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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Continuing professional development for teachers working in early childhood and school education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.3Continuing professional development for teachers working in early childhood and school education

Last update: 27 November 2023

ECEC teachers, teachers, expert associates and headmasters and their deputies have the right and obligation to professional development and training. Headmasters, teachers and expert associates shall have the obligation of continuous professional development: at least once every two years to participate in professional training at the state level, at least three times a year to participate in professional training at the county level, regularly participate in professional training at the school in which he/she works, develop professionally on their own in accordance with the tasks and obligations for which he/she is responsible. The content of compulsory professional development is approved by the ministry responsible for education in accordance with the national strategy of the education system. Continuous professional development programmes are organised and implemented by: the Education and Teacher Training Agency and the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education. In addition to these institutions, continuous professional training programmes are also implemented by institutions of higher education and civil sector bodies, which have the approval of the ministry responsible for education.


Professional training programmes at the state and county level for the next school year are published by the ministry responsible for education by the end of the current teaching year at the latest. The professional training programme should contain the topic, purpose, objectives of the programme expressed in competences, teaching methods, organisation, method of evaluation and form of certification, number of participants, duration of the programme and cost statement. The council of teachers adopts a plan for continuous professional development annually and it becomes an obligation for all educational staff. The annual plan and programme of the professional development of teachers and expert associates is an integral part of the school's annual plan and work programme. The annual plan and programme of professional training for each teacher and expert associate shall specify the forms of professional training and the estimated number of hours per individual form. Each teacher and expert associate must submit a report on their professional training at least once a year. Teachers are entitled to a paid leave and travel expenses reimbursement related to continuous professional training. The participants of continuous professional training at the state and county level are issued a certificate of professional training. Participation in professional training of teachers and professional associates shall be evaluated in accordance with the implementing regulations of the competent ministry. The method and procedure of professional training and training of teachers, expert associates and headmasters shall be stipulated by the minister.

Incentives for Participation in Continuous Professional Development

The ministry shall provide funds to cover the costs of participation in continuous professional development programmes. Additional motivation for teachers to attend professional training is promotion, since the promotion procedure includes evaluation of the expertise and quality of the work of ECEC teachers and teachers in relation to the conditions and procedures of advancement to the title of mentors and advisers: success in direct educational work with children and students, extra-curricular professional work (for teachers), achievement in professional-pedagogical work (for ECEC teachers) and professional training.

The elements of evaluation of professional training of teachers are: participation in professional training organised by the Ministry of Education, participation in professional training conducted by professional institutions and associations, professional training by reviewing contemporary professional literature and journals. Professional training is evaluated as: regular, occasional, missing. Only teachers who regularly attend professional training programmes can advance to the titles of mentors and advisers.