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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Organisational variations and alternative structures in single-structure education
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

5.Single-structure primary and lower secondary education

5.4Organisational variations and alternative structures in single-structure education

Last update: 27 November 2023


School organizes an expanded programme for students within its capacities, which includes:

a) Extended stay,

b) Morning care,

c) Leisure activities,

d) Optional classes,

e) School in nature and

f) Preparatory activities for children in the year prior to enrollment into the first grade.

Pupils in the extended stay have care during which various sporting, cultural and artistic activities take place, as well as learning, doing the homework and other obligations in accordance with the general acts of the school. The school is obliged to organize teaching, education, monitoring and encouraging for gifted and talented pupils, and to organize additional activities according to their aptitudes, abilities and interests. Minister brings the curriculum for gifted and talented pupils and the Ordinance on establishing criteria for the selection of gifted and talented pupils. Complementary classes are organized for pupils who lag behind in mastering the curriculum during the school year. Preparatory courses are organized for students referred for remedial exam, prior to examination period, and it lasts at least five working days for two hours per day for each subject. During elementary education, the school is obliged to monitor the interest and preferences of pupils and help them in their commitment to further education.

Primary education provides prerequisites for achievement of social, technical, humanitarian, sports and cultural activities that contribute to the development of pupils’ personality and the promotion of equal opportunities for all pupils, teachers and other employees, respecting at the same time the right to diversity among them. The school establishes and implements programmes that support and cherish the different cultures, languages and religions of pupils and employees.

Primary education can implement experimental programmes in order to verify the value of new educational contents, formats, methods and organisation of work, new teaching aids and equipment.

The experimental programme defines:

a) Purpose of the experiment,

b) Content, tasks, conditions, manner and time of its accomplishment and

c) Place, the way of professional monitoring and the time for filing reports on the findings.

The Ministry sets out the experimental programme and the school that will administer it. Special schools can be established in order to achieve the experimental programme.