This section provides the most recent available data on the number of educational institutions from pre-primary to upper secondary education level (ISCED levels 0-3). Statistics on numbers and characteristics of higher education institutions can be found in the European Tertiary Education Register. A general overview of institutions providing adult education from public sources can be found in the chapter on adult education. The notes below the tables provide methodological explanations necessary for a good interpretation of data.
Statistics on educational institutions providing regular education
Type of educational institution in English (and in national language) |
ISCED levels provided |
Main orientation of the programmes provided |
Number of educational institutions |
Total |
Public |
Government-dependent private |
Kindergardens (Anaokulları) |
0 |
(-) |
5.830 |
5.655 |
Primary Schools (İlköğretim Okulları) |
1 |
(-) |
24.790 |
22.808 |
1.982 |
Lower Secondary Schools (Ortaokul) |
2 |
G |
19.268 |
16.917 |
2.351 |
General secondary schools (Genel Ortaöğretim okulları) |
3 |
G |
6.925 |
3.444 |
3.481 |
Vocational and Technical Secondary Education Schools (Mesleki ve teknik ortaöğretim okulları) |
3 |
V |
6.121 |
5.720 |
401 |
Source: Ministry of National Education, National Education Statistics 2019/2020 |
G= General |
V= Vocational |
(:) Data not available |
(-) Not applicable |
Terminology Notes: The educational institutions are counted in accordance with the legal entity approach. The use of (-) indicate that there are no educational institutions within the specific governance category. |
Statistics on separate educational institutions providing special needs education
Type of educational institution in English and (in national language) |
ISCED levels provided |
Main orientation of the programmes provided |
Number of educational institutions |
Total |
Public |
Government-dependent institutions |
Private independent |
Special Education Schools for Kindergarden (Özel Eğitim Anaokulları) |
0 |
(-) |
1 489 |
1 029 |
460 |
(-) |
Special Education Schools for Primary Education (Özel Eğitim İlkokulları) |
1,2 |
G |
333 |
333 |
(-) |
(-) |
Special Education Schools for Secondary Education (Özel Eğitim Ortaokulları) |
3 |
G |
413 |
413 |
(-) |
(-) |
Special Education Schools for Vocational Education (Özel Eğitim Meslek Okulları) |
3 |
V |
141 |
141 |
(-) |
(-) |
Source: Ministry of National Education, National Education Statistics 2018/19, retrieved on 24/11/2019 |
G= General |
V= Vocational |
(:) Data not available |
(-) Not applicable |
Notes: The educational institutions are counted in accordance with the legal entity approach. The use of (-) indicate that there are no educational institutions within the specific governance category. |