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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Initial education for academic staff in higher education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.4Initial education for academic staff in higher education

Last update: 4 March 2024

The qualification of the education staff at tertiary professional schools (vyšší odborné školy) is set by the Act on Education Staff. For the academic staff at higher education institutions (vysoké školy), the requirements are set by the institutions.

Tertiary professional schools

The staff of the tertiary professional schools (vyšší odborné školy) include teachers of general or theoretical vocational subjects, and teachers of practical education and work practice. They are not required to have completed teacher training.

Teachers of general and theoretical vocational subjects complete a Bachelor's degree, followed by a Master's study in the field of study which corresponds to the subject they will teach (or 4 to 6 years of undivided concurrent Master's degree study programmes, e.g. in medical programmes). The typical length of training of the future teacher of general subjects or teacher of vocational subjects is 9 years of a basic school (základní škola), 4 years of an upper secondary school (střední škola) with the Maturita examination (maturitní zkouška), 3 to 4 years of Bachelor's study programme and 1 to 3 years of Master's study programme at a higher education institution (vysoká škola) and the qualification gained corresponds to ISCED level 747/746.

Teachers of practical education and teachers of work practice are trained at higher education institutions, at tertiary professional schools, or at upper secondary schools (střední školy) in fields of study completed by the Maturita examination. The length of their study and qualifications gained are similar to those of the teachers in upper secondary education.

Arts subjects can be taught also by an individual who was an art performer or fine art artist but does not have the necessary education (qualification can be recognized only for subjects relevant to his/her specialization and only at the particular school).

Since 2015 under certain conditions, the school head can recognize a special qualification also to persons mentioned below who do not fulfil the basic prerequisites. Such a teacher may have no more than half-time employment and must, outside of this employment relationship with the school, engage in coaching or activities in a field in which he or she is a recognized expert. The exemption shall be recognized only for as long as all of the above conditions are met. The prerequisite is recognized:

  • to persons with the qualification of a coach and exclusively for teaching subjects corresponding to the qualification of a trainer
  • to a respected specialist in a field and exclusively for teaching a subject corresponding to the relevant specialization

As for the education and training of students with special educational needs, education staff working with these students need not have a special pedagogical qualification because tertiary professional schools specifically designed for disabled students do not exist.

Higher education institutions

At a higher education institution (vysoká škola), teaching is provided by the academic staff, i.e. professor (profesor), associate professor (docent), extraordinary professor (mimořádný profesor), senior assistant (odborný asistent), assistant (asistent), lecturer (lektor) and academics involved in science, research, and development who also perform the teaching activity. Other experts can participate in teaching as well, based on an agreement of the work activities outside the contracts of employment. The status of a visiting professor (hostující profesor) and professor emeritus (emeritní profesor) is stated in the internal regulations of a higher education institution. Academic staff carries out educational activities as well as scientific, research, development, and innovative, artistic, and other creative activities. Academic staff are governed by the Higher Education Act.

In this law, the teaching qualifications of academic staff are not set; the higher education institutions themselves set the requirements for the qualification of academic staff. The minimum qualification required by higher education institutions is usually a Master's or Doctoral degree. The details on lengths, general organization, and admission requirements can be seen in Chapter 7 on Higher Education. Academic staff in the position of associate professor and professor are usually required to have the appropriate academic degree in general.

Concerning the students with special educational needs, higher education institutions generally integrate disabled students on an individual basis, but other forms are also possible; a group of hearing-impaired students, for example, graduates from the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts in the field of mime and creative drama every year. At the Faculty of Education of Charles University hearing impaired students can study a special pedagogy course; at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University, hearing impaired students can attend a course named 'Czech language in the communication of the hearing impaired'. The lectures are translated into Czech sign language. Academic staff working with disabled students at these faculties must qualify for special education. However, such a qualification is only prescribed by internal regulations of the individual institution or faculty and is not generally legally valid.