Student mobility
Nationals of foreign countries come to study in Lithuania under various programmes of the European Union or other international exchange schemes, most often on their own initiative.
The Education Exchanges Support Foundation manages a range of activities that allow students to go abroad and broaden their horizons, gain experience or improve language learning. Depending on the specific activities chosen, students can also choose the duration of their studies or internship – from several weeks to a year – and also partial or complete studies. The choice of countries offered is quite significant, including not only EU and Nordic countries but also the so-called countries of the Third World. Students may apply for participation in the activities either on their own or through their home higher education institution.
The Intensive Language Courses (EILC) provide a chance for ‘Erasmus+’ students to follow specialised courses in less widely used and less frequently taught languages. The courses are organised in countries where those languages are used as teaching languages at higher education institutions.
The ‘Erasmus+’ Intensive Programmes are meant to encourage an efficient and multinational teaching of special courses which are not included in standard study programmes. They create conditions for students and teachers to work together in multinational groups and benefit from the special teaching and learning environment, which helps them form a new approach to the subject being studied. In addition, they create an opportunity to look at the subject studied from a new perspective, share experience about the content of teaching and methodology of study programmes and test teaching methods in an international classroom environment.
The ‘Erasmus+’ Student Mobility for Studies action enables students at higher education and research institutions to spend an integrated period of study in another country participating in the ‘Erasmus+’ Programme.
The said activities allow students to gain knowledge in the field of academic studies, language and culture, promote cooperation between institutions thus enriching the educational environment of host institutions. They contribute to the development of a pool of internationally experienced young people as future professionals and facilitate credit transfer and recognition of foreign studies under the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) or equivalent credit system.
Also, under the ‘Erasmus+’ programme, students can practice in an enterprise or organization in another ‘Erasmus+’ programme participating country. Participants can acquire specific skills to expand their understanding of concrete country's economic and social culture, to gain practical experience in the organization of the EU, access to the EU labor market characteristics.
Student Mobility activities within the Nordic countries Nordplus Higher Education Programme enable students of Bachelor and Master studies to secure study and work placement mobility in one of the countries participating in the Nordplus Programme. Students must study at a higher education institution that has signed a partnership agreement to conduct mobility activities with other higher education and research institutions in one of the countries participating in the Nordplus Programme.
Summer courses for students, teachers and researchers are among the activities administered by the Education Exchanges Support Foundation. State scholarships for summer courses are awarded under international cooperation agreements in the fields of education, science and culture as well as under schemes for granting scholarships offered by foreign countries.
The state also provides state scholarships according international cooperation agreements in education, science and culture, and according to the proposed foreign scholarships programmes. This activity provides an opportunity to get a scholarship for a period of I or II semesters of study in the chosen foreign research and educational institution or in degree studies (only in Switzerland, Iceland, Hungary, Japan).
The majority of those who arrive to study at Lithuanian higher education institutions are students from Asia and the Near East (Lebanon, Israel, Pakistan, China, Turkey, Jordan, etc.) and the neighbouring countries (Belarus, Latvia, Poland, Russia). Study programmes that enjoy the greatest popularity among foreign students are medical studies.
Recognition of professional qualifications obtained abroad is accorded based on the Procedure of Regulations on Assessment and Academic Recognition of Qualifications Obtained Abroad Granting a Right to Higher Education and Qualifications Attesting to Higher Education approved by Government in 2012..According to the Regulations, the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education was appointed as an institution performing the assessment of qualifications obtained abroad granting a right to higher education and qualifications attesting to higher education. The Centre is also a member of the Network of European National Information Centres for Academic Recognition and Mobility (ENIC). The Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education was delegated to perform the functions of the National Academic Recognition Information Centre (NARIC).
The above mentioned legal act recognizes that foreign qualifications are equivalent to specific qualifications provided in Lithuania on condition that the assessment of the qualifications reveals no essential differences from the statutory requirements raised for the acquisition of similar qualifications in Lithuania.
Academic staff mobility
Key documents providing the basis for internationalisation of Lithuanian Higher Education (HE) and its major directions of development approved in 2013 by the Government is the Internationalisation of Higher Education Programme 2013-2016:
Other documents, such as the Law on Higher Education and Research, only indirectly regulate internationalisation of Lithuanian HE.
Seeking to achieve the objectives defined, the Programme on Internationalisation of Higher Education 2013–2016 sets out the following HE internationalisation guidelines, which are related to the promotion of academic staff mobility:
- Development of joint studies programmes and studies programmes in a foreign language.
- The consolidation of Academic staff’s competences of Lithuanian scientific and educational institutions.
- Attracting foreigners teachers.
- Making the possibilities to study for foreigners in Lithuania by developing the system of recognition of qualifications.
- Promotion the support system for foreign students.
- Reducing the barriers to entry for foreigners.
- Promotion of students’ mobility (period of studies and practice).
- Promotion of teachers’ mobility (period of studies and practice).
- Improving the quality of academic mobility.
- Strengthening the Lithuanian (Baltic) studies centers’ abroad.
- Supports provision for Lithuanians living abroad who join and study in Lithuania higher education institutions.
- Support of the relations with the Lithuanians living in the world.
- Promotion of cooperation between Lithuanian and foreign higher education institutions.
- Dissemination of higher education.
- Expantion of funding sources for Internationalisation of Higher Education.
Academic staff mobility in Lithuania is implemented under the following programmes: the EU ‘Erasmus+’ Programme, NordPlus Framework Programme for Nordic and Baltic countries, national programmes (award of state scholarships for research visits under international cooperation agreements in education, science and culture and scholarship award programmes offered by foreign states, a programme to support visiting lecturers from abroad, funding of research visits while implementing projects carried out with support from the European Union Structural Funds, etc.). The greatest staff mobility flows are supported under the EU higher education programmes, and a considerable number of researchers’ visits are funded through state programmes, especially in the recent years.
In Lithuania, the authorities and institutions responsible for organising and coordinating academic staff mobility are as follows:
- The Ministry of Education and Science;
- Education Exchanges Support Foundation (an institution within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science);
- Research Council of Lithuania;
- Lithuanian institutions of higher education and research.
Institutions in charge of carrying out the programmes, such as the Education Exchanges Support Foundation and Research Council of Lithuania, submit annual reports on the implementation of the mobility actions and absorption of funds to the founders, i.e. relevant national authorities (e.g., the Ministry of Education and Science), the European Commission or other institutions coordinating various programmes in Lithuania and abroad.
On sending the teaching staff abroad for the purpose of teaching or training, higher education institutions are committed (according to the requirements of the programme) to pay the teacher his/her salary during the term of the short-term visit, ensure his/her return to the workplace after the visit and recognise (in one way or other established by the institution) the teaching or study visit as, e.g., continuing professional development or at the time of the teacher’s certification.
The funding provided for the Lithuanian academic staff for their engagement in international mobility and exchange programmes usually covers additional expenses, such as travel and subsistence costs. Otherwise, they may be paid state scholarships (depending on the programme).
The average amount of the higher education institution teacher’s monthly salary is paid to the teacher throughout the mobility period when his/her study or teaching visit does not exceed one year. Research staff, other researchers and teachers may be paid, in addition to their official salary, a premium for the dissemination of their educational experience abroad. Research staff, other researchers and teachers may be also paid a premium for their participation in international projects related to various programmes of scientific and experimental (social and cultural) development.
EU programmes
Consortiums of Higher Education Mobility
Consortiums of higher education mobility can be created for developing mobility of ‘Erasmus+’ higher education. The main aim of the consortium - combine and facilitate realization and administration of ‘Erasmus+’ mobility in higher education for the participants of consortium. The surplus value of mobility consortium of higher education is created by the possibility to share the responsibilities of the consortium participants. Joint activities of mobility consortium could be mobility management, contracting, selection of outgoing mobility participants, preparation and observation, etc.
Supported activities
Consortium of higher education mobility can realize the following activities:
- Students’ mobility for studies;
- Student s’mobility for practices;
- Academic staff’s teaching mobility;
- Administration or other non-academic staff’s mobility for learning purposes.
- The duration of the activity
Consortium of higher education mobility project’s duration is 16 or 24 months.
Potential beneficiaries
Consortium of higher education mobility members, which are higher education institutions, students, lectures and staff. Consortium member/members which is not high school, can not realize mobility of their staff.
Financial provisions
On the basis of the consortium mobility application information, the national agency shall grant to support a limited number of mobility activities. The grant consists of the following categories:
- Financing mobility organization;
- Financing students mobility grants;
- Financing staff mobility travel and subsistence expenses.
Student mobility for studies
This activity creates possibility for students from scientific and educational institutions (higher education and research institutes) to spend an integrated period of study in another country, participant of ‘Erasmus+’ programme. This activity allows to get knowledge about studies, languages and culture, promotes cooperation and enriches the host institutions educational environment, allows to expand the list of future specialists with good experience studying in foreign countries, facilitates the transfer of credit and recognition of studies abroad by the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), or the equivalent credit system.
Supported activities
Period of studies in foreign higher education institution.
The duration of the activity
Study mobility may last from 3 to 12 months. ‘Erasmus+’ study duration can be extended (if it is less than one academic year and will last up to one year) only in individual cases, with the agreement of the sending and receiving institutions and in accordance with the following requirements:
- all changes related to bilateral agreements between institutions and between student and his home institution must be made in advance before the end of the current ‘Erasmus+’ study period;
- it is prohibited to extend studies after the current year summer holiday or after the end of the school year with ‘Erasmus+’ scholarship.
Studies mobility is also such period, which includes the study and practice activities one after the other, and organized by the same host educational and scientific institution. In such mixed mobility case may be combined, for example, one month of practice with two months of studies period.
Potential beneficiaries
Students registered in higher education institution holding an Erasmus Higher Education Charter (ECHE).
Responsible bodies
Mostly competitions are held in March-April and they are announced by the international relations departments of Lithuanian higher education institutions. Some institutions have a large number of participating students and they announce additional competition in fall.
Financial provisions
Scholarships for ‘Erasmus+’ studies 2014-2015
The Host Side |
Mobility of studies Sum per month, EUR |
Denmark, Ireland, France, Italy, Austria, Finland, Sweeden, United Kingdom, Liechtenstein, Norway |
500 |
Belgium, Czech, Germany, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Iceland, Turkey |
400 |
Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Macedonia |
300 |
Students from social supported groups (with exception of cases of special needs) can be additionally supported with 200 EUR per month. Students may be awarded with ‘Erasmus+’ scholarship to cover part of their travel and subsistence expenses during ‘Erasmus+’ study period in foreign country. Students receiving or not receiving the ‘Erasmus+’ scholarship are exempt from paying for studies at the host institution, but they pay usual taxes in their education institution during ‘Erasmus+’ studies period in other country. Any national scholarships or subsidies payment to outgoing students could not be stopped during their ‘Erasmus+’ study period in foreign country.
Student mobility for practice
This activity allows practice in enterprise or organization in another participating ‘Erasmus+’ programme country. Participants can acquire specific skills to expand their understanding of some of the country's economic and social culture, to gain practical experience in the organization of the EU, access to the EU labor market characteristics.
It is possible to have preparatory or repeating courses during practice time in host side language or working language. Students practice can take place in enterprises, training centers, research centers and other organizations.
Supported activities
- Practice, as part of the studies, realization in foreign enterprise or organization.
- Practice, as work experience after finishing studies, realization in foreign enterprise or organization.
The duration of the activity
Practice mobility may last from 2 to 12 months. ‘Erasmus+’ study duration can be extended (if it is less than one academic year and will last up to one year) only in individual cases, with the agreement of the sending and receiving institutions and in accordance with the following requirements:
- all changes related to bilateral agreements between institutions and between student and his home institution must be made in advance before the end of the current ‘Erasmus+’ study period;
- it is prohibited to extend studies after the current year summer holiday or after the end of the school year with ‘Erasmus+’ scholarship.
Studies mobility is also such period, which includes the study and practice activities one after the other, and organized by the same host educational and scientific institution. In such mixed mobility case may be combined, for example, one month of practice with two months of studies period.
Potential beneficiaries
Students registered in higher education institution holding an Erasmus Higher Education Charter (ECHE).
Responsible bodies
Mostly competitions are held in March-April and they are announced by the international relations departments of Lithuanian higher education institutions. (in some higher education institutions invitations are announced by their career centers).
Financial provisions
Scholarships for ‘Erasmus+’ studies 2014-2015
The Host Side |
Mobility of studies Sum per month, EUR |
Denmark, Ireland, France, Italy, Austria, Finland, Sweeden, United Kingdom, Liechtenstein, Norway |
700 |
Belgium, Czech, Germany, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Iceland, Turkey |
600 |
Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Macedonia |
500 |
Students may be awarded with ‘Erasmus+’ scholarship to cover part of their travel and subsistence expenses during ‘Erasmus+’ study period in foreign country.
Any national scholarships or subsidies payment to outgoing students could not be stopped during their ‘Erasmus+’ study period in foreign country. Students themselves pay usual taxes in their education institution during ‘Erasmus+’ studies period in other country.
Every student has the right to use the programme for a maximum period of 12 months during each cycle of study (bachelor's, master's and doctoral). This period is common to all types of mobility (studies, practice and practice during studies period and after studies).
Staff mobility training
This activity aims to make possibilities to the participants of education and research institutions to learn, to communicate information or technical knowledge in partner institution or in host enterprise and thereby gain practical skills appropriate to the current work and professional development.
Supported activities
Mobility of staff in education and research institutions covers the following directions:
- mobility of academic staff from one education and research institution to another or to enterprise for training purposes;
- mobility of administration or other non-academic staff from one education and research institution to the partner institution or to enterprise for training purposes.
Staff can participate in seminars, courses, workshops, study visits, etc..
The duration of the activity
From 2 days to 2 months (excluding travel days).
Potential beneficiaries
Staff of education and research institutions (academic and non-academic staff).
Financial provisions
Grant is paid only for the training period in the host institution. The grant is paid to cover travel and living expenses.
Staff mobility for teaching
This activity gives possibility for lectures of education and research institutions and for staff from visiting companies to teach in institutions of other countries, or possibility for lectures from other countries to teach in Lithuania. The lectures of ‘Erasmus+’ tutors must be integrated into the study programme of the host institution.
Goals of Erasmus teachers visits:
- to realize possibilities for students who are unable to participate in a mobility programme, to get knowledge and competence benefits from other European education and research institutions teachers;
- promote pedagogical methods of competence and experience, cooperation between education and research institutions and enterprises;
- to promote educational and research institutions to expand and enrich their choice of courses and content;
- promote mobility of students and staff..
Supported activities
Mobility of academic staff from education and research institutions and enterprise staff covers the following directions:
- mobility of academic staff from one education and research institution to another for teaching purposes;
- mobility of foreign company staff to education and research institution for teaching purposes.
The duration of the activity
From 2 days to 2 months (excluding travel days) and no less than 8 teaching hours per week.
Potential beneficiaries
Academic staff from education and research institutions (lectures) and invited staff from enterprises (employees).
Financial provisions
Mobility of ‘Erasmus+’ teachers from enterprises is realized by invitation from education and research institution to member of enterprise. In this case education and research institution is responsible for the individual grant. The subsidy is granted only to the teaching period in the host institution. The grant is paid to cover travel and living expenses.
Strategic partnerships
Strategic Partnerships are dedicated to strengthen cooperation between higher education institutions and interested sides (companies, research organizations, social partners, local/regional authorities, others education, training or youth sectors); promote quality and innovation in higher education.
Supported activities
- Development of new joint programmes, common courses, modules, intensive programmes;
- Cooperation with business companies;
- Exploitation of open educational resources, general and individual learning potential;
- Integration of different forms of studies (distance, modular, part time).
• The duration of the activity
The project duration is 2 or 3 years
Potential beneficiaries
Participating institutions staff and students.
Financial provisions
Financing model consists of the list of different categories of costs, and the applicants are selecting actual costs according to the planned activities and results to be achieved:
- Management and realization of the project;
- International meetings of the project partners;
- Teaching and learning visits;
- Intellectual products;
- Marketing events;
- Exceptional costs and special needs.
If the project involves exceptional costs, they will be funded only 75%. Other well grounded costs based on the project will be funded 100%. Most of the costs are calculated according the unit cost principle.
Guarantees of subsidies for master studies
Centralized activity, administered by the European Commission, the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, is dedicated for students seeking to study in a master's programme in other country of their residence, where they earned a bachelor qualification.
Financial provisions
1 year - up to € 12,000
2 years - up to € 18,000
Subsidy will be able to 200,000 master's students.
Financial intermediaries, who will provide subsidies: the national banks or students subsidy agencies. The European Commission did not indicate a date each country's financial intermediaries will be indicated, but it is expected that the first subsidies will be used for students who begin graduate studies at foreign universities since 2015.
Joint Master's programmes
Centralized activity – continuing the former Erasmus Mundus 1 activities.
Supported activities
This programme supports very high academic quality of Master's Degree joint programmes, including scholarships system for students. During the period of such studies study at least in two different countries is compulsory, and award of joint degree (award of joint diploma) is given after such studies.
The duration of the activity
1 preparatory year + 3 admissions (max 5 years)
Financial provisions
Consortium management, student scholarships – total 2-3 million Euro. It is planned: 34,000 students and teachers, 350 JMP, budget - 1 billion Euro.
Knowledge unions
International, structured and result-directed projects are financed under this centralized programme, promoting higher education and business cooperation.
Supported activities
- Projects for the all disciplines, sectors and inter-sector cooperation;
- Development and realization of new study programmes responsive to business needs;
- Promotion of business qualities for students, academic and enterprise staff;
- Exchange of experience.
The main emphasis of these projects - innovation, stability and impact.
• The duration of the activity
2 or 3 years
Development of potential
Centralized – continuing the former Tempus programme activities.
Project goal – to improve the quality of higher education of the partner countries (institutional and national level).
Supported activities
There are 2 types of projects:
• Joint activity projects: study programmes, content, methodology upgrades, training (s), staff development, quality assurance, management, Bologna’s tools;
• Structural projects: AM reform at the national level (assistance to local authorities, political modernization, Bologna’s reform, management and AM system’s management, etc.);
• Additional activities and the development for the Eastern Partnership countries: the mobility of students and teachers.
The duration of the activity
2-3 years
Potential beneficiaries
Applications may be submitted on consortium, an may be presented by programme and higher education institution or association of higher education institutions from partner countries.
The consortium consists of at least one partner country (at least two education and research institutions) and not less than 3 Programme countries (at least one education and research institution from each country). The Ministry of partner country must take part in structural project consortium.
National programmes for organisation of teaching and research visits
National programme for supporting foreign lecturers’ teaching visits at Lithuanian higher education institutions
The purpose of the programme for supporting foreign lecturers’ teaching visits at Lithuanian higher education institutions is to strengthen international competitiveness and attractiveness of Lithuanian higher education and attract high-skilled foreign lecturers to teach in Lithuanian higher education institutions.
Supported activities
Short-term visits of invited lecturers from abroad to teach in Lithuanian higher education institutions.
Duration of the activity
The duration of the teaching visit is from two weeks to two months (teaching should be included in the HEI study programme, course or module (modules) with at least 3 ECTS credits and at least ten contact hours of work with students per week).
Potential beneficiaries
Lecturers and researchers from foreign higher education institutions.
Responsible bodies
The Ministry of Education and Science which is responsible for organising the call for proposals and selection of the candidates.
The Education Exchanges Support Foundation responsible for the administration of the programme.
Financial provisions
Funding for the support of foreign lecturers’ visits is provided from the State Budget assignments to the Ministry of Education and Science.
Funding is allocated as a lump sum per individual visit. The amount of the funding depends on the qualifications of the invited lecturer (lecturer / associate professor / professor).
Support for research visits
Support for research visits is aimed at encouraging researchers’ continuing professional development, enhancing their international mobility and promoting the spread of information about the results of Lithuanian research at the international level. The support, which can be provided from the State Budget and/or European Union funds, is allocated to finance teachers’, scientists’ and other researchers’ research visits (traineeships), participation at scientific conferences abroad and teaching at foreign higher education and research institutions. Support for scientific visits managed by the Science Council of Lithuania is the most popular type of support, compared to the support for organisation of events or support for academic associations.
Supported activities:
- participation at scientific conferences organised abroad;
- research visits (traineeships) at foreign higher education and research institutions;
- participation at scientific expeditions or research schools abroad;
- conducting of research at foreign higher education and research institutions;
- teaching at foreign higher education institutions.
Duration of the activity
The duration of a research visit is no longer than 30 days.
Potential beneficiaries
Teaching staff, doctoral students, young researchers, scientists and other researchers from Lithuanian higher education and research institutions.
Responsible body
The Research Council of Lithuania.
Financial provisions
Allocated funds may be used to cover:
- travel costs (from home to the host country and within the latter’s territory);
- accommodation costs, up to the residential rental rates in foreign countries;
- international conference fee;
- insurance costs;
- visa costs;
- the costs of copying and use of archival documents;
- costs related to participation at the scientific expedition.
Support for short-term visits of researchers
The support is provided based on the project ”Competitive funding of short-term research visits” under the EU structural support. Researchers are invited to visit Lithuanian higher education and research institutions. The aim of financing researchers’ visits is to strengthen the relations between foreign scientists and researchers and Lithuanian higher education and research institutions, raise the level of research and help prepare for attraction of high-level foreign researchers to Lithuania and reintegration of Lithuanian scientists–expatriates.
Visits of researchers are funded by tender in four categories: for invited foreign scientists – to participate in the doctoral process, deliver lectures or their cycles and conduct research work at Lithuanian higher education and research institutions; for Lithuanian scientists – to participate at international scientific conferences.
Supported activities
Incoming researchers from abroad can:
- conduct research at Lithuanian higher education and research institutions, high-tech or business enterprises that are working in the research and development sector;
- deliver lectures, moderate seminars or their cycles at Lithuanian higher education and research institutions;
- participate in the doctoral process at Lithuanian higher education and research institutions.
Outgoing Lithuanian researchers can:
- participate at international scientific conferences for presenting their research results to the international scientific community, getting acquainted with the latest achievements of science and finding useful contacts.
Duration of the activity:
- the overall duration of the incoming visit for conducting research in Lithuania cannot be less than seven days and cannot exceed the period indicated in the call for proposals;
- the overall duration of the visit for delivering lectures cannot be less than three days (at least eight teaching hours) and cannot exceed 14 days;
- the overall duration of the visit for participation in the doctoral process cannot exceed four days;
- the maximum duration of participation at a scientific event (conference) abroad is five days (travel excluded).
Potential beneficiaries
The incoming scientist must be a researcher who has been doing research abroad for at least two past years.
The outgoing scientist must be a young researcher (who was awarded his/her doctoral degree no more than seven years ago) or a doctoral student.
Responsible body
The Research Council of Lithuania.
Financial provisions
- Incoming researchers on a visit to Lithuania for conducting research receive up to LTL 6,000 (approx. EUR 1,738) for the first seven days and up to LTL 470 (approx. EUR 136) per day for the eighth and subsequent days.
- Incoming researchers on a visit for delivering lectures receive up to LTL 4,120 (approx. EUR 1,193) for the first three days and up to LTL 470 (approx. EUR 136) per day for the fourth and subsequent days.
- Incoming researchers on a visit for participating in the doctoral process receive up to LTL 3,300 (approx. EUR 956) per visit.
Outgoing researchers receive financial support to cover travel and accommodation costs and remunerate conference fee costs.