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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Third-cycle (PhD) programmes


7.Higher education

7.5Third-cycle (PhD) programmes

Last update: 27 November 2023


Organization of PHD Studies

Doctorate program makes the student attain necessary skills in order to do independent research, make a comment by analysing scientific problems and data from a large and profound perspective, make analysis and reach new synthesis (Madde 15 (1). Doctorate program is made up of 240 ECTS in total on condition that it should have 60 ECTS credits, twenty credits in total, seven courses, a seminar, proficiency exam, thesis proposal and thesis study in one academic year at least for the students completing a master program with thesis. For the students having an admission with undergraduate degree, it is made up of 300 ECTS in total at least, 14 courses, seminars, proficiency test, thesis proposal and thesis study with two credits at least,  (Article No 15 (2). The duration of the doctorate program is eight semesters regardless of enrolment, starting from the semester when the courses enrolled, excluding the period spent in the preparatory class and it is completed in twelve semesters the most. For those having an admission with undergraduate degree, it is ten semesters and is completed in fourteen semesters the most (Article 17(1).  The maximum period to complete the required courses in the doctorate program successfully is four semesters and for those having an admission in undergraduate degree, it is six semesters. The students failing in courses with a credit in the maximum period or those failing to have the least general average in the courses envisaged by the higher education institution are dismissed from the higher education institution (Article 17 (2).

The study of proficiency in art is a higher education program with a doctorate equivalence aiming at producing an original work of art and an outstanding application and creativity in music and stage arts (24 (1). The program of proficiency in art is made up of 240 ECTS in total on condition that it should have 60 ECTS credits, twenty credits in total, seven courses, practices, thesis study, exhibitions, projects, recitals, concerts, representations and so on, in one academic year at least for the students completing a master program with thesis. For the students having an admission with undergraduate degree, it is made up of 300 ECTS in total at least, fourteen courses, practices, thesis study, exhibitions, projects, recitals, concerts, representations and so on with two credits at least,  (Article No 24 (2). The duration of the program of proficiency in art is eight semesters regardless of enrolment, starting from the semester when the courses enrolled, excluding the period spent in the preparatory class and it is completed in twelve semesters the most. For those having an admission with undergraduate degree, it is ten semesters and is completed in fourteen semesters the most (Article 26(1).  The maximum period to complete the required courses in the program of proficiency in art successfully is four semesters and for those having an admission in undergraduate degree, it is six semesters. The students failing in courses with a credit in the maximum period or those failing to have the least general average in the courses envisaged by the higher education institution are dismissed from the higher education institution (Article 26 (2).

According to the regulation of Post Graduate Education, Specialty in Medicine and Dentistry is equivalent to doctorate and the education is carried out with a basis upon the Regulation of Specialty in Medicine and Dentistry with a Date of 26/4/2014 (Article No35 (7). The purpose of the regulation is to give specialty education and specialty certificates in the fields of medicine and dentistry and arrange the working principles of the Board of Specialty in Medicine. This regulation contains the Board of Specialty in Medicine,  authority institution in the fields of medicine and dentistry education and the programs and people with regard to specialty education.

The specialization period of the veterinary specialization programs are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the ta Regulation on Expertise Training in Veterinary Medicine “, the specialization programs of the Pharmacy Specialization Programs and the duration of the training Regulation on Specialist Training in Pharmacy“.

Admission Requirements

In order to apply a PHD program,

They must have a master's diploma with thesis and must have an ALES score to be determined by the decision of the relevant senate, provided that the score type of the program applied from ALES is not less than 55 points. But; ALES is not required for the applications of doctorate / proficiency in art / specialty in medicine / dentistry / specialty in veterinary medicine / pharmacy specialty graduates to doctoral programs and the evaluation process of these candidates

1) Regardless of the type or area of specialization at the entrance to the graduate program by the university senates, a score of less than 55 and not more than 75 is determined and announced in the terms of the relevant program.

2) These candidates can apply in a different field from the type of score they have previously received or from the field of doctorate / proficiency / expertise.

3) The announced score is included in the calculations as ALES score regardless of the type of score.

b) They have to gain an authority of expertise on Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine, on Pharmacy and Science or expertise in the laboratories of the Ministry of Health. Similarly, they have to take at least 50 ALES score, and 80 score for GPA as determined by the concerned senate except for preparatory programs. Those who apply for the program with their BA degree have to have at least 3.0 GPA score out of 4 or some equivalent scores.

c) Those who apply for the PHD program with their MA degree are assessed through ALES score, bachelor and master degree’s GPA as well as interview results. If determined by the senate, the senate can ask for reference letters, intention letters, and other documents including language scores internationally accepted by institutions. The adoption of the program, which will apply to doctoral programs, as well as the scientific assessment exam ALES be made in writing and / or higher GPA for applicants with a master's degree can be evaluated with the results of the interview.The issues with regard to this evaluation and other issues regarding the admission of students are determined by the regulations arranged by the related senate (Article 16 (2). Except for preparatory classes, those having an undergraduate education for ten semesters are regarded as the ones having a master degree (Article 16 (2).  

How much weight will be taken into consideration not less than 50% of ALES score is determined by the concerned senate. Concerned university or high technology institute can accept students through only ALES score. Ales scores and accepted equivalent scores by the Board of Higher Education can be raised by decision of the senate of each university (Article 16 (3).

ALES score is not required for the acceptance of students to the departments of the institutes of the conservatory programs and the programs of the fine arts faculties that only accept students with special talent exams.

The score of ALES (academic personnel and postgraduate education entrance exam) is not required in the admission of students to the departments and major arts of the institutes of fine art faculties and conservatories. In the case of asking ALES, the base score is determined by the senate (Article 16 (4).

This points equivalent of at least 55 points or SSPC by the equivalence of accepted international language exam of the Higher Education Council with the central foreign language exams accepted by equivalence accepted international foreign language exams except for the native language of the student admission to a doctoral program is mandatory to score, to enter these minimum score programs are needed to be raised according to the specifications given by the university senates decision (Article 16 (5).

In order to apply to doctoral programs in basic medical sciences, medical graduates will be determined with a bachelor's degree and the conditions will be determined by the Senate on not less than six points of Medical Specialization Education Entrance Examination numerical score type or ALES basic medical points taken from not less than 55 points senate. For medical school graduates, who do not have a master degree (dentistry and veterinary medicine graduates of the bachelor's degree), the numerical score type of ALES will be determined by the Senate’s decision of not less than 55 ALES points. Basic medicine score is obtained by the multiplication of the standard point obtained in Test 1 of medical sciences in the Entrance Exam for the Education of Specialty in Medicine by 0.7 and by the multiplication and addition of the standard point obtained in clinical medical sciences by 0.3. In the admission of students for the doctorate program, basic medicine score or ALES as well as undergraduate and/or master degree score average, scientific evaluation and/or oral exam when necessary could be evaluated. The issues regarding this evaluation and the other documents required for the application of the student (reference letter, the composition explaining why the student would like to have a doctorate degree, international standard exams and so on) are determined with a regulation by the related senate. However, in the admission of students for the basic medicine units, it is a must to have 55 in the exams approved by the Council of Higher Education or an equivalent score in international foreign language exams approved by OSYM (Centre for Evaluation, Selection and Placement) except for their native languages. University senates decide to increase the score if necessary depending on the features of the programs to be selected. On the condition that the score of basic medicine or ALES score is not lower than 50%, how many percentages will be evaluated is determined by the senate. Higher education institution has an admission only with basic medicine score or ALES score (Article 16 (6). 

Phd Canditates’ Status

Students who are accepted to the Phd/proficiency in art programs could study on their own resources. Furthermore, in line with 2547 numbered Higher Education Act, Article 33/a and 50/d of the scope Phd students are employed as research assistants. In addition, institutions of higher education meets the need of a part of their teaching staff with the “1416 numbered Law on Students to be Sent Abroad". According to the Regulation Regarding the Education of Turkish Students in Foreign Countries, those sent abroad in exchange for a compulsory service in higher education institutions and public departments are appointed for the related posts of the institutions on behalf of which they are sent in order to fulfil their compulsory service responsibilities after completing their education successfully. The ones appointed to the higher education institutions on behalf of which they had their education and public departments have to start their service in its legal duration. Those not starting for their service have to refund the educational expenses with their interest (Article 19).


According to the Regulation of Post Graduate Education, the presidency of department/major art proposes a supervisor for thesis in the post of its own university for each student and the subject of the thesis the supervisor and student will carry out together to the institute. The supervisor for thesis and proposal is decided with the decree by the board of institute. When to appoint the supervisor for thesis within the program of the student is determined by the regulation approved by the senate. However, it is a must that the supervisor  be appointed until the end of the second semester the latest. Thesis supervisor is chosen from the lecturers with qualities to be determined by the senate. In the case of absence of a lecturer with these qualities, another advisor from another higher education institution could be chosen as a supervisor by the board of institute within the framework of the principles determined by the university senate. In order that the academic member could supervise a thesis in doctorate program, it is necessary that he/she must have at least more than one thesis supervised.  The second supervisor who will be appointed in the cases needing more than one advisor in terms of the quality of the thesis could be a person having a doctoral degree at least from other staff out of university personnel (Article 18). A follow up committee is formed for the student who is successful in the proficiency test with the proposal of the presidency of the department/major art of the related institute and with the approval of the board of related institute in one month. The committee is made up of three members. Other than the supervisor of thesis, two more members, one from the department/major art and one from another department, take place in the committee. In the case of the appointment of a second supervisor of thesis, this supervisor could participate in the committee if he/she wants. In the periods of the formation of the follow up committee, a change could be made in the members with the proposal of the presidency of the department/major art and the approval of the board of education (Article 20).

For the Program of Proficiency in Art, the presidency of department/major art proposes a supervisor from the academic staff of the university for each student in order to carry out such studies as the selection of courses and practice and thesis, exhibitions, projects, recitals, concerts and representations, and the subjects and titles of such studies as thesis, exhibitions, projects, recitals, concerts and representations, and this proposal is confirmed by the board of senate. When to appoint the supervisor for thesis within the program of the student is determined by the regulation approved by the senate. However, it is a must that the supervisor be appointed until the end of the second semester the latest. In the cases of needing a second supervisor depending on the feature of the study of proficiency in art, a second supervisor could be appointed. In order that the academic member could supervise a thesis in proficiency in art, it is necessary that he/she must have at least more than one thesis, exhibition, project, recital, concert and representation supervised. The second supervisor could be appointed among people having a doctoral/proficiency in art degree at least from other staff out of university personnel. The supervisor could be chosen among the academic members determined by the senate with their qualities and other academic members having a doctoral/proficiency in art degree (Article 27).

According to the Regulation for Specialty Education in Medicine and Dentistry, a subject of thesis and a supervisor is determined for the student of specialty in the first semester of specialty education. The principles with regard to the formation of thesis jury, appointment of supervisor, following up the thesis process and evaluation of thesis are decided by the board (Article 19).


Universities recruit research assistants and lecturers in accordance with the "Faculty Instructors on the Roster outside the Central Region and Log in with Central Examination to be implemented in the open Attractions Assignment Exam Regulation on Principles and Procedures". Appointments made pursuant to the aforementioned regulation are made in accordance with the procedure specified in Article 33 of the Law No. 2547, within the scope of subparagraph (d) of the first paragraph of Article 50 of the aforementioned Law. (Additional Article 38 of Law No. 2547)

In addition, higher education institutions meet some of their teaching staff requirements with the Law No. 1416 on Demands to be Sent to Foreign Countries. According to university teaching staff requirements of a large part of the domestic part of the graduate institute in Turkey as they meet the candidates from universities abroad/


According to the Regulation of Post Graduate Education, proficiency test is the assessment of whether the student completing the courses and seminar has a scientific research capability with regard to doctorate study and basic issues and concepts in the field of the student (19 (1).

The time when the student will take the proficiency exam is determined by the regulation approved by the senate. However, it is a must that the student having an admission with master degree has to have the proficiency exam at the end of the fifth semester and the student having an admission with an undergraduate degree has to have the proficiency exam until the end of the seventh semester the latest.

Proficiency exams are arranged and carried out by the doctorate proficiency committee made up of five people proposed by the presidency of department/major art and approved by the board of institute. The committee sets up a committee of exam juries in order to prepare, apply and evaluate exams in different fields. The jury for the exam is made up five academic members including the supervisor on condition that two members at least are out of the higher education institution. Whether the supervisor will have right to vote is determined by the board of institute. In the case of the fact that the supervisor has a right to vote, the jury is made up of six academic members. The meetings of proficiency exam is made open to the listeners comprised of academic members, post graduate students and field experts (Article 19 (3).

Proficiency exam is made in two parts as written and oral one. The student succeeding in the written exam has the oral one. The percentages of the exams and the calculation of the scores are made with the regulations of the board of institute. Exam juries evaluate the success of the student in the written and oral exams and the success and failure of the student is decided by absolute majority. This decision is submitted by the presidency of department/major art to the institute with a letter in three days following the proficiency exam (Article 19 (4).

The student failing at the proficiency exam is given a right to have another exam in the following semester in the part/parts he/she fails. The student failing in this exam again is dismissed from the doctorate program (Article 19 (5).

The jury for the proficiency exam could ask a student succeeding in the exam to take more course/courses on condition that it should not exceed a third of total credit even if he/she completes the course load. The student has to succeed the courses to be decided by the related institute (Article 19 (6).

A student having an admission to the doctorate program with an undergraduate degree and completing seven courses at least could pass to master program. The conditions of passing to a master program is decided by the regulation to be prepared by the senate (Articl 19 (7).

The student completing the proficiency exam successfully defends the thesis proposal comprising the purpose of the study to be carried out, the method and working plan in the presence of follow up committee in six months the latest. The follow up committee decides for approval, correction or refusal of the thesis presented by the student by absolute majority. The student having a refusal has a right to have a new supervisor and/or subject of thesis. In this case, a new follow up committee could be appointed. The student with a wish to carry on with the same supervisor has to defend in three months and the one changing the supervisor and the subject matter has to defend in six months once again. The student having a refusal in this defence as well is dismissed from the higher education institution. For the student having an approval, the follow up committee is gathered twice in a year, between January-June and July-December once in each. The student presents a written report to the members of the committee one month before the date of the meeting. The report should comprise the summary of the studies carried out up to that time and the plan for the time up to the next meeting. The thesis study of the student is evaluated as success or failure by the committee. The student having a refusal twice following each other or three times in different times is dismissed from the higher education institution. The student not defending the proposal without a valid excuse in the period given in first item is regarded as failure and the proposal is refused (Article 21).

A student with a doctorate program defends and writes the outcomes obtained in compatible with the spelling rules approved by the senate and defends his/her thesis in the presence of jury. After the completion of the thesis exam, jury declares the decision to the audience that the thesis has an approval, refusal or correction with absolute majority. The student with an approval is regarded as successful. This decision is submitted by the presidency of the department/major art to the institute with a letter in three days following the thesis exam. The student with a refusal as the thesis is not successful is dismissed from the institute of the higher education. The one having a correction defends the thesis in the presence of the same jury by making necessary corrections in six months the latest. The student having another failure in this defence is dismissed from the higher education institution. The student having an admission from with an undergraduate degree and having a failure is given a diploma of master program without thesis depending on the forth item of article 17, if they wish (Article 22).

According to the Regulation for Specialty Education in Medicine and Dentistry, the student of specialty has to prepare a thesis in order to enter the exam to complete the specialty education in the department. The specialty student having an approval in thesis, completing his/her specialty education period and rotations successfully and having an approval by the program supervisor with regard to the completion of the part defining the core educational program of the specialty education report has a right to enter the exit test of specialty education. This case is submitted in fifteen days to exam juries, faculties to determine the place and date of exam and to deanship in the case of using the related units used together with the health facilities of the Ministry and Institution, the presidency of the institution of Forensic Medicine, to the unit having an authority from the ministry in the education and research hospitals and also to Specialty Education Follow-up System (SEFS) for registration and those completing the procedure are taken to the exam.  The exit tests for specialty education are made on the date and place declared in SEFS. Specialty exam is held in two stages, one regarding to the profession and the other practice and talent exam as given below. If the average scores are over sixty for each stage, the student is regarded as successful. The result of the exam is submitted to the ministry by the head of jury by means of the related institution. Those having a failure at the exam or the ones not entering the exam could be admitted to the exam in six months. The students are not dismissed in this period from their posts. Those having another failure in the second exam or not entering this exam as well are dismissed from the studentship of specialty.

In order to complete the specialty education, it is a must that the thesis must be approved for the students of specialty in the department, he/she has to complete the period of specialty education and rotations with regard to the specialty branch given in the charts and that the part defining the core educational program of the specialty education report must be approved by the program management. It is compulsory that the student has to be successful in the exit test for the specialty education (Article 21).


According to the Regulation for Post Graduate Education, those being successful in the thesis defence, providing other conditions and having admission in the thesis in terms of formation are given a right to have a doctorate degree (Article 23 (2).

On the diploma of doctorate program the program’s name which was approved by the Council of Higher Education in the department/major art of the institute is written (Article 23 (3). The date of graduation is the date on which the thesis is signed by the exam jury commission. (Article 23 (3)).

In the case of application, the student having an admission to doctorate program and not being able to complete the courses with a credit and/or thesis study in its maximum period and having a failure in the doctorate program is given a diploma of master program without thesis on condition that he/she fulfils the requirements of credit loads of the courses in the master program without thesis, project delivery and others (Article 17 (4).

The student being successful in the study of proficiency in art is given a diploma approved by the Council of Higher Education depending on the features of the art branch on condition that he/she provides other conditions. The date of graduation is the date of exam made after the thesis exam approved (Article 29 (1).

The student whose thesis is approved in terms of formation is given a doctorate diploma of proficiency in art on condition that he/she is successful in thesis defence provides other conditions (Article 29 (2). Students who are not successful in the proficiency study in art, thesis, exhibition, project, recital, concert, representation, are given a diploma without thesis upon their request (Article 28 (6)).

According to the Regulation for Specialty Education in Medicine and Dentistry, the specialty documents of the students completing the specialty education successfully are arranged by the Ministry of Health and registered (Article 22 (2).

In medicine, dentistry, veterinary and pharmacy expertise is equivalent to a doctorate.

Organizational Variation

The programs of proficiency in doctorate/art, Specialty Education in Medicine and Specialty Education in Dentistry carried out under the higher education institutions in Turkey are conducted through formal education. There is no program of proficiency in doctorate/art carried out as open or distant education.