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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Organisation and governance


2.Organisation and governance

Last update: 27 November 2023

In the 2012-13 school year, compulsory education in Turkey increased to 12 years is divided into three stages. The first stage of a 4-year is primary school (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade), the second stage of a 4-year is secondary school (5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade) and third-stage of a four-year is high school (9, 10, 11 and 12th grade). Special training programs for the training of persons with disabilities are conducted in special educational institutions of secondary and high school level under the responsibility of the Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services.

The Ministry of Family and Social Services provides nursery services for children aged 0-24 months and preschool education programs for children aged 25-66 months in day care centers. Within the scope of pre-school education before compulsory education by the Ministry of National Education, kindergarten and practice classes for children aged 36-68 months and nursery classes for children aged 57-68 months are opened within the body of formal and non-formal education institutions.

According to the Regulation of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education Institutions (10/07/2019), while previously children who complete 66 months were accepted to the primary schools, the new amendment states that children that complete 69 months are to be accepted to the primary schools. In addition, children at 66, 67 and 68 months old used to be accepted to the primary schools upon the petition of the parents, but the new regulation accentuates only children competing 69 months are accepted to the primary schools. School principals can lead children at 69, 70 and 71 months old to early childhood education depending on the written request of the parents or can postpone the admission for an academic year. In addition, the practice of requesting a medical report from parents for postponement of registration was also abolished.

However, it is capable of opening private schools and institutions at all levels and types of institutions that operate according to the General Directorate of Private Education Institutions. 

Higher education covers individuals aged 18 and over and is carried out by state universities and foundation higher education institutions. Higher education levels consist of associate degree, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs. The Council of Higher Education is responsible for the regulation of all educational activities related to higher education.