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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Programmes outside the bachelor and master structure


7. Higher education

7.4Programmes outside the bachelor and master structure

Last update: 15 November 2024

While the majority of higher education programs in Georgia follow the standard Bachelor-Master structure aligned with the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) framework, some alternative program structures do not conform strictly to this two-cycle system. These programs are tailored to meet specific educational or professional objectives and are typically found in fields that require extended study or integrated pathways; programmes include:

  • Integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s teacher training programme- higher education programme developed based on an appropriate standard, which results in awarding an academic degree of Master of Education in a subject/group of subjects of an appropriate general education level and must consist of at least 300 credits.

  • Integrated Master’s programme in veterinary medicine - higher education programme developed on the basis of an appropriate standard, which results in awarding an academic degree of Master of Veterinary Medicine.

  • Veterinarian’s educational program - an educational program developed on the basis of an appropriate standard, which can be taken by a person with a Bachelor’s academic degree with reference to the discipline/specialty of veterinary medicine.

  • Medical and/or dental education - a one-level higher education program, after the completion of which the academic degree of a Certified Medical Doctor/Dentist shall be granted. The academic degree awarded after the completion of educational programs for a certified medical worker consisting of 360 credits and/or for a dentist consisting of 300 credits is equivalent to the Master's academic degree.

  • Teacher training educational program-higher education programme based on the relevant standard, independent of the Integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s Educational Programme of Teacher Training and Bachelor’s Educational Programme, the learning outcomes of which are consistent with the general learning outcomes set for Level 6 of the National Qualifications Framework;

  • Educational programme for special educational needs teachers- A person with at least a Bachelor's academic degree or equivalent, who has passed the basic professional skills examination, shall have the right to continue studying for an educational programme for special educational needs teachers.