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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Quality assurance in early childhood and school education

Bosnia and Herzegovina

11.Quality assurance

11.1Quality assurance in early childhood and school education

Last update: 27 November 2023

The Framework Law sets out the obligation to responsible bodies to pass a number of bylaws  within the given deadline: standards and norms for preschool education and upbringing; criteria on financing of preschool institutions; the process of determining the conditions, content and manner of keeping the register; way of keeping pedagogic and other records and documents; mode of assessment and training of medical staff, teachers and other professional staff; regulation on expert supervision; educational programmes and methodology of compiling the annual work programme of a preschool institution.

All relevant institutions, ministries and pedagogical institutes deal with pre-school and school upbringing and education and quality assurance. Agency for Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education has the authority to establish standards of knowledge, evaluation of the achievements and development of common core curricula.

With the support of UNICEF - Bosnia and Herzegovina and Save the Children Norway, the Agency implemented the project entitled "Quality Standards for Preschool Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina". The project has produced two significant results - one is Recommendations for improving existing and developing new comprehensive educational programme for work with preschool aged children, and another one are Standards.

The Recommendations are intended for the ministries of education, pedagogical institutes, and experts in preschool institutions and professionals who work with children.

Within the Law on Preschool Education and the Law on Primary Education and Secondary Education, the competent ministries of education prescribe when and how quality assurance is to be carried out.

Responsible Bodies

The responsible bodies for quality assurance are relevant ministries of education and pedagogical institutes, as well as the teaching institutions in pre-primary, primary and secondary schools.

Council for the development of preschool education and upbringing, or the Council for the development of primary and secondary education, as an advisory body to the Minister of Education can be established in order to improve the quality of preschool, primary and secondary education.

The school carries out internal and external evaluation of the quality of educational work. Internal evaluation is implemented by governance structure and external by expert advisers who usually work in pedagogical institutes.

Approaches and Methods for Quality Assurance

In order to ensure regulatory compliance and quality assurance, the exercise of professional pedagogical supervision comprises that an expert advisor conducts a direct insight into the application of the curriculum, reviews the work and organization of school operation, the work of teachers, professional associates, educators and directors, carries out a direct insight into teaching, provides advisory instructional support to teachers, professional associates, educators and directors, and proposes to the Minister and to the competent authorities measures for the improvement of educational work and elimination of irregularities and deficiencies therein.