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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility in adult education and training


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.3Mobility in adult education and training

Last update: 3 December 2024

Learner mobility


Adult education leading to completion of a level of education

Adult education at secondary schools and higher education institutions leading to a certain level of education is provided under the same conditions as to all other students. More information is in the chapter Mobility in Pre-primary and School Education and the chapter Mobility in Higher Education.



It is possible to apply for support of mobility in adult education through Erasmus+ programme. Eligible applicants include learners who participate in an adult education programme at the sending institution. The programme aims to support professional development by completing a study stay or attending an educational course or placement in a foreign partner organisation, which can have the form of a 2-30 day group mobility (minimum of 2 learners),  2-30 day individual short-term mobility, and a 2-12 month long-term mobility.

Exchange programme for persons working on collaborative projects between Slovakia and Germany

Exchange programme for persons working on collaborative projects between Slovakia and Germany (Program výmeny osôb pracujúcich na spoločných projektoch medzi Slovenskou republikou a Spolkovou republikou Nemecko) is a programme of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development, and Youth of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Academy of Sciences, and the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - DAAD) focuses on boosting the cooperation in sciences.

Increased emphasis is put on further education and specialisation of the young generation of scientists (postgraduate, doctoral, and postdoctoral students). The programme is designed for higher education teachers and scientists from German and Slovak higher education institutions and research institutes outside universities. The programme is open to all specialisations and fields. The programme covers only travel expenses and expenses connected with the collaborative project participants’ stay during work trips to Slovakia/Germany. The core funding of the project must be secured from other sources.

Summer school of Slovak language and culture

Studia Academica Slovaca – a centre for Slovak as a foreign language is a specialised workplace of the Faculty of Philosophy at Comenius University in Bratislava. One of its activities includes the education of foreigners interested in the Slovak language and culture,

The summer school of Slovak language and literature (Letná škola slovenského jazyka a kultúry) at Studia Academica Slovakia is designed for foreign Slovakists and Slavists, students from foreign universities, workers in culture, managers, and lecturers. Translators and all those who are interested in studying the Slovak language and culture. The course aims to improve participants’ communication skills in the Slovak language at different levels and expand their knowledge of Slovak linguistics, literature, history, and culture. The course takes place in the summer months of July and August and it takes approximately 2 weeks. The participants can attend the course in person or online.

The scholarship programme is funded from sources of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and the EU sources as a part of the recovery and resilience plan. The hosting organisation provides participants with accommodation and meals, daily allowance as defined by the valid legislation of the Slovak Republic, and a language course. The sending organisation covers the travel expenses. The applicants to be awarded the scholarship are selected by Slovak embassies in each country.


Teacher and trainer mobility

Information on the mobility of teachers in education and training of adults in schools and higher education institutions is available in chapters  Mobility in pre-school and school education and Mobility in higher education.

Support of mobility for teachers, lecturers, and trainers in adult education is provided by the  Erasmus+ programme. Eligible applicants include teachers, trainers, as well as all other non-pedagogical professionals and employees working in adult education. Support of international mobility of employees in the area of adult education may have the form of job shadowing (2-60 days), teaching or training assignment (2-365 days) or courses and training (2-30 days).