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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Bilateral agreements and worldwide cooperation


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.7Bilateral agreements and worldwide cooperation

Last update: 25 March 2024
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Bilateral agreements

Since 1992, while encouraging bilateral cooperation with our neighbouring countries and more remote countries in Western and Central Europe, Asia and other continents, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport has been developing cultural cooperation agreements and participating in their preparation and execution.

Cooperation agreements and contracts have been signed with the following countries:


Treaty on cooperation in education and science

Signed: 22 02 2012


Treaty on cooperation in science and technology

Signed: 24 01 2008

Entered into force: 28 11 2010


Treaty on cooperation in the fields of education, science, studies and culture

Signed: 10 04 1996

Entered into force: 27 11 1997


Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil on cultural cooperation

Signed: Brazil 16 07 2008

Entered into force: 17 05 2010

Czech Republic

Agreement on the exchange of trainees

Signed: 31 03 2000

Entered into force: 29 09 2000

Agreement on cooperation in the fields of culture, education, science, youth and sport

Signed: 16 11 2011

European Union

Convention defining the Statute for European Schools

Signed: 13 12 2004

Entered into force: 01 09 2005


Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines on cooperation in science and technology

Signed: Manila, 25 09 1995

Entered into force: 04 02 2005



Cooperation Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of Flanders

Signed: Vilnius, 07 03 1996

Entered into force: 19 03 1996

Cooperation Programme 2019-2023 in implementation of the Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of Flanders

Signed: 06 11 2019

Entered into force: 06 11 2019


Treaty on cooperation in the fields of culture, education and science

Signed: 24 02 1997

Entered into force: 24 09 1998


Agreement on cooperation in the field of sport

Signed: 12 04 1996

Entered into force: not in force


Agreement on cooperation in the fields of culture, science and education

Signed: 20 02 2001

Entered into force: 08 04 2005


Treaty on cooperation in the fields of culture, education and science

Signed: 22 11 1995

Entered into force: 17 12 1997


Treaty on cooperation in the fields of culture, education, studies, science and technology

Signed: 04 04 1996

Entered into force: 08 05 1998


Programme of cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of the State of Israel in the fields of education, science, culture, youth affairs and sport for the period 2023–2026

Signed: 02 03 2023

Entered into force: 02 03 2023

Treaty on cooperation in the fields of culture, education and science

Signed: 02 10 1994

Entered into force: 27 02 1998


Agreement on cooperation in science, technology and innovation

Signed: 25 06 2018

Entered into force: 26 02 2019

Agreement on the legal status of the American International School of Vilnius

Signed: 14 06 2002

Entered into force: 16 06 2005

Agreement on the protection and preservation of certain cultural objects

Signed: 15 10 2002

Entered into force: Not in force

Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Fulbright Academic Exchange Program

Signed: 30 03 2017

Entered into force: 30 03 2017

United Kingdom

Treaty on cooperation in education, science and culture

Signed: 08 11 1996

Entered into force: 01 04 1998


Treaty on cooperation in education, science and culture

Signed: 06 10 2011

Entered into force: 09 12 2013


Agreement on scientific and technological cooperation

Signed: 22 04 1992

Entered into force: 22 04 1992

Treaty on cultural cooperation

Signed: 08 11 1993

Entered into force: 08 11 1993


Cultural Cooperation Treaty

Signed: 28 04 1995

Entered into force: 20 08 2001


Agreement on cooperation in the fields of culture, education and science

Signed: 05 12 2007

Entered into force: 02 04 2008


Youth Cooperation and Exchange Treaty

Signed: 14 02 1997

Entered into force: 01 12 1997

Treaty on cooperation in the fields of culture, education and science

Signed: 17 12 1998

Entered into force: 05 01 2000

Treaty concerning cooperation between the representatives of the Governments in the field of the protection of cultural heritage

Signed: 16 12 1999

Entered into force: not in force

Agreement between the Government of Lithuania and the Government of Poland on the mutual recognition of documents conferring the right to higher education, as well as on the mutual recognition of part-time studies, qualification degrees and degrees in science and art

Signed: 01 02 2020

Entered into force: 03 08 2021


Treaty on cooperation in the fields of culture, education, higher education, science and sport

Signed: 18 11 2010


Agreement on cooperation in the fields of education, culture, arts and sport. 

Signed: 24 01 2002

Entered into force: 04 07 2003


Agreement on the recognition of qualifications in higher education

Signed: 28 10 2013

Entered into force: 12 02 2014

Agreement on cooperation in the fields of education, science, technology and innovation

Signed: 28 10 2013

Entered into force: 12 02 2014


Agreement on cooperation in the fields of education, science, culture and the arts. 

Signed: 27 06 2003

Entered into force: 13 03 2007


Agreement on cooperation in education, science, technology and technology.

Signed: 04 04 2003

Action Plan for the Lithuania-France Strategic Partnership (2020-2024) 

Signed: 29 09 2020


Agreement on cultural cooperation

Signed: 19 09 1995

Entered into force: 28 11 1997

Serbia and Montenegro

Agreement on cooperation in the fields of education, science, culture and sport

Signed: 27 08 2003


Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of the Slovak Republic on cooperation in science and technology.

Signed: 24 02 2011

  • Entered into force: 12 06 2011

Treaty on cooperation in the fields of culture, education and science.

Signed: 14 11 1997

Entered into force: 02 01 2002


Treaty on cooperation in the fields of culture, education and science.

Signed: 10 11 1998

Entered into force: 09 07 1999


Trainee exchange treaty

Signed: 05 05 1994

Entered into force: 01 07 1994

Holy See

Holy See Treaty on educational and cultural cooperation.

Signed: 05 05 2000

Entered into force: 16 09 2000

Treaty between the Republic of Lithuania and the Holy See on the recognition of qualifications related to higher education 

Signed: 08 06 2012

Entered into force: 23 10 2012


Treaty on cooperation in education, science, culture and sport.

Signed: 11 07 1994

Entered into force: 28 05 1999

Framework programme for cooperation in the fields of education, science, culture and the arts, youth and sport, media and communication

Signed: 20 02 2009


Agreement on the mutual academic recognition of higher education qualifications, higher education qualifications and degrees

Signed: 26 11 2009

Agreement on cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture.

Signed: 04 08 1993

Entered into force: 04 08 1993


Agreement on cultural and artistic cooperation.

Signed: 07 06 1995

Entered into force: 07 06 1995

Agreement on cooperation in the field of Education, Science and Technology

Signed: 07 06 1995

Entered into force: 28 08 1995

Wallonia (Belgium)

Wallonia (Belgium) Cooperation agreement

Signed: 02 10 2002

Entered into force: 14 04 2004

Outline of the Lithuania-Wallonia-Brussels exchange programme

Signed: 26 04 2018


Cultural exchange and cooperation programme

Signed: 16 09 1992

Entered into force: 16 09 1992

Cultural cooperation treaty.

Signed: 19 07 1993

Entered into force: 19 07 1993


Treaty on cooperation in the fields of culture, science and education.

Signed: 07 10 1997

Entered into force: 21 06 1999


Treaty on cultural cooperation.

Signed: 21 07 1993

Entered into force: provisionally applied since 05 08 1994

Agreement on the recognition of equivalence of higher education qualifications and degrees

Signed: 15 05 2009

Entered into force: 30 06 2010

Agreement on the recruitment of trainees to improve their specialisation and language skills.

Signed: 20 08 1993

Entered into force: 20 08 1993

Baltic and Benelux countries

Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, represented by the Government of Flanders, the Government of the French Community of Belgium, the Government of the German Community of Belgium, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the automatic recognition of higher education qualifications. 

Adopted: 14 09 2021

Ratified by: Law No XIV-1055 of 26 April 2022 of the Republic of Lithuania

Not in force

Trilateral (Estonia and Latvia)

Treaty on the creation of a common educational area at upper-secondary general and vocational education level (excluding higher education).

Signed: 10 07 1998

Entered into force: 16 07 2000

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Estonia, the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the automatic academic recognition of qualifications in higher education

Signed: 08 06 2018

Entered into force: 07 01 2019


Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education

Adopted: 25 11 2019

Ratified: 04 11 2021 

Entry into force: 05 03 2023

Memorandum of Cooperation

Signed: 21 05 1996

Entered into force: 21 05 1996

The European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)

Cooperation agreement on the further development of scientific and technical cooperation in the field of high-energy physics

Signed: 04 11 2004

Entered into force: 09 11 2004

Protocol P120 to the Cooperation Agreement on the participation of the institutions of the Republic of Lithuania in the CERN scientific programme

Signed: 26 09 2014

Agreement between the Republic of Lithuania and CERN on the granting of associate member status to CERN

Signed: 27 06 2017

Entered into force: 14 12 2017 (Became an Associate Member on 08-01-2018)