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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility in adult education and training


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.3Mobility in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

Student Mobility

Secondary vocational education

The government believes it is important for students in the mbo to gain international competencies. For example through an experience abroad. These competencies help students learn, live and work in an intercultural classroom, society and an internationally oriented labor market.


If a student wishes to go abroad during his or her education, he or she can obtain information from the educational institution. Depending on the circumstances, MBO students are eligible for a grant through the European grant program Erasmus+ for an experience abroad. Students cannot apply as individuals, but take advantage of Erasmus+-funded opportunities through the organization participating in the program. Organizations wishing to organize international activities for a longer period can apply for an Erasmus Accreditation for this purpose.

Organizations receiving Erasmus+ support offer mobility opportunities in an inclusive manner. For participants with a disability or who are socially or economically disadvantaged, additional resources are available to enable an experience abroad.

Furthermore, it is possible for students to take advantage of the Europass. This promotes the mobility of students and recent graduates. For a description of the Europass, see chapter 13.2.

Learner mobility in adult education


Within the new Erasmus+ program (2021-2027), it is also possible for learners in adult education to acquire new knowledge and skills abroad, which help to reduce barriers in participation in society or access to employment. Through this opportunity, they can also increase their self-confidence, get to know another culture and learn a new language.


Teacher and trainer mobility

Secondary vocational education

Within Erasmus+ there is a focus on the mobility of education professionals in secondary vocational education. The aim of this mobility is to acquire/renew knowledge and pedagogical skills. This can take the form of teaching or training abroad, job shadowing with an international colleague, or learning new teaching methods with a foreign partner. 

Adult education


Adult education professionals can benefit from the Erasmus+ program through individual cross-border learning experiences (of short or longer duration). It is possible to shadow an international colleague ("job shadowing"), take a training course abroad, or get acquainted with new learning methods at a foreign partner. 

Target group

Professionals: all professionals involved in adult education. The grant application should be submitted by an organization.


International mobility that contributes to, among other things:

  • Development of competencies in relation to the profession and language skills;
  • Broader understanding of education in other European countries;
  • Improvement of the quality of learning and teaching;
  • Modernization and internationalization of education.

Click here for more information.

It is possible for both teachers and students to use the Europass to increase mobility. See chapter 13.2.1 for a description of the Europass.