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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Guidance and counselling in a lifelong learning approach


12.Educational support and guidance

12.8Guidance and counselling in a lifelong learning approach

Last update: 27 November 2023

The key institution in charge of career guidance and counselling is the Croatian Bureau for Employment. The Bureau, through its wide national network of offices, provides guidance and counselling for pupils and high schools students as well as unemployed persons. It also provides a wide range of services for employers (counselling, assessments, employee search etc.)

The main instrument of support and further development of guidance services is the Croatian Euroguidance Centre. Euroguidance is a European network of national resource and information centres for guidance. Euroguidance centres operate in about 34 countries. All Euroguidance centres share two common goals: to promote the European dimension in guidance and to provide quality information on lifelong guidance and mobility for learning purposes. The main target group of Euroguidance is guidance practitioners and policy makers from both the educational and employment sectors in all European countries. Development of career guidance services at higher education level has been supported through the TEMPUS programme. Thus the TEMPUS project CAREER (2006.), gathering major Croatian universities, provided a basis for development of career centres at Croatian higher education institutions.

The relevance of the career guidance has been recognised in the new Strategy of Education, Science and Technology (its proposal underwent public discussion in November 2013, adoption pending).