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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms related to adult education and training


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.5National reforms related to adult education and training

Last update: 15 August 2024


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New tripartite agreement ensures long-term investments in adult education and training

September 2023

The Danish government and the social partners representing employers and employees have entered into a tripartite agreement, which includes long-term investments in adult education and training. The purpose is to ensure that the workforce is well equipped for the future and the needs of the labour market. With the agreement, 360 million DKK will be set aside annually to improve adult education and training.

The agreement includes the following main elements for skilled and unskilled workers:

  • Continuous increase in funding for adult vocational training (AMU);

  • 100 million DKK is set aside annually for retraining, so unskilled and skilled workers and adults with a short- or medium-cycle higher education can receive grants to attend continuing and further education and training;

  • A national initiative for the improvement in basic skills is established between the Danish government, the social partners and 10-20 major employers in Denmark. Employers participating in the initiative make a commitment to work systematically with basic skills;

  • Funds are set aside in order to improve digital learning in adult vocational education (AMU). For instance, the funds can be used for investments in digital learning equipment and competence development;

  • Increased allowances for adults attending adult vocational training (AMU), preparatory adult education (FVU) and education for adults with dyslexia (OBU);

  • 13 million DKK is set aside annually from 2024 to 2026 and seven million DKK is set aside permanently for investments in reach-out activities and guidance for the businesses;

  • The subjects FVU-digital and FVU-English are made permanent from 2024 and onwards and the target groups of the subjects will be expanded;

  • Continuous grants for guidance for adults and VEU coordinators, so adults and businesses can receive guidance about the opportunities for skill development and continuing education and training;

  • Five million DKK is set aside in 2024 and seven million DKK is set aside permanently for a new so-called sporskifteordning, where employees in risk of regeneration can change occupation;

  • The current test requirements in adult vocational education (AMU) are made permanent from 2024 and onwards;

  • A new model for providing adult vocational education (AMU) will be developed.

For more information (in Danish), please visit The Ministry of Children and Education.


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