data that has to do with adult learning in order to improve the design and supply of provision to the target groups. It also aims to raise the portfolio of adult learning amongst employers through targeted campaigns. Lastly, this project is being implemented in order to adopt an outward looking approach in the adult learning sphere by sharing practices across spectrum.

Through the Erasmus+ programme Breaking Barriers (see Section 13.6) there have been several mobility opportunities for teachers and trainers. These include:

1) In-service training in Norway – An activity which was meant to invest in capacity building of adult educators in competencies of literacy basic skills.

2) In-service training in Cyprus – An activity which was meant to explain the concepts of adult learning to the adult educators from the different partner countries.

3) In-service training in the UK - An activity which was meant to discuss different learning pedagogies available.

4) Job-shadowing in the UK – upcoming activity in which staff will be able to work closely with adult literacy practitioners.