There have been no reforms.
The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, at its 207th session held on December 12 2023, adopted the "Smart Specialization Strategy of the Republic of North Macedonia 2024-2027" and "Action Plan 2024-2025". https://mon.gov.mk/content/?id=8443
A concept for secondary education of adults has been adopted in 2022. This concept represents a vision that should develop postulates and mechanisms of secondary education of adults over ten years and more. The focus is on measures and activities that will enable the adults to actively adjust to the changes within the society, and will enable personal growth and inclusive and cohesive society that learns and develops.
Dual Education Concept in Vocational Education and Training
Successful promotional activities are performed over 2022.
Participation in the European Platform for Adult Learning in Europe - EPALE
Starting from 2019, for the first time, the Republic of Macedonia is entering the EPALE family. The EPALE National Support Service will be operational in the frames of the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility.
EPALE is a DG EAC’s multilingual open membership community for teachers, trainers, researchers, academics, policy makers and others with a professional role in adult learning across Europe. It focuses on diverse issues related to adult education, promotes events, exchange of good practices, knowledge and experience. The institutions can present their work and become visible at European market of potential project partners. In the first years, the main focus of the NA’s EPALE team is to increase the visibility of Macedonian institutions in adult education at European level by offering technical support and trainings of end-users when using the Portal as well as well as exchange of good practices among involved teachers, trainers and learners for our country with their colleagues from Europe.
The portal is now available in Macedonian language.