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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Types of higher education institutions

Bosnia and Herzegovina

7.Higher education

7.1Types of higher education institutions

Last update: 27 November 2023


Framework Law on Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina "Official Gazette of BiH", Nos. 59/07 and 59/09, stipulates that higher education institutions in BiH may have the status of a university or higher schools. Universities are higher education institutions involved in the education and research, offering academic degrees in all three cycles, with objectives that include the advancement of knowledge, thought and education in BiH, educational, cultural, social and economic development of BiH, the promotion of democratic civil society and achievement of highest standards in teaching and research. Universities implement at least five different study programs from at least three scientific fields - natural sciences, technical sciences, biomedicine and health, biotechnical sciences, social sciences and humanities. Higher school is an institution that has been accredited to offer diplomas and degrees of the first cycle, with objectives including the preparation and training of individuals for the scientific, economic and cultural development of BiH and the promotion of democratic civil society, and achieving high standards in teaching and learning. High schools implement at least one study program from one scientific field and meet other conditions in accordance with the law.

Each canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and District Brčko have their own Law on Higher education which regulate the work of all higher-education institutions in their area.