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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Administration and governance at central and/or regional level


2.Organisation and governance

2.6Administration and governance at central and/or regional level

Last update: 27 November 2023

According to the Presidential Decree No. 1, the Ministry's Central Organization consists of the Ministerial Authority, the Deputy Minister and 22 (twenty-two) service units. The ministry is responsible for opening, monitoring, closing educational institutions and organizing training programs to be taught in schools. The ministry is also responsible for the execution of business processes related to dismissals and the appointment of teachers to work in educational institutions. The Minister is the Head of the Ministerial Organization. 2 units of the Ministry of National Education are as follows: General Directorate of the Basic Education, General Directorate of the Secondary Education, General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education, General Directorate of Religious Education, General Directorate of Lifelong Learning, General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services, Higher Education and General Directorate of the International Education. These units are responsible for identifying education policies of their affiliated institutions. Apart from these units, General Directorate of Special Education Institutions carry out the supervision of private educational institutions that implement educational policies set by the relevant departments. All of these service units design educational materials and programs that will be used in accordance with the Board of Turkish Education. General Directorate of Evaluation, Measurement and Examination Services is responsible for public and private placement executed by the central system, to implement tests, to compare test results and evaluate them. General Directorate of Personnel is responsible for planning to work on the development of human resources systems and making proposals and organizing the manpower policy of the Ministry. The mission of the General Directorate of Innovation and Educational Technology is to provide technological opportunities related to education and training both throughout the country and abroad. Except the above mentioned service units are responsible for carrying out administrative, financial, legal affairs and audit work. 

Decisions on Turkey's educational activities are made by the Ministry of National Education in the center in accordance with the administrative organizational structure. The decisions taken at the local level are administered by provincial and district directorates of national education. All other decisions related to school opening, relocation and assignment of teachers, budget, and investment procedures are made by the Ministry of National Education. Ministry of National Education has the authority of decisions and their implementation.

The Board of Inspectors of the Ministry of National Education conducts inspections from the headquarters. At the central level, however, the education system is supervised by the Constitutional Court, the Council of State, the Court of Accounts, the Regional Administrative Courts, the Administrative Courts and the State Supervisory Board, and the work and procedures of the Ministry of National Education are supervised on-site or through the administrative procedure.

By the publication of the Law entitled 5018 Financial Management and Control Law, a Directorate of Internal Audit was established within the Ministry of National Education. This Directorate is responsible for investigating the expenses and investments for the educational services so as to provide feedback and suggestions.

Council of Higher Education is a public corporation regulating all tertiary education and steering the activities of tertiary education institutions in line with the Higher Education Act of 2547 itself with the duties and power. “The purpose specified in the law and the principles for the establishment, development and ensure effective use of the resources allocated to the universities' responsibility.” is connected to this institution. Budgets prepared by the Universities are submitted to the Ministry of National Education and the central government budget after they are approved in accordance with the principles to which the force is placed and inspected.