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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility and internationalisation


13.Mobility and internationalisation

Last update: 27 November 2023

Turkey aims to participate in international cooperations and contribute to the establishment of universal educational norms and applications as well as policies by promoting internalization and mobility in cooperation with states and international bodies and institutions.

In line with the developing position and rising role of our country in the international arena, in line with the goal of strengthening its effectiveness and visibility in international organizations, the education and training activities of the international organizations we are a member of are closely followed. Our country is on the boards of directors of various international organizations, especially UNESCO and OECD, and thus takes an active role as one of the decision-making countries regarding global education policies.

By the Ministry of National Education; United Nations (UN), UN Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO), Council of Europe (EC), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Organization of Economic Cooperation (ECO), Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC), Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), World Bank, Turkic Council, International Education Achievement Assessment Organization (IEA) and the European Union's education and training activities are closely monitored and the education community is informed about the studies. (2020 Budget Presentation)

Turkey shares the objectives and priorities of EU policies in the fields of education and culture. The objectives determined with “Education and Training 2020” put forward the goals within the framework of EU accession for Turkey. Our country moves forward decisively in line with carrying on the efforts of efficiency and development in the implementation of the Education and Training 2010 Working Programme and strategic framework “Education and Training 2020”, Bologna process and Unity programmes. On the other hand, Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) and Youth in Action carried out within the scope of European Union Training comprising the years 2007 -2013and Youth Programmes were performed with the participation of EU member countries, EFTA countries (Norway, Island and Lichtenstein) and Turkey as a candidate country. As for 2014 – 2020 period, Erasmus + programme was put into effect instead of Lifelong Learning and Youth programmes, which were implemented in the years 2007 – 2013 by European Union in the fields of training and youth for 2014 – 2020 period. Together with Erasmus +, (National Agency (Ulusal Ajans) Data, Turkey) general and vocational training as well as all sub programmes and activities with regard to education were collected in a programme with a holistic approach. The grants in Erasmus + Program are given to the projects focusing on individuals and institutions (National Agency). Erasmus+ program promotes mobility not only across the EU countries but also in a wider geography called partner countries, such as Western Balkans, East Partnership Countries, Southern Mediterranean Countries, Russian Federation, Asian Region, Middle Asian Region, Latin America, South Africa, ACP Region, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Macao, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, United States of America.

The Erasmus+ Program, covering the 2021-2027 Call years, is the EU's new grant program in the fields of education, youth and sports. It supports education, training, internship, professional development, non-formal learning-based youth activities and cooperation between institutions abroad. The general aim of the program is to contribute to the dimensions of sustainable growth, quality in the profession, social cohesion, promoting innovation, strengthening European identity and active citizenship by supporting the education, professional and personal development of individuals in the fields of education, training, youth and sports through lifelong learning.

Applications for the new Program period continue to be received, and the projects will start to be implemented by the end of 2021.


General priorities of the program:

  • Inclusion: Reaching people of different ages and different cultural, social and economic backgrounds; focus on the underprivileged, including those with disabilities, educational difficulties or a migrant background, and those living in rural and remote areas
  • Digital Agenda: Developing accessible and quality digital learning and increasing skills in using digital tools, promoting distance learning, including blended learning
  • Green Agenda: Encourage travel by lower carbon alternatives to aircraft; provide people with the necessary understanding and skills for sustainable societies and lifestyles through project activities

Program framework:


  • Learner and Staff Mobility
  • Youth Participation
  • Discover Europe (DiscoverEU)
  • Language Learning Opportunities


Partnerships for Cooperation

  • Collaboration Partnerships
  • Small-Scale Partnerships

Partnerships for Excellence

  • European Universities
  • Professional Centers of Excellence
  • Erasmus+ Teachers Academy
  • Erasmus Mundus Activities

Partnerships for Innovation Development

Innovation Development Collaborations

Forward-Looking Partnerships

Capacity Building in Youth

Non-Profit Sporting Events



In the context of the education sectors, the following activities are foreseen as of 2021: HIGH EDUCATION

KA1 Learning Mobility of Individuals in the Field of Higher Education

  • Student and Staff Mobility in the Field of Higher Education (KA131-HED)

Partnerships for KA2 Cooperation in Higher Education

  • Cooperation Partnerships in the Field of Higher Education (KA220-HED)


KA1 Learning Mobility of Individuals in the Field of School Education

  • Student and Staff Mobility Projects of Accredited Institutions in School Education (KA121-SCH)
  • School Education Short Term Student and Staff Mobility Projects (KA122-SCH)

Partnerships for KA2 Cooperation in School Education

  • School Education Small-Scale Partnerships (KA210-SCH)
  • School Education Cooperation Partnerships (KA220-SCH)


KA1 Learning Mobility of Individuals in the Field of Vocational Education

  • Erasmus+ Accreditation for VET Learner and Staff Mobility (KA121-VET)
  • Vocational Education Learner and Staff Mobility Short Term Projects (KA122-VET)

Partnerships for VET KA2 Cooperation

  • VET Small-Scale Partnerships (KA210-VET)
  • Vocational Education Cooperation Partnerships (KA220-VET)


KA1 Learning Mobility of Individuals in the Field of Adult Education

  • Learner and Staff Mobility Projects of Accredited Institutions in Adult Education


  • Adult Education Short-Term Learner and Staff Mobility projects (KA122-ADU)

Partnerships for KA2 Cooperation in Adult Education

  • Adult Education Small-Scale Partnerships (KA210-ADU)
  • Adult Education Collaborative Partnerships (KA220-ADU)

Based on the Law 1416, the Ministry of National Education runs a program by which graduate students are appointed to international graduate programs abroad Germany, United Kingdom, France, USA, Japan, South Korea to provide universities and state institutions with qualified human resources, based on a compulsory service system.

A modification on Mevlana Exchange Program was published on 23 August 2011 issue of the official newspaper and Council of Higher Education carries out certain provisions for this program. The objective of the regulation concerned is to frame and run the rules and principles of student and academic staff exchange among higher education institutions in both homeland and abroad. 

One of the main purposes of the TQF is to ensure that qualifications awarded in Turkey are understandable and are reliable at the European level. For this purpose the Turkish Qualification Framework has been referenced to the European Qualifications Framework on 29 March 2017 upon the decision of the EQF Advisory Group, the competent expert group of the European Commission.

The referencing of the TQF to the EQF proves that the education and qualifications system in Turkey is compatible with the principles and standards at European Level. Therefore, a major step has been taken towards enabling the diplomas, certificates and vocational qualifications certificates awarded in Turkish education and training system more understandable, reliable and valid in European countries.