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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Continuing professional development for teachers working in early childhood and school education
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

9.Teachers and education staff

9.2Continuing professional development for teachers working in early childhood and school education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Organisational Aspects

For the purpose of vocational training and professional development, educators, expert associates and directors of preschool institutions are subject to mandatory training, retraining and evaluation. They are organized by the respective ministry or pedagogical institutions.

Incentives for Participation in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Activities

Continuing professional development is carried out through training programmes, retraining and evaluation. Professional development of teachers organized by pedagogical institutes is financed from the funds of the cantonal, ie entity Government (RS) and the Government of BD, so the situation regarding the amount and distribution of funds varies significantly.

Evaluation elements of professional development of teachers include participating in professional development as established by the Ministry of Education, participation in training conducted by professional institutions and associations, professional training through monitoring of contemporary literature and magazines. Professional training is evaluated as: regular and occasional. Only teachers who regularly attend professional development programmes may be promoted into mentors and advisors.

Agency for preschool, primary and secondary education in BiH has developed a Model for improving the system of continuing professional development of educators, teachers and professional associates in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Model includes directions for professional development in order to achieve their goals and ambitions, as well as raising awareness of educators and how to accomplish the assigned tasks and to enhance the professionalism and competence.

The Agency for Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education has prepared a Report on Quality Research in Preschool Education Institutions. Professional staff is the most important factor in children's well-being, learning and developmental outcomes. Therefore, working conditions and professional development of staff are considered key components of quality.

Teacher and educator standards have also been developed as a tool for monitoring their professional development.