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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management staff for early childhood and school education
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

10.Management and other education staff

10.1Management staff for early childhood and school education

Last update: 27 November 2023



•1 Requirements for appointment

In the ECEC sector the main managerial functions are performed by the Principals of the institutions. Oher management and governance structures also oversee the work of the Principal and make certain managerial decisions alongside the Principals. In the ECEC sector such organ is the Board (with members from the institution, parents/guardians and the municipality Management). In the school sector the School Boards are there to oversee the work of the principal and make certain managerial decisions to be implemented by the Principal. The Boards consist of member from: teachers, parents/guardians, representatives of the founder and in the secondary schools members from the Ministry and the business community.

The requirements of appointment of Principals as the main managerial function will be explained for each sector separately.

In the ECEC sector the Principals need to satisfy the criteria for employment in the institution as outline in the part 9.2.2. In addition they need to have at least 5 years of work experience, have a good knowledge of English (the Law lists which international certificates and levels for each one are considered proof of adequate knowledge) and have a valid licence for Principal of the institution in the sector.

In the school sector the Principals of schools have to satisfy the criteria stipulated by the Law for Primary Education and Law for Secondary Education appropriately. The Laws state that the Principals need to satisfy certain criteria: higher education, satisfy the criteria for teacher(elaborated in part 9.2.2) or professional support staff, at least five years of work experience in the sector, passed an exam for School Principals, have clean criminal and sanction record, have good knowledge of English (the Law lists which international certificates and levels for each one are considered proof of adequate knowledge) and in primary education the Law also lists that preferences will be given to candidates with status of mentors and advisors. The Principals also need to satisfy the competences for School Principals listed in the Laws and in primary education also elaborated further in a Bylaw. The competences have five areas: management, management of human resources, pedagogical process management, financial management and legal and administrative aspects. The possession of the competences is checked during an exam organized by the State Exam Center, after a completion of training for School Principals. If none of the candidates has passed the Exam for Principals, then one candidate is selected and they have a deadline of one year to pass the exam.


Conditions of service

In both ECEC and the school education the conditions of service for Principals are regulated by the appropriate Laws.

In the ECEC sector the candidates apply on an open call and in addition to the documentation they also need to provide a program for work of the institution. They are then interviewed by the Board and one of the candidates is selected and suggested to the Mayor who later confirms the choice. The Principal has a mandate of 4 years. During the mandate the Principal has to perform the duties prescribed by the Law for Child Protection. The Law also prescribes the duties performed by the Principal and circumstances in which the Principals can be dismissed (upon personal notification, breaking of Laws, failure to realize the program of work, being responsible for damages done to the stakeholders or property, spending outside of the financial plan). The Principals are also entitled to attend professional development programs (explained in chapter 9.3

In the school sector the Principals apply for the position on an open call. The candidates for Principal have to submit the necessary documentation to proof that they satisfy the requirements and also a plan for work for 4 years. The School Board then forms a Committee that looks at the documentation, interviews the candidates and makes a choice between the candidates that is then forwarded to either the Mayor of the Minister for Education. The Mayor appoints the Principals in municipal schools and the Minister for Education appoints the Principals in state owned schools. The appropriate Laws (Law for primary education and Law for secondary education) list the duties performed by the Principals and the circumstances in which the Principals can be dismissed: upon personal notification, breaking of Laws or making mistakes noted by the State Educational Inspectorate, failure to realize the program of work, being responsible for damages done to the stakeholders or property, spending outside of the financial plan and in primary education also having evidence of political pressure within the school, as well as losing the capacity to act as Principal or being at an age of retirement. The Principals are also entitled to attend professional development programs (explained in chapter 9.3 and resume their previous position within the school after their mandate.

The salaries of the Principals are regulated by appropriate Laws and Bylaws and an information about the gross amount in Euros is provided on the following Eurydice report