There were no reforms.
The Adult Education Plan for 2023 in the Republic of Srpska and the Rulebook on the Method and Management of the Adult Education Register were adopted.
In 2022, the Government of Herceg-Bosnia Canton adopted a set of regulations for the regulation of the field of adult education: Rulebook on the duration of implementation of programs for adult education; Rulebook on standards and norms, and the method and procedure for determining the conditions that must be met by the organizer of adult education for the implementation of adult education programs; Rulebook on the content and procedure of issuing public documents in adult education; Rulebook on the content and method of keeping records on adult education organizers, programs, participants, employees and records on other data important for monitoring the development of adult education activities; Rulebook on the name, content and form of public documents in the field of adult education.
The Government of Zenica-Doboj Canton adopted the Adult Education Plan for the period 2022-2024.
The Government of the Republika Srpska adopted the Adult Education Plan for 2022.