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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility in adult education and training


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.3Mobility in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

Learner Mobility

Greta-driven mobility and exchange activities

GRETAs (Groupement d'établissements publics d'enseignement de formation continue des adultes–Group of public education institutions for ongoing adult training) are National Education bodies that organise adult education for most of the professions. The Greta network is involved in co-operation activities supported by community programmes.


The Gretas build tracks including mobility periods for young people and adults who are training to acquire diplomas. Through the Leonardo programme, for example, they organise periods of internships in European companies to develop technical, language and cultural skills as trainees. These activities may also lead to greater professionalism of educators, guidance councillors and ongoing education councillors in the form of internships in partner institutions or study trips.

Exchange of good practices

The comparison of working methods, teaching tools and organisational methods is recognised as a way to improve the quality of training systems. There are several Gretas engaged in these exchange activities. In the Grundtvig programme, for example, they try to identify the best means to increase the participation of disadvantaged people (prisoners, illiterates, migrants, etc.) in training programmes. The sector-based Grundtvig programme aims at improving the quality and strengthening the European-wide dimension of adult education through various co-operation activities at a European-wide level so as to offer Europeans greater possibilities of receiving better training throughout their lives.

Trans-border co-operation

The projects and co-operation take into account the realities of a regional geographic area common to several Member States. The Gretas, for example, are engaged in creating a "thermal agent" certification for the employees of three Member States of the same geographic area. They have implemented a professional bilingual training programme for industrial technicians, validated by a dual German-French certification, the Meisterprüfung, and the brevet de technicien supérieur assistant technique d’ingénieur (diploma of advanced technician/engineer technical assistant).

Teacher and Trainer Mobility

Ongoing training of staff in charge of adult education depends in part on the region where they work. The main ongoing training programme of staff in charge of adult education, promoting mobility is, nonetheless, the Grundtvig programme (see above). It includes training grants enabling teachers, educators, facility officers, trainers, organisers and councillors to pursue training in Europe. The programme also contains visits, observation internships and exchanges for these trainers, including for students with adult education diplomas or having finished at least two years of study in adult education.