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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Quality assurance in adult education and training
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

11.Quality assurance

11.3Quality assurance in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

Responsible Bodies

The responsible authorities in charge of the provision of quality education of adults are competent ministries, pedagogical institutes and institutions that implement it.

As far as the quality assurance in vocational education and training are concerned, the development of qualifications framework for lifelong learning reflects the principles of the European Qualifications Framework, rationalization of the network of vocational schools and creation of the link between vocational education and training and the labour market.

Secondary schools may organize training for adults within their registered activities, according to the curriculum for adult education and training, for which the approval is issued by the competent ministry. The centers for adult education and training in BiH offer programmes for acquiring vocational education, retraining programmes, as well as basic training programmes. The Republic of Srpska has Institute of Adult Education of RS, and Law on Adult Education in RS.

Adult education in FBiH is provided in training centers and VET schools. All cantons in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina have passed their own laws on adult education, and the Brčko District as well.

The accreditation process to assess the quality of adult education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the programs they are carrying out, and confirms that they meet pre-determined criteria and standards for the operation and performance of a particular program.

The accreditation process organizers and adult education programs conducted independent accreditation body that establishes the relevant education authorities.

The accreditation applies to all institutions / organizations in the field of adult education implemented programs leading to the acquisition of qualifications and competences defined in the Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Status accredited institutions / organizations is limited in time but can be extended through a process of re-accreditation.

Accredited programs are periodically evaluated and, if necessary, to innovate.

A system of accreditation is ensured and implemented through appropriate institutional structures and defining standards and criteria for internal and external quality assurance in the field of adult education in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Approaches and Methods for Quality Assurance

The approach and methods for quality assurance are the same as in mainstream education.

Establishing a quality assurance system includes: defined clear and measurable criteria and standards of quality of adult education; the establishment of consistent valuation methods that connect internal and external evaluation; establishment of mechanisms and procedures for quality improvement; ensuring wide availability of evaluation results.

The competent education authorities and professional institutions and bodies to develop standards and criteria for internal and external evaluation of the quality of adult education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the areas of:

a) plans and programs of adult education;

 b) management and administration;

 c) education programs;

 d) the teaching process;

 e) educational achievements of students;

 f) information, counseling and career guidance of students;

 g) human and other resources;

 h) Public Communication and Information

Organizers of adult education are responsible for the development of the system of internal evaluation of quality. Self-evaluation is carried out on the basis of established criteria and quality standards for all defined areas of evaluation, and the manner and according to the procedures laid down by the education authorities.

External evaluation of quality is assessed the quality of all areas of defined quality standards, and the verification of compliance with established criteria and standards, as well as a recommendation for accreditation by the competent accreditation body.

Internal and external quality evaluation is conducted once every five years.