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Organisation of private education


2.Organisation and governance

2.4Organisation of private education

Last update: 27 November 2023

The Constitution 1982 of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasası, Article 42) stipulates regulation of matters associated with private elementary and secondary schools with law. In this context, matters associated with establishment and exploitation of private schools are regulated by Law of Private Education Institutions (Özel Öğretim Kurumları Kanunu), No. 5580 and various regulations issued on the basis of this law. In all levels of education services, there are schools established and exploited by Turkish and foreign private and legal entities (societies, foundations) based on "tuition fees" to great extent. These schools are similar with state schools in terms of type, curricula and functioning. The private schools consist of Private Turkish schools, private minority schools, private foreign schools and private international education schools (Law of Private Education Institutions, No. 5580). In addition to some exceptions, the Turkish and foreign private schools also implement the curriculum of state primary education schools. The private schools also implement annual schedules drafted for state schools; in addition, these schools can organize separate schedules if ratified by the Ministry.   

In Turkey, tuition fees are usually paid by families in private schools. However, private schools are required to provide education at least 3% of the number of students in the free student status. Education expenditures as scholarships to private schools are provided free of charge for students outside of it. Private schools established through the 5580 law are defined in the natural or legal personalities and all costs of ownership that schools are responsible for the real or legal persons. The first regulations on state aid for students in private schools and the education expenses to be financed by the state were built in 2012. In this context, the 5580 Private Education Institutions by amending Article 12 of the Law, organized for the opening of vocational and technical training schools or Ministers professional opened outside the industrial zone by the Council were established. Technical training students in schools of industry the jointly determined by the amount of education and training support were given financial support by the Ministry of National Education with the Ministry of Finance. With this arrangement, the organized industrial zone was opened in 2013 January. With the 6528 No. of National Education Basic Law and other Laws and regarding amendments to the Decree-Law, the 2014-2015 academic year made a new arrangement for students in private schools in formal education in private pre-school, private school, in secondary schools and special schools for the citizens of the Republic of Turkey to be awarded to support student education. According to the criteria that determine the level of student support primary and secondary education, the pre-school education during the period 2014-2015 gave special training to selected school students. Education and training support can be given above the minimum number of students determined for each classroom according to the educational levels by the Ministry and in any case, not exceeding the maximum number of students per classroom. The total number of students to be given education and training support is determined jointly by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry every year. (Private Education Institutions Law No. 5580)

In addition, support education by 5580 numbered Private Education Institutions is defined in the training programs of Special Education and Rehabilitation Centres operating under the Law and field training support payments are made in individuals with disabilities. In order to provide accommodation services to secondary school, religion secondary school and secondary education institutions and higher education institutions within the scope of private education, activities are organized to open student dormitories, student apartments and student studio flats by real and legal persons. As of 2018/2019, the share of private students in total students has reached 8.78 %.