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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina


Last update: 27 November 2023

1. Akademsko priznavanje - Academic recognition

2. Akreditacija – accreditation

A procedure of acknowledgment of validity of study programs i.e. of an institution, their sustainability to the existing standard of quality and the labor market and certificate ensuring the right to an institution to confer degrees for education, profession or vocation.

3. Akreditaciono tijelo - Accreditation body

4. Andragog – andragogue (Expert on adult education and training)

5. Cjeloživotno obrazovanje - Lifelong Learning (LLL)

6. Djeca sa posebnim obrazovnim potrebama - Children with Special Educational Needs

Term covers children with disabilities and developmental difficulties.

7. Docent – docent

A member of the university teaching staff immediately below professorial rank

8. Doktorske studije - Doctoral studies

9. Dodatak diplomi - Diploma Supplement (DS);

An additional document which describes the study program and acquired knowledge, skills and competences. As a part of diploma, a Diploma Supplement (DS), based on the official European model, is issued to graduates.

10. Dualni oblik obrazovanja  - The dual form of education is sometimes present in secondary vocational education and implies that teaching is carried out partly at school, partly with the employer. The teaching that the student performs with the employer is defined by the Education Agreement between the student and the employer.

11. Eksterna evaluacija - External evaluation

External evaluation is assessment of performance and results of institutions providing education. It’s integral part of quality assurance.

12. Evropski sistem transfera kredita - European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

An accumulation and transfer system for undergraduate, postgraduate (specialist – specijalističke studije), Master’s studies (magistarske studije) and doctoral studies (doktorske studije).

13. Formalno obrazovanje - Learning directed by teachers or instructors acquired in educational establishments and according to curricula approved by the competent educational authorities.

14. Gimnazija – gymnasium, high school

General secondary education school, intended for students who complete primary education, lasting 4 years and usually followed by higher education enrolment.

15. Informalno obrazovanje - Unplanned learning and gaining knowledge through daily activities

16. Inkluzivno obrazovanje - Inclusive Education

Competent for conducting the external assessment of achieved standards, knowledge and skills of pupils, i.e. attendees.

17. Ishodi učenja - Learning outcomes

Statement about what the pupil/student/person learning knows, understands and can do on the basis of the completed learning process, defined through knowledge, skills and competences

18. Izborni predmet - Elective subject, compulsory and non-compulsory

19. Izdvojeno odjeljenje – separate department

A branch of the main school, a special school units for pupils living in rural and less-populated areas, established and located at a reasonable distance from a child’s home.

20. Jaslice - nursery

Preschool education and care institution for children aged 0-2.

21. Kontinuirani profesionalni razvoj nastavnika - Continuous Professional Development of Teachers

22. Licenca za nastavnike – Teaching license

A public credential serving as a proof of the required level of general and professional competences. The license is renewed every five years (relicensing), in line with the program of professional development of teachers. Teacher, principal or assistant principal without a license or without a renewed license cannot work in an institution.

23. Magistarske studije - Master studies

24. Majstorski ispit - The Master craftsman's exam

It is taken by candidates who complete three-year vocational school and have three years of work experience in the profession, as well as candidates who complete four-year vocational school and have two years of work experience in the profession.

25. Nacionalni okvir kvalifikacija - National Qualifications Framework (NQF)

26. Nastavni plan - Curriculum

27. Naučni/istraživački rad - Scientific/research work

28. Naučno zvanje - Scientific title

Appointment to scientific titles (scientific advisor, senor scientific collaborator and scientific collaborator) for scientific-research work is done by the senate of the university. The same conditions apply as for the appointment to academic titles.

29. Neformalno obrazovanje - Organized learning and education process aimed at improving, specializing and supplementing knowledge, skills and competences according to special programs carried out by educational organizers (mainstream schools, training centers, companies, agencies and the like)

30. Obezbjeđenje kvaliteta - Quality Assurance

31. Obrazovanje i osposobljavanje odraslih - Adult Education and Training

32. Odjeljenjsko vijeće - the council consists of teachers who teach in one class.

33. Opšte srednje obrazovanje – General Secondary Education

34. Osnovno obrazovanje - Primary education

Primary education is compulsory for all children aged between 6 and 15; it is divided into three cycles and takes nine years. It is carried out at primary school, resource centre and educational centre.

35. Pedagog – Pedagogues

36. Predškolsko obrazovanje i vaspitanje - Preschool education and upbringing

37. Predmetna nastava – subject teaching

Organization of teaching for pupils from 5th to 8th grade of primary school, characterized by subjects taught by different teachers, specialized in a particular field, and one teacher (class teacher) serving as the main teacher and being responsible for leading the class.

38. Prenosive vještine - Transversal competences

In regulations and other documents from the area of education, transversal competences (transferable) can be recognized under a variety of terms: key competences, general competences, key skills, meta-competences, etc. They are developed through programs of certain subjects, and it has been striven towards their cross-curricular development.

39. Privatno obrazovanje - Private education

40. Profesionalna orijentacija - Professional orientation

Professional orientation plays an important role in preparation of young people for active and responsible approach in the decision making process concerning the selection of the future career and further education. It tends to develop the decision making ability of students. In general, the subject Professional Orientation represents a set of educational measures and activities providing as the final outcome competent and responsible young people capable of making decisions about career choices and further education independently.

41. Razredna nastava – class teaching

Organization of teaching for pupils from 1st to 4th grade of primary school, characterized by one teacher being in charge for each class and responsible for teaching all subjects, except language classes and some optional classes.

42. Redovni profesor - full professor

43. Rektor – rector

Responsible for efficient and high quality work and regularity at the University, as well as for management within the business policy determined by the Managing Board. The Rector is elected by the Managing Board among the full professors of the university upon the Senate proposal.

44. Saradnik u nastavi – Teaching assistant

45. Savjet za visoko obrazovanje - Council for Higher Education

A body responsible for achieving high quality of higher education in. The Council assists the institution in improving and sustaining the quality of their activities. It analyses the state and achievements in higher education and offers the expert proposals to the Government. 40. Školski odbori- School boards Primary and secondary schools are managed by the school boards.

46. Upravni odbor - Steering committee, Governing board

47. Vanredni profesor- associate professor

48. Visoko obrazovanje – Higher Education (HE)

49. Vrtić – kindergarten

Preschool education and care institution for children from 3 to 5/6 years old.

