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Programmes outside the bachelor and master structure


7.Higher education

7.4Programmes outside the bachelor and master structure

Last update: 26 March 2024

University integrated undergraduate and graduate study programmes

University integrated undergraduate and graduate studies (first and second-cycle programmes) usually last five years during which students earn a minimum of 300 ECTS credits or six years during which students earn at least 360 ECTS credits.

According to the Register of Study Programmes, there are 73 integrated university undergraduate and graduate studies, which are mainly conducted in the field of regulated professions: medicine, dental and veterinary medicine, pharmacy, law and teacher education. 

Upon completion of the programme, students receive a diploma and diploma supplement, and they acquire the academic title of University Master or Master with reference to a specialisation (univ. mag. with reference to a specialisation). Upon completion of integrated studies in the fields of medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine, students acquire the academic title of Doctor with reference to a specialisation (PhD with reference to a specialisation). Students can then continue their studies in postgraduate university programmes or enter the labour market.


Joint study programmes

A joint study is a study conducted jointly by at least two domestic or at least one domestic and one foreign higher education institution. Exceptionally, a joint doctoral study can be conducted jointly by at least one higher education institution and a public scientific institute.

The organisation, implementation, completion, implementation location, holder and method of issuing a diploma of the joint study and the holder of the accreditation procedure of the joint study are determined by the agreement between the higher education institutions, i.e. the higher education institution and the public scientific institute.

The joint study is accredited by the Agency or another international accreditation agency in the European Union that is registered in the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR). The accreditation procedure of the joint study is carried out in accordance with the regulations governing quality assurance in higher education and science.