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Teaching and learning in general upper secondary education


6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.5Teaching and learning in general upper secondary education

Last update: 26 February 2025

Curriculum, Subjects and Number of Hours

Courses of study at this level are provided both by the state and by non-state institutions. Institutions run by the state cater both for students who have completed compulsory education successfully and those wishing to have another try. Qualifications to progress to post-compulsory education (higher secondary education) vary according to admission criteria for each institution.

GEM 16+ offers a one-year-programme to students who need to get SEAC/SEC passes following secondary education. 

Students in general higher secondary (post-compulsory) education institutions such as the Higher Secondary Schools (State, Church and Independent) and the GF Abela Junior College follow subjects that prepare them for the Matriculation Certificate examination, a prerequisite for taking up studies at tertiary level. Students follow syllabi which are drawn up by the Matriculation and Secondary Education Certificate (MATSEC) Board of the University of Malta

The number of lectures students at Higher Secondary Institutions (GA Higher Secondary & Sir MA Refalo) have varied according to the programme they are following (See Table 11 below  for GC Higher Secondary courses and Table 12 for Sir MA Refalo courses). Lessons are held from 08.15 till 15.00 from Monday to Friday from October till June for First Year students and from October till the end of March for Second Year students, when the MATSEC examinations begin, and students stop attending for lectures.

The curriculum of the GA Curmi Higher Secondary School and Sir MA Refalo Sixth Form offers a variety of courses which prepare students either for further education or to seek employment. Students can follow either the Secondary Education Certificate (SEC) (Ordinary Level) or the Matriculation Certificate at Advanced and Intermediate Levels.

Courses offered at GC Higher Secondary
Course Duration Course Information
SEC (Ordinary Level) Course 1 year This course is intended for students who did not achieve good encourage grades to enter the Junior College and who want to improve their SEC Grades. These students can select a minimum of three subjects and a maximum of six subjects at Ordinary Level. 
Advanced/Ordinary Level Course 2 years This course is intended for students who would like to enhance their career opportunities. Students who follow this course can choose a minimum of three subjects and a maximum of six subjects, one of which must be at Advanced Level. 
Matriculation Course 2 years This course is intended for those students who would like to sit for the Matriculation Certificate Examination. Students must take two subjects at Advanced Level, three at Intermediate Level and Systems of Knowledge. 

* Advanced Level subjects have one tutorial and two practical sessions for science subjects, Art, Home Economics, Computing & Information Technology


Courses offered at Sir MA Refalo Secondary
Course Duration Course Information
Matriculation Certificate Course 2 years This course is intended for those students who would like to sit for the Matriculation Certificate Examination. Students must take two subjects at Advanced Level, three at Intermediate Level and Systems of Knowledge.
Three Advanced Level Course 2 years In this case, the student opts to take three Advanced Level subjects and no subjects at Intermediate Level. 
Advanced – Intermediate – O-Level Course 2 years This may be further sub-divided into two categories:

Category A: Students taking this course must study a combination of a maximum of four subjects at Advanced or Intermediate level, with a minimum of one subject from each level. Students who start the MATSEC course but opt to drop one subject will automatically fall under this category but will be allowed to retain the remaining five subjects.  

Category B: A student may opt to study a maximum of three subjects at Advanced/Intermediate level, with a minimum of one Ordinary level STRICTLY according to time table availability. The Advanced and Intermediate level subjects will be covered over a period of two years. The Ordinary revision level subjects will be covered over a period of one year.
MQF Level 1/2/3/4 Varies According to Category

This may be further sub-divided into four categories:

Category A: Revision Subjects – Ordinary Level: Students taking Ordinary Level Revision subjects may choose from the list of Ordinary Level subjects offered, timetable permitting. One year. 

Category B: Comprehensive Core Subjects – O Level: Students who have not sat for the Sec exam or who obtained an Unclassified grade, may follow this two year course.

Category C: Proficiency in Foreign Languages Duration: One year (MQF levels 3 and 4): Students following the Proficiency Course will develop skills and attitudes required for further study of the language, work and/or leisure. The focus of the programme is communicative competence. One year.

Category D: Maltese as a Foreign Language Levels 1 and 2: Maltese as a foreign language. This course opens bi-annually. One year.

Part-Time Study Course 1 or 2 years

Students may apply for Part-Time Study: 

• if their choice of subjects does not meet the minimum requirements of the other courses offered 

• if they wish to attend practical sessions only 

• those falling under the maturity clause

Non-Formal Education Courses 1 year Students are offered an opportunity to follow courses in Non-Formal education which will be certified upon successful completion at MQF level 3 in certain subjects (ex. Theater and Performing Arts and Voluntary Work).


The Junior College caters for students who would have attained the necessary examination passes to continue at upper secondary level. The curriculum prepares students to acquire the Matriculation Certificate necessary for the furtherance of studies at tertiary level.

The subjects studied at this level need to correspond to the entry requirements of the course the students intend to follow at tertiary level. To obtain the Matriculation Certificate, which is required for entry to UM, students have to choose one subject from each of the following Areas 1, 2 and 3 and two other subjects from any of the subject groups. Two of the five subjects must be studied at Advanced Matriculation level while the other three subjects are studied at Intermediate Matriculation level. “Systems of Knowledge” is a compulsory subject and is levelled at Intermediate level. The subjects on offer are divided in the following groups:

Subject Areas at Junior College
Subject Areas at Junior College Systems of Knowledge (compulsory subject)
Area 1 Arabic, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Maltese, Russian, Spanish
Area 2 Accounting, Classical Studies, Economics, Geography, History, Marketing, Philosophy, Psychology, Religious Knowledge, Sociology
Area 3 Applied Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics, Pure Mathematics
Area 4 Art, Computing, Graphical Communication, Engineering Drawing and Graphical Communication, Home Economics and Human Biology, Information Technology, Music, Physical Education, Theatre and Performance


Overview of the Study Programmes at Junior College

The College offers the following Study Programmes at MQF Level 4:

Matriculation Course (Standard) offered to prospective students who would like to pursue their studies following completion of compulsory education at the time of application, to obtain their Matriculation Certificate, which is required for entry to UM
Matriculation Course (Extra) offered to prospective students who require 3 subjects at Advanced Matriculation level to pursue their studies at a higher level, while retaining the possibility to obtain the Matriculation Certificate, which is required for entry to UM
Matriculation Course (Flexi)
  • offered to prospective students who would like to pursue their studies following completion of compulsory education at the time of application, to obtain their Matriculation Certificate
  • this programme gives students the additional benefit of spreading their studies over a maximum of 4 years, for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, humanitarian reasons, essential commitments (e.g. sport), disability, social origin/socio-economic reasons etc.
Study Programme for Student Athletes offers student athletes the possibility of obtaining their MATSEC Certification whilst maintaining their training programmes with a National Sport Federation/Association (NSFA) which is officially recognised by the Malta Olympic Committee and/or with the National Sports School (NSS)
Study Programme for Medicine and Science Oriented Students aimed for science students who need to upgrade their MATSEC results in order to follow a course in Medicine & Surgery, Dentistry, Health Care or Science at UM
Study Programme for 18+ Students offered to prospective students who are at least 18 years of age at the time of application with the possibility of studying 1 or more subjects at Advanced level and/or Intermediate level according to their needs


Alongside these academic courses, and In line with its mission statement, the College offers a whole range of activities, programmes, and initiatives, collectively referred to as the Enrichment Programme (EP), which is meant to develop and enrich students holistically. While participation in the EP is completely voluntary, it is intended to complement the formal study programme. A maximum of 30 marks obtained from the participation in the EP may be added to the global mark and may be used for the purpose of promotion.

The Junior College starts its day at 08:00 and sessions can continue till 17:00, with each lecture lasting an hour. However, students only attend the sessions of the subjects they would have chosen. 

Students attend an average of seven one-hour sessions per week at Advanced level consisting of lectures, seminars, tutorials and, in some subjects, practical sessions, and on average, two one-hour lectures a week for each subject at Intermediate level. Tutorials and practical work is held with smaller groups to facilitate lecturer-student interaction and individual use of equipment.

Teaching Methods and Materials

Teaching in Post-Secondary Higher Secondary Education is guided by the syllabi for SEC and/or MATSEC examination. There are various teaching approaches that are used in higher secondary institutions. Formal instruction mainly comprises lectures, complemented by tutorials, wherein students can discuss their own work and queries, and seminars, wherein students present the subject matter. Certain subjects involve practical work, such as science experiments, carried out in appropriately equipped laboratories or studios. Tutorials and practical work are held with smaller groups to facilitate lecturer-student interaction and individual use of equipment.

At upper secondary level, teaching and learning is focused on the subject content of the chosen subjects. Since different students choose different subjects and since instructions needs to be more detailed on the particular subject being studied, there is no cross-curricular teaching at this stage. Teachers and/or lectures are free to choose the teaching methodology of their choice for teaching and instruction. Homework given in higher secondary institutions varies according to the subject being studied, however, for each subject, an assignment is given on a weekly basis so that the student will be able to complete the task during that particular week. Books and other resources that students require are not provided by the state or by the institution, however, students are given a monthly maintenance grant that support them in their studies.

Apart from the formal curriculum, post-compulsory general upper and higher secondary institutions are committed to providing students with a holistic educational experience. Various character- and personality-building activities are organised. These are approved by the administration and participants are awarded certificates of. Such activities include field trips, cultural activities and sports activities, amongst others. At Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School and Sir MA Refalo Sixth Form a number of non-formal activities take place. For example at Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary, Erasmus+ projects provide students mobilities and sports activities and non-formal activities such as courses in Photography, Art, Drama and Leadership are offered. Students who participate in these activities are awarded a certificate on participation at MQF Level 3 as non-formal activities accreditation.