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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National qualifications framework
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

2.Organisation and governance

2.5National qualifications framework

Last update: 4 March 2025

The Council of Ministers of BiH adopted a Decision on Adoption of the Baseline of Qualifications Framework in BiH on 24 March 2011 which officially triggered the process of building and implementing the QF for all levels of education harmonized with European Qualification Framework for Liflong Learning( EQF).

The QF is a tool for development and provision of occupational standards, qualifications, knowledge and education based on learning outcomes, as well as expertise and certification of education services providers. This Decision also defines coordinates and positions qualifications in the 8 (eight) referent levels (some of them can have sublevels). Every reference level includes the combination of knowledge, skills and competences i.e. standard of achievements of that level and all lower levels. This can lead to conclusion that every higher qualification level implies that person has got more knowledge, skills and competences as learning outcomes. Such level enables comparison of qualifications based on a same systematic evaluation and more objectivity in the assessment of achievements.

Thereby, a horizontal and vertical mobility through education system and training in BiH and abroad is facilitated. Based on this document, in 2013, an Inter-sectoral Committee composed of the representatives of the education sector, labour and employment, statistics, employers and trade unions was established in order to draft and propose an agenda for all major activities in the development and implementation of the QF for LLL in BiH, including methodology, standards, deadlines, enforcement bodies, the necessary funds, etc. All of this was built into the Action Plan for the Development and Implementation of the Qualifications Framework in BiH for the period 2014-2020, which the Committee successfully completed in early 2014.

The Council of Ministers adopted a Decision on the Adoption of the Action Plan for Establishment and Implementation of the Qualifications Framework in BiH for the period 2014-2020 on 11/02/2015. The Action Plan includes: vision, mission, goals, and the work plan and indicative timetable of all major activities for the development and implementation of the QF, which will serve all institutions and individuals who will, in accordance with its responsibilities and the appropriate levels of government, be involved in the development and implementation of the QF.

BiH QF will give each citizen the opportunity to acquire recognizable, trusted and recognized qualifications which are comparable with the EQF, will provide access to LLL, will increase competitiveness and social inclusion, linking with the European labour market and education area. This will also contribute to the development of the education system associated with the labour market, and economic and social development of BiH.

During the last meeting of the Working Group, held in December 2024, members of the working group representing ministries from all administrative units and members of the Rectors' Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina agreed on a draft document regarding the QF in BiH and defined activities grouped into seven work packages that need to be implemented in the next 18 months with the aim of further developing and finalizing the QF in BiH and aligning it with the EQF.