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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Educational guidelines


4.Early childhood education and care

4.3Educational guidelines

Last update: 27 November 2023

Steering documents

The relevant documents covering the preschool educational programme are the ‘preschool education guidance programme’ and the ‘educational programme for children aged 0–36 months’. Ministry of National Education activity books prepared for preschool teachers were piloted in the 2017/2018 academic year. The 1-2-3 Hand in Hand for Preschool Education scheme, in which materials were distributed to children attending preschool education in the 2018/2019 academic year, will be expanded over the country.


Areas of learning and development

Free educational materials are distributed to all children of preschool education age (in public and private preschool educational institutions and in kindergartens affiliated to the Ministry of Family and Social Services).

Preschool teaching and learning techniques are planned in line with the goals of the relevant educational programmes. The children learn through activities related to areas such as Turkish language, drama, science, mathematics, games and movement. The teacher guides the children in the teaching process. In addition, the teaching contributes to the development of the child by ensuring that they are active in the process and that they learn (Ministry of National Education preschool educational programme, 2013).

In addition, the Preschool Activity Book, consisting of 342 activities for preschool teachers, and the three-volume Hand in Hand to Preschool Education evaluation book associated with the activity book are distributed to all preschool educational institutions.


Pedagogical approaches

Teachers organise educational environments according to the developmental characteristics, interests and needs of young learners (children aged 0–36 months) and plan, implement and evaluate daily learning flows appropriate to their monthly plans. Educational environments provide protection, and equipment and materials should be maintained and repaired. Educational materials and learning equipment in educational environments are prepared according to children’s needs.

Activities in preschool education are in the categories of Turkish language, art, drama, music, movement, play, science, mathematics, literacy preparation and field trips. Structured/semi-structured/unstructured activities carried out by teachers or children can take place in the classroom or outdoors. Teachers are expected to conduct these activities outdoors as much as possible. As events can be planned and implemented individually, multiple activities can be put together and integrated events can be prepared. Activities can be planned and implemented for individuals, small groups or large groups.

Free educational materials are distributed to all children of preschool age (including formal, private preschool educational institutions and nurseries affiliated to the Ministry of Family and Social Services).


In early childhood educational institutions, a progress report that is prepared based on the progress of children aged 33–68 months during the semester is uploaded to the e-school system so that the parents/guardians can easily monitor it. Confidential and non-pedagogical information is not posted online. In addition, an e-portfolio for each child is created by the teacher. This portfolio contains achievement documentation, development and observation notes, and child and family information, and is prepared twice a year.

Evaluation is one of the most fundamental elements of the pre-primary education process (children aged 33–68 months). Evaluation is carried out in different ways: evaluation of the child’s development, evaluation of the programme and self-evaluation of the teacher. In pre-primary education, an observation/development file, regarding the development, health and education of every child, is kept. The child’s teacher fills in their personal information form and achievement evaluation forms (Regulation on Early Childhood Education and Primary School Education, Article 30).