A preschool institution is managed by a Steering Committee and the primary and secondary school by the School Board. The Principal manages the pre-school institution, as well as primary and secondary schools, represents the institution and is responsible for the legality of its work.
Requirements for Appointment
The Steering Committee of preschool institution is appointed and dismissed by the founder and it consists of at least three members: a representative of the founders, parents and professional staff. The mandate of the Board is four years.
The principal in preschool, primary or secondary school is appointed and dismissed by the founder for a period of four years with previously conducted public competition. The principal may be appointed a person who in addition to the general requirements has completed an appropriate educational level of higher education and has at least five years of experience in education, a person who has not been convicted and a person who has proposed programme of work and stands out for his or her performance and capabilities for organizing educational work.
School Board of primary and secondary schools has seven members; for the public schools it is appointed by the ministry in the name of the founder, and it consists of two members from the school staff, two members on behalf of the founders, two members representing the parents from the parents' council and one member from the local community. Member of School Board can be a person with at least secondary school education. School board members can not be persons who already do the work of directors, assistant directors, secretaries and accountants in the same school.
Conditions of Service
The principal is responsible for the legality of work and for successfull conduct of school activities. S/he is responsible for his or her work to the school board and the Minister. S/he plans, organizes and is responsible for the achievement of the curriculum, organizes and takes care of quality assurance and improvement of educational work, plans training of employees and undertakes other tasks as prescribed by law.
The work of principals is regulated by the labour law and rules of institutions, and the salary is determined in accordance with the law on salaries of employees in education.
Laws in the field of education and other regulations of entities, cantons and Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina regulate in detail the issues of formation, organization and competence of organs, bodies and procedures for managing the education system.