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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Validation of non-formal and informal learning


8.Adult education and training

8.5Validation of non-formal and informal learning

Last update: 27 November 2023

Recognition of previous learning (RPL) is the process of recognition according to a standard agreed on learning achievements obtained in the context of formal, non-formal and/or free learning. In addition to schools, knowledge, and skills acquired outside of formal education in work and daily life can be among these learning achievements.

The system of the recognition of prior learning will also provide an opportunity for individuals who have knowledge and skills in any field but cannot document it and want to have a qualification or diploma in order to promote or change in their profession. 

Recognition of previous learning is the process of recognizing the learning achievements obtained in the frame of formal, non-formal and/or free learning according to a specific standard. This system ensures that the individual's knowledge, skills, and experience are officially recognized and documented no matter where and how they are earned.

The RPL provides a large number of benefits to individuals and employers. In terms of individuals, it is the prominent benefit of this system that increases vocational development and mobility in the labor market, prevents repetition and waste of time, provides early graduation, reduces the cost of the learners, encourages learning, increases the motivation and self-confidence of the person. In terms of employers, it contributes to the elimination of the lack of skills and/or competencies in the workplace, to the reduction of the number of employees who spend out of the workplace for training and thus to the more efficient use of resources.

Beneficiaries of RPK- Effects of RPK

Private Sector



Those who work

Those who look for jobs

Professional standards

Certified qualified personnel

Saving time and resource

Illiterate People (They cannot apply for a journeyman and a mastership certificate.

Those who want to provide their own personal development


Those out of formal training

Those who look for jobs

Those who do not have a job

Those who want to change their profession

Those who want to progress in their profession

RPK Current Situation

Ministry of National Education (MoNE)

Law No 3308 - Title of Equivalency - Article 35 - (Amended: 2/12/2016 - 6764/46 Article) Scope- It is the duty of the headteacher, the master and the judge who participated in the compensatory training or complementary training whose conditions and duration are determined by the Ministry and succeeded in the exams made at the end of this training. Diplomas of the vocational field they graduate are awarded to secondary school graduates. The procedures and principles concerning the recognition of prior learning and equivalence are regulated by a regulation issued in the Ministry. With the amendment made in the Vocational Education Act numbered 3308 on 2/12/2016, a legal justification was established. Within this context, the directive work on ICT has been initiated within the framework of MTEGM.

Within this scope, the Regulation on the Recognition of Prior Learning and the Equivalence Directive came into force within GDoVTE. Within the scope of the Directive, the Skill Examinations in Vocational Training Centers have started. The e-exam pilot application of the theoretical examinations conducted within the scope of the related instruction started in 2019. It is planned to determine the examination areas and test centers that are suitable for the needs in each province for the journeyman and mastership skill exams conducted in vocational training centers.

In addition, the Regulation on Lifelong Learning Institutions published in 2018 includes the following;

Article 74, entitled Measurement and Evaluation of Literacy Competencies, is as follows:

(1) Adult Reading and Writing Level I Exam Writing Certificate and Adult Literacy II. Adults with Stage Level Test II. General provisions related to exams are not applied in the direct measurement and certification of the qualifications of those who will receive the Level Certificate of Achievement Certificate.

(2) In the application of the individuals, a commission consisting of three persons, one of whom is a class teacher under the presidency of the director of the institution, is given a written/oral/practical exam to measure their knowledge and skills in accordance with the Adult Literacy Teaching and Basic Education Program (I and II). According to the type of disability, individuals with special education needs to be taken for the exam, an expert commissioner is determined. Necessary measures are taken in the examinations according to the types of the inadequacy of individuals. In order to be considered successful in the exam, the minimum passing points must be obtained from each course.

(3) Those who are successful in the Adult Level I Literacy Education Course or Adult Level I Level 1 Test are given Literacy Certificate.

(4) Adults II. Level Literacy Education Course or Adult Literacy II. Those who succeed in the Graduation Exam are given Adults II. Certificate of Achievement

(5) The number of candidates and time limitation requirements are not required for the direct measurement of literacy qualifications. The exam fee is paid to the teachers other than the managers in the exam commissions.

Within the scope of these provisions, the activities and transactions related to the measurement of literacy qualifications are carried out by the institutions attached to the General Directorate.

In Article 74 of the same regulation entitled recognition of prior learning, the following statements are given:

(1) Within the scope of lifelong learning, the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired by the individual through formal, lifelong learning and/or free learning are documented by measuring and evaluating the standards developed for the recognition of previous learning.

(2) The occupations to be included in the recognition of prior learning are determined by the Ministry.

In this context, the trainees, who have successfully completed the non-formal education courses opened by the public education centers, can take journeyman or mastership skill tests to be carried out in Vocational Training Centers, prepared according to the Article 35 of the Vocational Education Law no 3308 and Regulation on Secondary School Institutions 63/a.



Primary Education Certificate

General Directorate of Basic Education

Secondary Education Certificate

General Directorate of Basic Education

High school diploma

  • Anatolian High School
  • Science High School
  • Social Science High School
  • Basic High School
  • State Conservatory Music and Performing Arts High School
  • Open Education High School

General Directorate of Secondary Education

Diploma of Vocational School

Fine Arts High School

Sports High School


General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education

Diploma of Anatolian Imam Hatip High School

General Directorate of Religious Education

Certificate of Headworkership

General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education

Certificate of Mastership

General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education

Vocational and Technical Open Education School Achievement Certificate

General Directorate of Lifelong Learning

Course Completion Certificate

General Directorate of Lifelong Learning

General Directorate of Private Education Institutions

Special Education Vocational Training Center (School) Learning Certificate

General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services

Special Education Business Application Center (School) Learning Certificate

General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services

Special Education Implementation Center (School) Learning Certificate (STAGE I)

Special Education Application Center (School) Learning Certificate (STAGE II)

General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services

Recognition of Prior Learning System (RoPLS)

• In the Regulation on Lifelong Learning Institutions published in the Official Gazette dated 11/04/2018 and numbered 30388, prior learning was defined as “learning outcomes acquired by individuals through formal, lifelong learning and/or free learning”. In the first paragraph of Article 74 of the Regulation on the Recognition of Prior Learning, the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired by the individual through formal, lifelong learning and / or free learning are documented by measuring and evaluating the standards developed for the recognition of prior learning as suggested in the context of lifelong learning. In this context, literacy courses opened by lifelong learning institutions for those who have successfully completed vocational courses are evaluated within the scope of RoPL.

  • In the third paragraph of Article 73 of the Measurement and Evaluation of Literacy Competencies of the Lifelong Learning Institutions Regulation on the Evaluation of Literacy Competencies, adults who are successful in the First Level Literacy Training Course or the Adult Level I Exam Level Exam are given the Certificate of Literacy. In the fourth paragraph, those who succeed in the Graduation Exam and Adults II. Level Literacy Education Course or Adult Literacy II. are given II. Level Training Certificate of Achievement. The works and procedures related to the evaluation of literacy skills within the scope of the ICC have been explained.
  • Regarding the vocational courses, the trainees who have successfully completed the courses opened by the lifelong learning institutions, with the arrangements made under the Law No. 6764 published on 9/12/2016 and the article 35 of the Vocational Education Law no. according to the provisions of the Recognition for Prior Learning and Equivalence Directive no. 1557502, dated 02/10/2017, which was prepared by MTEGM, allowed them to participate in journeyman or mastership skills tests to be carried out in Vocational Training Centers.

In Turkey, validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL) is mostly valid for the learning outcomes leading to vocational qualifications. The Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA) plays quite a functional role in this regard. The validation system in Turkey has some unique characteristics by which it deviates from the VNFIL model described in the 2012 Recommendation.

VQA was established in 2006 to set up and operate the national vocational qualifications system (NVQS) which is quality-assured at the national level in compliance with the requirements of the European Qualifications Framework.

VQA, with a vision of leading the development of a qualified workforce by ensuring harmony between education and employment, is responsible for vocational qualifications within the scope of the Law. Professions including physicians, dentists, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, veterinaries, engineers and architects as well as professions that require at least undergraduate education and for which conditions to enter into the profession have been regulated by law are outside of the VQA jurisdiction.

The NVQS defines the rules and activities in the preparation of NOS in professional and vocational fields, development and implementation of national qualifications, and related to authorisation, auditing, assessment and evaluation as well as certification. VQA carries out activities in compliance with the norms and principles accepted at European level, and implements plans that have been prepared accordingly.

Almost all of the activities in the NVQS are carried out by the stakeholders or through active participation of stakeholders and in cooperation with the state, employees and employers.

The main objectives of the NVQS are;

(i) To cooperate with MoNE and CoHE in order to ensure that VET is provided in line with the national occupational standards, and thus to contribute to the quality assurance of VET by strengthening the relationship between education and employment,

(ii) To determine vocational qualifications on the basis of national or international occupational standards and award those qualifications through quality-assured processes,

(iii) To promote LLL by ensuring the recognition of prior learning that has been acquired through non-formal and informal learning.

Within the scope of NVQS, a range of activities are carried out in order to achieve the listed objectives. These activities are;

(i) Identifying occupations in cooperation with the industry and preparing NOS for these occupations,

(ii) Developing national qualifications based on NOS in terms of learning outcomes,

(iii) Authorizing the bodies to carry out assessment and certification activities based on NQs through a process that includes an external evaluation mechanism.

Under the NVQS, activities are carried out in compliance with various quality assurance mechanisms developed at the European level, and planning is made accordingly. The recommendations of the EQF and the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET) are the grounds for ensuring the quality assurance of qualifications.

It is planned to design a credit system incompatible with the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) in order to ensure the credit rating of qualifications and credit accumulation.

National Occupational Standards (NOS)

The first component of the NVQS is the preparation of NOS in line with the needs of the industry. NOS are documents that define the knowledge, skills, behaviors and attitudes required to practice an occupation successfully.

NOS are prepared by a job analysis method that enables the job/occupation to be divided into units (duty, procedure, procedure step, etc.) in a hierarchical and systematic way. Ensuring the effective participation of social partners and receiving their opinions and contributions are the basis for the development. Therefore, NOS is prepared by the bodies or institutions assigned by VQA among those with the competence to represent their sector, or by working groups established by VQA.

NOS provides input for both vocational and technical education programs and national qualifications. Based on the published NOS, vocational and technical education programs are updated, and when necessary, new educational programs are developed. Depending on the demands of the sector, the NOS is reviewed at least every five years at the latest in line with the needs of the business and education world.

NOS which comes into force by being published in the Official Journal can be accessed via VQA website.  As of May 2019, 157 cooperation protocols have been signed with various bodies and institutions to prepare 932 NOS in total and 822 of them have been completed and published in the Official Journal.

National Qualifications (NQs)

The second component of NVQS is the preparation of national qualifications. NQs are documents based on national or international occupational standards. They are used for learning and assessment, defined by learning outcomes, and come into force upon the approval of VQA. Likewise NOS, NQs are prepared by bodies or institutions approved by VQA. These may be education and training institutions, ACBs, institutions that prepare NOS, or professional organizations.

NQ consists of units. These units include learning outcomes and performance criteria that specify the standards necessary for the demonstration of these learning outcomes. NQ also include assessment tools to be used (theoretical exams, performance-based exams, observation, portfolio, etc.), assessment material (checklists) which define how performance criteria will be measured, competences of the assessors, assessment methods, and expiry date of the qualification.

Assessment and Certification

The third component of the NVQS is assessment, evaluation, and certification. Activities related to them are carried out by certification bodies authorized by VQA. These institutions should first satisfy the requirement to be accredited to offer the relevant qualifications within a system that has been established in accordance with the requirements of TS EN ISO/IEC 17024 Standard. This accreditation is awarded by the Turkish Accreditation Agency (TURKAK) or the accreditation bodies that have signed the multilateral recognition agreement within the European Cooperation for Accreditation.

Institutions meeting the accreditation requirement may apply to VQA for authorization. VQA examines, audits and evaluates the institution’s management system as well as policies and procedures for assessment and certification activities. Having been found eligible, institutions are authorized to do assessment and certification based on NQs and are called Authorised Certification Bodies (ACBs). ACBs are only authorised for doing assessment and evaluation not for the provision of training. Authorization for provision of training is subject to the permission of MoNE in Turkey. ACBs offer individuals, regardless of educational status or work experience, to have the learning outcomes recognized which they have gained in any way.

As of May 2019, they carry out assessment and certification activities in 229 NQs. 

ACBs develop the assessment processes in light of the requirements defined in the NQs. According to the principles set by VQA; all ACBs are obliged to take instant video-records of all the assessments they carry out. Decisions on the awarding of individuals are taken by the “decision-makers”, while the assessors who have the minimum required competencies do the assessment of the candidates. The decision-makers take decisions on the awarding by evaluating the evidence produced by the candidates and the evaluation results of the assessors. In other words, the decision-makers validate the assessment activities conducted by the assessors.

People who have applied, participated or have been certified may raise an appeal to the decisions taken by the ACBs. Moreover, a person or an organization may make a complaint against an ACB or the activities of an ACB. Therefore, ACBs are required to have procedures for the acceptance, evaluation, and conclusion of appeals and complaints.

Following the decisions of the ACBs on the awarding of candidates who have been successful, VQA prepares and issues the VQA Vocational Qualification Certificates to the successful candidates. As of May 2019, a total of 608,000 VQA Vocational Qualification Certificates have been awarded in 229 NQs. Employers, education providers or others can check whether the people truly have the qualifications that they claim through VQA web portal.

Additionally, Europass Certificate Supplements for VQA Vocational Qualification Certificates are prepared and published on the VQA website.