In Malta, early childhood education and care comprises three phases, two of which, that is Childcare (for children of 0 – 3 years of age) and Kindergarten (for children aged 3 to 5), fall within pre-primary education and the last phase being the first two years of compulsory Primary Schooling (for children aged 5 to 7). For this reason, this chapter will concern itself with the first two phases of ECEC, while information on the latter phase will be found in Chapter 5 of the National Descriptors (Primary Education).
The Ministry for Education, Youth, Research and Innovation is responsible for Early Childhood Education and Care and it is committed to promoting a high-quality educational provision. As indicated in the Early Childhood Education and Care (0–7 years) National Policy Framework for Malta and Gozo, the Government considers these years as the starting point for successful lifelong learning and an integral aspect of addressing sustainable development goals (Ministry for Education, 2021).
The Government, through the Ministry responsible for education, ensures that safe and high-quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) services are available to promote the holistic development, learning and well-being of children and their families in accordance with the vision within the Early Childhood Education and Care (0–7 years) National Policy Framework for Malta and Gozo, as well as the national standards for Childcare Centres, as written in the document, National Standards for Early Childhood Education and Care Services (0-3 Years) and the national standards that apply for kindergarten settings, that is, the National Quality Standards in Education (3-16 Years).
From July 2016, the responsibility for ECEC services (0-3 years) shifted from the Department of Social Welfare Standards within the Ministry for Family and Social Solidarity to the Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education within the ministry responsible for education. The aim behind this shift was to provide children with a more cohesive learning and care experience, while ensuring a coordinated framework for governance. The shift also reflected a commitment to achieve a balance between accountability and improvement through enhanced collaboration between the Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education (DQSE), as the national quality assurance body, and service providers within the three different sectors, church, state and independent.
The importance given to Early Childhood Education and Care is evidenced by the fact that as from April 2014 the Government has introduced the Free Childcare Scheme, making childcare provision free for all parents who are in employment or furthering their education. A booklet, entitled Early Childhood Education And Care (0-3 Years) An Information Booklet For Parents And Guardians (2021), was issued by the Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education to help parents choose the ECEC setting that suits them best. Another two policy documents that help parents to be informed about what to expect in terms of quality are the National Quality Standards in Education (3-16 years) and the Quality Assurance Framework for Education in Malta (0-16 years).