Greece promotes, plans and implements initiatives, strategies and actions related to the European and international dimension in education and training.
These policies aim to:
- Reinforce the quality of education
- Meet effectively the needs of modern Greek society
- Embrace cultural diversity and world cultural heritage.
The European and international dimension of education and training is promoted through:
- Participation of Greece in the development and implementation of EU educational programmes and policies
- Participation in European and international organisations and their programmes
- Development of national initiatives for the conclusion of bilateral and multilateral educational agreements
- Promotion of the European and international dimension in the curricula at all education and training levels
- Promotion of the Greek language education and enhancement of Greek studies abroad.
As an active member of the international community, Greece develops international - bilateral and multilateral relations on issues in the field of education and training.
Educational actions and programmes are implemented in cooperation with institutions of international organisations. At the same time, there is an effort to diffuse and use the international educational policy within the Greek educational context.
The promotion of the European dimension in education and training is one of the Greek educational policy objectives.
To this end, measures are adopted and actions are implemented that target the objectives of the strategic plan on European cooperation in education and training for the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030).
Mobility in the European Education Area is mainly based on Erasmus+ the flagship programme of the European Union.
In addition, Greece participates in European projects, such as eTwinning. The development of exchanges with equivalent schools abroad:
- Reinforces the European and international dimension of the Greek education system
- Encourages student and teacher mobility.
Also, the following individual actions promote and strengthen student and teacher mobility:
- The digital school
- The integration of new technologies in the learning process
- The support of foreign language learning from an early age
- New Curricula and innovative subject fields.
With regard to higher education
The Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports focuses on removing any obstacles and facilitating the mobility of:
- Students
- Academics
- Administrative staff in the field of education.
It also aims to turn Greece from a country that sends students abroad to an international destination, hence:
- Strengthening the openness and
- Upgrading the quality of studies in Greek higher education institutions (HEIs).
Enhancing internationalisation is a common goal for the state and HEIs.
Universities may cooperate with foreign institutions through participation in European programmes such as Erasmus+, or in other European and/or regional programmes.
Greek language education abroad
According to the current legislative framework for Greek language education abroad, the aim is:
- The qualitative upgrade
- The improvement of the Greek language education of diaspora.
Both can lead to successfully meeting the needs of:
- Students of Greek descent who live abroad
- Foreigners who wish to get familiar with the Greek language and civilisation.