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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Support measures for learners in higher education


12.Educational support and guidance

12.5Support measures for learners in higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023


Definition of the Target Group(s)

National Report on the first Eurostudent survey carried out in Croatia in 2010 reported that 15% of the respondent students stated that they suffered from chronic illness, physical disabilities, mental problems or some other health problem. For the most part these students mention their impairments are not sufficiently taken into account during their studies. Also, the Report stated that students from lower socio-economic background and VET students are less likely to access higher education. Even though the national HE legislation does not specifically define target groups the new amendments of the Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education envisages by -laws which will redefine the current system of student standard for full time students that is subsidised food and housing, transport for students with disabilities, state scholarships, student loans and other types of student support.


Specific Support Measures

Full-time students enrolled in Croatia are eligible for direct student financial support in the form of scholarships and indirect student financial support in the form of accommodation, meals, health care, transport, tax benefits for employed students and tax benefits for students’ families. Part-time students are not eligible for any form of student financial support. The Ministry of Science Education and Sports manages the largest scholarship programme in the country the State Scholarships which are provided on the basis of excellence and financial need, as well as to certain specific groups, such as students with disabilities, children of homeland war veterans and cadets of the Croatian army. Full time students with physical disabilities receive financial support for transport costs. Institutions are bound by law to enable access to people with disabilities. Higher education institutions may provide provisions for students with disabilities in the form of counselling services, adjusted testing procedures, access to adjusted learning and pedagogic materials.