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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Initial education for academic staff in higher education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.4Initial education for academic staff in higher education

Last update: 28 March 2024

According to the Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education (OG 119/22), associate positions at the university are assistant and senior assistant. A person from the ranks of especially successful students is chosen for the position of assistant and senior assistant. Exceptionally, a person who has achieved special results in the art field can be employed as an assistant in the art field.

Assistants and senior assistants help in carrying out part of the teaching process, exams, scientific, artistic and professional activities of the university, i.e. constituent in accordance with its general act.

A person who has completed a university graduate study can be chosen by the university or its constituents for the position of assistant and can conclude a contract of employment for a fixed period of six years. The assistant has the right and obligation to enrol in and regularly attend doctoral studies, except for assistants in the art field.

Associates at the university are elected in accordance with the general acts of the university, i.e. constituent under the conditions stipulated by the Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education.

A mentor from among the teachers is appointed to the associate, in accordance with the procedure established by the general act of the university or constituent.

The university evaluates the work of associates at least once a year, in accordance with the procedure established by the general act of the university or constituent. The assessment of associates is determined by a decision.

An associate who has been negatively evaluated for two consecutive years will have his employment terminated on the date of execution of the decision in accordance with the act governing employment relations.