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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility in adult education and training


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.3Mobility in adult education and training

Last update: 17 October 2024

Learner mobility

Adult learners may go abroad to broaden their horizons at a range of thematic seminars, visits or traineeships at adult education institutions abroad. The Education Exchanges Support Foundation, that administers the Erasmus+ Programme, allows learners to train their general competences, to learn at an older age and to improve access to adult learning. Eligible activities are group mobility of adult learners (2-30 days, at least two learners per group) and individual learning mobility of adult learners (2-30 days). Eligible participants include adult learners with fewer opportunities, in particular those with low qualifications. Learners must be registered for training in the adult education programme of the sending organisation.

Other activities supported within the Erasmus+ Programme framework: visits by foreign experts (2-60 days), internships of future teachers from abroad (10-365 days) and preparatory visits.

The Nordplus Adult learner exchange programme allows adult learners from the Baltic and Nordic countries to learn about another country’s culture and learning traditions, and to acquire new professional skills. Adult learner mobility helps strengthen the Nordic-Baltic cooperation and promote the sharing of experience in the field of adult learning. Nordplus Adult is administered by the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science.

Teacher and trainer mobility

Adult educators can improve their professional and cultural competences, enhance their knowledge of foreign languages, and get to know other European countries and their education systems by participating in a range of programmes administered by the Education Exchanges Support Foundation. Adult teachers have the opportunity to take part in learning events, seminars or internships in adult education institutions. They can participate individually or in cooperation with an adult education organisation. The programmes last from a few weeks to a year. Erasmus+ eligible activities include job shadowing (2-60 days), teaching/training visits (2-365 days) and courses (2-30 days). Teachers of general and specialist courses and other experts and staff not involved in teaching activities (e.g. heads of departments, volunteers, advisers, policy coordinators in charge of adult education, etc.) who work in the field of adult education are eligible participants. Participants must be employed by the sending organisation or must cooperate with the organization on a regular basis (e.g. these can be visiting teachers, experts or volunteers) in order to support the organisation’s core activities.

The Nordplus Adult programmes allow teachers of adult learners of the Baltic and Nordic countries to learn about another country's culture, learning traditions and to acquire new professional skills by participating in courses. The Research Projects sub-programme combines formal, non-formal and informal adult education institutions and researchers from the Nordic and Baltic countries for joint activities. The aim of the project is to generate new knowledge and to collect, analyse and publicise the existing body of knowledge in the field of adult education. Activities could include e.g. describing the traditions or problems existing in the field of adult education in the participating countries, statistical comparisons, etc. The Nordplus Adult sub-programme Development Projects brings together formal, non-formal and informal adult education institutions from the countries participating in Nordplus for joint activities. The focus of project activities is on a common outcome/product accessible to others: e.g. the development of new courses, modules, methods, materials, etc. in the field of adult education. The thematic network of the programme provides an opportunity for the Baltic and Nordic institutions working in the field of formal, non-formal and informal adult education to establish long-term cooperation, share knowledge and experience on a shared theme or a specific area of interest to all partner institutions.