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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Quality assurance in early childhood and school education


11.Quality assurance

11.1Quality assurance in early childhood and school education

Last update: 27 November 2023

In Greece, early childhood education and care addresses children up to 4 years old and is provided by public infant/child care structures which are under the responsibility of Municipalities (Ministry of Interior). Private structures fall under the responsibility of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The operation of both public and private ECEC structures is governed by a Joint Ministerial Decision (see Chapter 4).

 Pre-school/kindergarden education is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. Quality Assurance in public infant/child care structures is supervised and monitored centrally by the Municipal Council which is presided by members of the Vrefokomeio of Athens, the central Municipal ECEC authority of Athens,  as stipulated by the “Standard Regulation of Operation for Municipal Infant/Child Care and Child Care Centers” (Joint Ministerial Decision 5409/45176/17-2-2014, and the amending Ministerial Decision Δ11/ΟΙΚ/263996/920/2020).

An integrated and unified quality assurance system has been developed in pre-school/kindergarden (4-6 year old pupils), of primary education.  This system establishes legislative measures for internal and external evaluation which is developed in three different levels:  

  • The education system
  • The education officials and teachers
  • The education units (pre-school education (kindergarden)  units

Pre-school education (kindergarden) and school education (grades 1-6 of primary education) is defined by a mutual pedagogical philosophy which is differentiated and adjusted to the respective age group needs and opportunities.  

The pedagogical target goals for each one of the above mentioned education levels includes the development of a linguistic, cognitive and social readiness which is required for the smooth transition to the next educational level.

In particular:

At system level the educational policy which is put in effect, is studied, monitored and evaluated by the Ministry of Education and the proposals of the Institute of Educational Policy. The proposals of the Ministry and the Institute drafted by the Institute of Educational Policy are followed by a post-evaluation of the quality procedure by ADIPPDE, the Authority for Quality Assurance in Primary and Secondary Education. The aim of ADIPDE  is to improve all relevant quality assurance procedures at regional and national level.

At national system level evaluation, Law 4823/21 established the conduct of National Diagnostic Examinations, with the aim to monitor the degree of students' response to the knowledge and skills examined. The exams were held for the first time in 2022 including 554 Primary schools Primary (6th grade).

At education leader/teacher level,  law 4823/2021 establishes that  the evaluation of education leaders, teachers and members of the Special Teaching Staff and Special Support Staff. Tne ultimate goal is to improve  individual performance and the quality of public education  and, generally the pedagogical, didactic and support work provided by all educational and support structures.  Teachers seconded to the Ministry of Education, the Institute of Educational Policy and other administrative educational bodies are assessed in accordance with the provisions of the civil servants evaluation system  (law 4369/2016), whereas for 2023 the provisions of 4940/2022 will be applied.

At education unit level, the internal evaluation of education work and the implementation of actions for professional developments is foreseen by law 4692/2020. The external evaluation of schools, which is also foreseen by the same law, presuposes the  submission of proposals for improvement for the next academic. As regards Model and Experimental schools, the school units self-evaluation procedures  are laid down by specific provisions. At teacher level, as already mentioned, only teachers serving at model and pilot schools and those serving a specific term are evaluated. 

Responsible Bodies of Evaluation

School unit

The school unit is responsible for drafting the annual internal evaluation report. The evaluation report is based on planned educational work and the implementation of professional development actions by groups of teachers (law 4692/2020). 

The evaluation of education officials, general teachers and members of the Special Teaching Staff and Special Support Staff is carried out periodically by two evaluators.

 In particular, education leaders are evaluated by two senior supervisors who evaluate knowledge ofthe  education system,  administrative and educational work, service consistency and adequacy. 

Teachers serving in school units are evaluated a) by the Advisor on general and specific teaching modules, b) by the Principal/ Head of the school on class management; service consistency and adequacy  law 4823/2021).

As regards Model and Experimental schools, periodic internal and external evaluation is carried out in order to assure and continuously improve the quality of the educational work offered, as well as education results (law 4692/2020).

Teachers serving in Model and Experimental schools are evaluated by the relevant Scientific Supervisory Board, the Coordinator of the Educational Work and the school Principal, who draft evaluation reports. The evaluation criteria for teachers include pedagogical, teaching, and administrative competences. After the completion of evaluation, teachers, who were positively evaluated, may apply for the renewal of their appointment, whereas teachers negatively evaluated are not allowed to apply for Model and Experimental schools.

Regional centers of educational planning (PEKEs)

PEKEs are the competent bodies for educational planning, monitoring, the coordination and support of the educational work of private and public school units (so is the coordination of Centres of Educational & Counselling Support (KESYs), Sustainability Educational Centers (KEAs), Vocational Education and Training Workshops (EK) ). 

In accordance to the provisions of law 4547/2018, the mission of PEKEs is to support teachers in public and private education scientifically  and pedagogically (by organizing and implementing relevant educational programmes/ training sessions); to organize the teachers’ training, including probational training and to support the planning and assessment of education work in a regional level.   

PEKEs are responsible for drafting a comprehensive external evaluation report for schools of the relevant Regional Directorate of Education. The planning and entire educational work is taken into consideration (law 4692/2020). These reports are used by ADIPPDE in the process of formulating the general evaluation of the school units of the educational system.

 Supervisors of Quality in Education

With the provision of law 4823/2021 one quality supervisor  position is established per Regional Directorate of Education and per Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education who undertake  the responsibility of pedagogical supervision and optimal coordination of education structure. The Regional Council of Supervisors of Quality in Education (PESEP) is responsible for monitoring educational planning, such as curricula’ and educational activities implementation, as well as the support of operation and educational work of schools. 

Education Advisors

The mission of education advisors is the pedagogical and scientific guidance of  general education teachers and members of the Special Educational and Special Support Staff, as well as the planning and development of innovative initiatives in the field of education. The Education Advisors' tasks also include the teacher  evaluation as well as the overall planning for the self-evaluation of schools and  the support of all Primary education structures.

Services of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs

The Ministry of Education is the central body for educational policy making, through its individual bodies and services. The Ministry conducts research and studies; it assigns the elaboration of evaluation studies to expert committees; it participates in research and promotes international colaboration, participates in international networks, or organizations, such as OECD, EUROSTAT, the Hellenic Statistical Authority e.t.c. Finally, the Ministry develops indicator systems that provide information on key education aspects, that are being utilized in decision making and the planning of education.The decentralized competent bodies of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (e.g. the Regional Educational Directorates, the Sustainability Education Centres (KEAs), the Natural Sciences Training Workshops (EKFE), the Laboratory Centers) organize and support the provision of primary and secondary education and the work of teachers.

The Institute of Educational Policy (IEP)

The Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) is a strategic, scientific body which supports the Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs, as well as the bodies supervised by it on issues related to education and particularly on: 

  •  Pre-school/kindergarden, school and post-school education levels
  • The transition from secondary education to tertiary education
  • Teacher training and
  • Tackling school dropout and early school leaving.

The target of IEP is to assure the right to education for all children (law 4547/2018 and amending Law 3966/2011).  

The evaluation system of the educational work of school units, of education officials, and teachers is monitored by IEP  for procedure and efficiency improvement and reliability assurance.

Authority for Quality Assurance in Primary and Secondary Education (ADIPPDE)

The Authority for Quality Assurance in Primary and Secondary Education (ADIPPDE) is an independent body ( law 4142/2013 and amending law 4547/2018). As far as its mission is concerned it forms, formulates, organizes, specifies and formulates standardizes the procedures and the relevant criteria and indicators for the assessment of teachers and the evaluation of the education system, especially in the context of corresponding international models. ADIPPDE also delivers an opinion to the Ministry of Education on issues concerning the process of assessing management and other education staff. Objections of education and management officials and other than school principals/directors and assistant directors of school units and laboratory centers, to their evaluation reports are decided upon by ADIPPDE. 

ADDIPDE is responsible for the meta-evaluation of the evaluation system of all stakeholders as described above,  in order to monitor and control its operation,  to continuously improve the  relevant procedures, ensuring its reliability and further improving its effectiveness.

Approaches and methods for quality assurance

Quality assurance in pre-school/kindergarden and school education is carried out through the introduction of an institutionalized, integrated and effective evaluation framework for  education leaders and teacher executives by means of internal and external evaluation procedures of the educational unit. (law 4692/2020).  

Teacher evaluation 

The work of publicly appointed teachers is evaluated on a four-year basis a) by the Education Advisor on Scientific Coordination, as regards general teaching medthods and specific instruction according to their school subject and b) by the Director of the school unit, as regards the pedagogical skills and classroom management. Teaching  work is also evaluated every two (2) years by the Principal or Head of the school unit and the Education Advisor on Pedagogical Coordination, as regards  service consistency and efficiency.

Planning and evaluation of the educational work

Quality assurance procedures in Primary education dictate internal evaluation and external evaluation procedures which are carried out on an annual basis.

In particular, pursuant to law 4692/2020:

The educational work, the school-teams actions and research procedures  per year are  planned  in the beginning of the school year during the assembly of  the teachers’  board.  

The Teacher board in collaboration with the Education Advisor who has the pedagogical responsibility of the school unit, define the school unit's operation areas and priorities. Under the supervision of the school unit's Principal, teachers form teams for actions of common interest. These teams consist of two to five teachers who focus mainly on upgrading their educational work but also their professional development.

 The Principal of the school unit and the Educational Advisor who has the pedagogical supervision of the school unit support cooperation and teamwork. The Educational Advisor is responsible for organizing relevant, in-school, training activities and provide the necessary support.

The Principal convenes the teachers' board in regular meetings, held at least once every two months.  The aim of the meetings is to discuss, thoroughly,  the implementation of the initial instruction planning, the actions and research procedures designed and to evaluate their apparent effectiveness. If necessary, re-planning, redesigning and adjustments are put in place making use of the Education Advisor's remarks. At the end of the school year, the Principal convenes a special meeting along with the Teachers' board to evaluate the school unit, a) as an administrative and educational structure, and b) the progress of the educational work made. The report drafted is included in the minutes of the meeting and its main points are uploaded on the school's website. The report is also reproduced on the special electronic portal of the Institute of Educational Policy.

Education Advisors are informed on the content of the report on the school's annual educational work progress and the action-planning for professional development of each school. 

Based on the existing infrastructure and each school unit's specific characteristics, Education Advisors make comments on these reports, as well as suggestions for support and improvement . Proposals referring to school programming reports are taken into account during the current school year. Proposals referring to internal evaluation reports, are taken into account for the next school year planning. These observations and suggestions for each school unit are communicated to the teachers' association/board of the relevant school unit and to the relevant Quality Supervisor/PEKES through the special electronic portal. Moreover, a summary of these comments and proposals of the Educational Advisors are posted on the relevant PEKE s' website without any references to specific schools, as well as in its special electronic portal. 

No later than the end of the school year the Quality Supervissor/PEKES, after taking into account each school's annual reports,  as well as the Education Advisor’s relevant comments and proposals, prepares a comprehensive external evaluation report  for the relevant Regional Directorate for Education's school units concerning the school's planning and educational work. The annual report is posted in due time on its website and the special electronic portal.

ADIPPDE, during the drafting of its annual report, takes into account the above special electronic application content at local, regional and national level and focuses mainly on the external evaluation reports of PEKES in order to:

  • submit to the Minister of Education measures  for the improvement and efficient organization of the planning procedure and the school’s internal and external evaluation and 
  • draft reports with general remarks, especially regarding the needs, difficulties, trends and achievements on the external evaluation reports of PEKES, 

The Institute of Educational Policy uses the above special electronic portal content at local, regional and national level and, if necessary and in collaboration with ADIPPDE, drafts a proposal to the Minister of Education

As regards to Model and Experimental schools, before the start of the  school year,  the Principal of the school unit along with  the Deputy Principal and the Teachers' board and under the guidance of  the Scientific Coordination Board,  draft an action plan  on the implementation of research programs and educational goals which is submitted electronically ( At the end of the school year, the same officials prepare an internal evaluation report which evaluates the achievements of the educational objectives included in the action plan. This internal evaluation report evaluates the performance of the school as a whole and formulates suggestions for improvement for the next school year. The internal evaluation reports are the basis for the external evaluation carried out by the current Managing Committee of Model and Experimental Schools, in collaboration with IEP and Higher Education Institutions (with the provision of . 4692/2020 ).

Scientific and pedagogical support of the educational work

The Education Advisort is scientifically and pedagogically responsible for the subject-matters of his field, for the total number of school units and laboratory centres which fall under the respective PEKES/Quality Supervisor (law 4547/18 and l.4823/2021).

Monitoring of the education system

In the framework of their operation, various bodies falling under the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs have developed information systems for data collection from schools (such as data on teaching staff and student population and flow, building infrastructure etc.). Such data are utilized during the standard operations of the Ministry (transfers, secondments, appointments), or for monitoring education and updating the conventional indicators of education and social development (e.g. OECD indicators).  

In the context of upgrading and modernizing its information technology infrastructure, the Ministry of Education, and Religious Affairs has proceeded to the setting up of a new information technology system ( addressed to schools and its decentralized administrative structures.  

The new system replaces and integrates formerly existing information technology systems (e-School, e-DataCenter, Survey, Integrated Information System for Personnel Management (OPSYD), etc.) in a single digital environment.

Focused evaluation studies

The central bodies for educational planning in primary and secondary education (Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Institute of Educational Policy, Authority for Quality Assurance in Primary and Secondary Education) implement evaluation studies to examine selected aspects of development of the education system.  Issues such as primary and secondary education funding, students’ performance in various subjects, graduates' integration into employment, school dropout rates, constitute indicative examples of such targeted evaluation studies that enable an in-depth examination of issues of critical interest.  As far as education policy priorities are concerned, the country implements similar studies at regional or national level. Moreover, Greece participates in similar studies under the auspices of OECD and other European and international networks and organizations.

Evaluation of other decentralized services and bodies of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs

The provisions of law 4369/2016 apply to the evaluation of the rest of the decentralized bodies of the Ministry of Education, as well as the evaluation of bodies under the supervision of the Ministry, which exercise administrative responsibilities in issues of primary and secondary education.