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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Ongoing reforms and policy developments


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

Last update: 23 September 2024

This chapter provides a thematic and chronological overview of national reforms and policy developments since 2021. The introduction of the chapter describes the overall education strategy and the key objectives across the whole education system. It also looks at how the education reform process is organised and who are the main actors in the decision-making process. The section on ongoing reforms and policy developments groups reforms in the following broad thematic areas that largely correspond to education levels:

Early childhood education and care

School education

VET and adult learning

Higher education

Transversal skills and employability

Inside each thematic area, reforms are organised chronologically. The most recent reforms are described first.

Overall national education strategy and key objectives

In May 2024, the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation launched the National Education Strategy 2024-2030. The strategy, which is built on three pillars, with 36 measures and 153 initiatives, charts a course for the next six years with a vision extending to 2050. This strategic plan addresses growing demands on the education system and prepares students for rapid economic, environmental and social changes. 

With a person-centred approach, the strategy delves into the core of education. The Ministry believes that educators play a crucial role in shaping the aims and outcomes of the Maltese educational system. For this reason, the first pillar, Wellbeing, underscores the importance of educators' wellbeing alongside that of students. 

The second pillar, Growth & Empowerment, addresses the impact of megatrends such as digitalisation and globalisation. Shifting from standalone initiatives to accredited programmes, ensuring their alignment with the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and values needed to flourish in 2030 and beyond is one of the strategy flagships, reflecting the Ministry’s commitment to empowering individuals and shape the future. 

Underpinned by a belief that education is a fundamental tool through which everyone is given the opportunity to reach their potential, the third pillar is dedicated to Equity & Inclusion. 

The strategy plays a key role in achieving national EU targets and UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 4. Monitoring and evaluation are integral components of this strategy. The strategy reflects a shift in transforming education, aspiring to better serve the needs of students and educators, and ultimately improving the quality of life for society at large.

New Collective Agreement for Educators in State Schools

On 15 July 2024 a Sectoral Agreement in education, covering January 2023 to December 2028 was finalised. The agreement enhances the salaries and working conditions of more than 11,000 educators in state schools.  The new Sectoral Agreement also seeks to incentivize more young people to enter the teaching profession.

The Education Act (Chapter 327 of the Laws of Malta) ascertains that every Maltese citizen has the right to receive education and instruction without any distinction of age, sex, belief or economic means.  It also outlines the State’s obligations to promote education and instruction; to ensure the existence of a system of schools and institutions accessible to all Maltese citizens catering for the full development of the whole personality including the ability of every person to work; and to provide for such schools and institutions. 

Education is pegged against the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF). The MQF is a referencing tool that helps to describe the knowledge, skills and competencies of a qualification, to compare both national and foreign qualifications to promote quality, transparency and mobility of qualifications in all types of education. It is mainly referenced to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) as well as to other non-European qualifications frameworks. These levels are neutral reference points applicable to academic or vocational education; formal, informal and non-formal learning.
Cognisant of the challenges posed by an ever-evolving and competitive world, the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation is committed to provide present and future generations with the necessary skills and competences for employability and citizenship in the 21st century. These intentions are iterated in the Framework for the Education Strategy for Malta 2014-2024, which provides a coherent strategy for lifelong learning opportunities from early childhood education and care to adult learning. This Framework is built on four broad goals, aligned with European and global benchmarks: 

-    To reduce the gaps in educational outcomes between boys and girls and between students attending different schools; decrease the number of low achievers and raise the bar in literacy, numeracy, and science and technology competence; and increase student achievement; 

-    To support educational achievement of children at-risk-of-poverty and from low socio-economic status; and reduce the relatively high incidence of early school-leavers; 

-    To increase participation in lifelong learning and adult learning; 

-    To raise levels of student attainment and retainment in further, vocational, and tertiary education and training.

In preparation for the expiration of the Framework for the Education Strategy for Malta 2014-2024in December 2023,  the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation (MEYR) launched the draft National Education Strategy 2024 – 2030 – Visioning the Future by Transforming Education for public consultation. 

The draft proposes 36 measures and 120 initiatives, structured around three main pillars: Wellbeing, Growth and Empowerment, and Equity and Inclusion. It is based on the belief that our education system, particularly compulsory schooling, is responsible for each student’s acquisition of basic skills, socio-emotional skills and civic duties.  These priorities are in line with UN Sustainable Development Goal 4, which emphasizes the importance of literacy and numeracy as basic skills and includes the promotion of education for sustainable development and global citizenship. The main aim of the Maltese education system is to adopt a person-centred approach, while equipping our students with the required future -oriented skills. As a result, we are striving to have an educational system which is focused on cultivating a holistic set of values and fostering the comprehensive development of citizens.

This Framework and the forthcoming Educational Strategy serve as a lynchpin for all other education-related policy documents. Such documents, with applicability across the entire education system, are:

The National Curriculum Framework, National Literacy Strategy for All in Malta and Gozo, Strategic Plan for the Prevention of Early School Leaving, the Higher Education Strategy for Malta, the National Vocational Education and Training Policy and the Malta National Lifelong Learning Strategy. Measures that are already in place and others set to be initiated are aimed to reach across all socio-economic sectors and different cultural, ethnic, religious, gender and sexual status.

The National Curriculum Framework outlines the learning entitlement during the period of compulsory schooling, proposing that a Learning Outcomes Framework serves as the keystone for learning and assessment throughout compulsory education. The Learning Outcomes Framework, which started being phased in from academic year 2018/2019, aims to provide more curricular autonomy to colleges and schools to better address students’ needs. 
My Journey: Achieving through Different Paths aims to increase equity and inclusion in secondary education with a view to reduce the number of early school leavers so that young people will be better prepared for the challenges and opportunities of adulthood. In order to reach this aim, My Journey responds to pupils’ different aptitudes by shifting secondary education from one that is solely academic to three streams: academic, vocational and applied.

The National Homework Policy the roles and responsibilities of different educators vis-à-vis homework, the timing, scheduling and quantity of homework, the reporting of homework and different homework practices due to different abilities. This policy must be incorporated as part of each school’s annual development plan and is reviewed every five years.

Further policies, complementing the above mentioned ones on specific educational matters or school cohorts, are found here.

Overview of the education reform process and drivers

Educational reforms are initiated by the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation or by Central Government (through the election manifesto or budget document). 

Reforms initiated by the Ministry involve a broad consultation process with educators, civil society, other ministries, industry and other stakeholders as applicable. Multiannual policies also involve a public consultation period on the draft policy. Oftentimes, the Ministry commissions research and sets up consultative groups to analyse certain issues and recommend policies, actions and other initiatives to address them. Furthermore, reforms are usually supported by legislative acts or legal notices, hence following the legislative process through the national Parliament.

Implementation of the reforms, be they policies or initiatives, falls under the responsibility of one of the directorates or entities that fall within the Ministry’s remit.