The new Act on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education (OG 151/22) entered into force in December 2022. The Act regulates the internal assurance and improvement of the quality of higher education institutions and scientific institutes, the external evaluation of the quality of higher education institutions and scientific institutes, and the organisation and powers of the Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE). The Act introduced a new system of quality assurance, based on modern criteria, with the aim of encouraging the establishment and development of study programmes in the areas important for the development of the economy and society.
At the same time, the framework of the quality assurance system, which is equally applicable to public and private higher education institutions, or scientific institutes, was aligned with the proposed legal provisions. Also, a framework was established for adopting an evaluation system that will ensure the application of equal qualitative standards regardless of the type of study.
The Act on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education ensures the complete autonomy of ASHE in conducting the external evaluation process and issuing licences to higher education institutions, scientific institutes and for conducting the study programmes.
The Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE) is currently implementing the Quality Assurance in Higher Education project (funded by ESF+), which aims to ensure high-quality and accessible higher education by increasing the quality and efficiency of the work of Croatian higher education institutions by developing new and improving existing external evaluation procedures and strengthening the role of internal quality assurance systems at higher education institutions.
Responsible bodies
Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE)
The Agency for Science and Higher Education is a public, independent and internationally recognised agency, whose mission is to encourage, in cooperation with stakeholders, the continuous development of quality assurance in higher education and science with the aim of permanently improving the quality of higher education institutions and scientific organisations, contributing to the positioning and recognition of the Croatian higher education and science area within the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area.
ASHE promotes the development of the Croatian higher education system in which students have access to quality higher education that contributes to the development of an individual's creative potential and enables the acquisition of internationally recognised qualifications.
The agency is accredited and periodically evaluated by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and is registered in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR).
ASHE has been a full member of ENQA and EQAR since 2011, and its membership was renewed twice – in 2017 and 2022.
It is also a member of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), the Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA) and other international organisations, as well as a participant in numerous working groups, initiatives, joint projects and activities.
In accordance with the Act on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education, ASHE performs the following tasks:
implements external evaluation procedures established by the Act,
conducts an evaluation of the implementation of programme agreements,
conducts the procedure for recognition and evaluation of foreign higher education qualifications,
encourages the acquisition and expansion of knowledge and research on the quality system of higher education, scientific and artistic activities in the Republic of Croatia and conducts training for members of expert bodies in external evaluation procedures,
collects and processes data on the system of higher education, scientific and artistic activities,
provides information on the conditions for admission to higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia and consolidates data on the fulfilment of the conditions for admission of applicants to higher education institutions,
carries out the tasks of connecting and joining international associations and networks dealing with quality assurance in the system of higher education and scientific activities,
conducts the procedures for the evaluation of higher education institutions and scientific institutes abroad,
carries out tasks in accordance with other regulations.
Accreditation Council
The Accreditation Council is one of the main bodies of ASHE. It consists of thirteen members – full professors or full professors with tenure (6), scientific advisers or scientific advisers with tenure (2), a full-time student of university studies (1), a full-time student of professional studies (1), teachers elected to the position of professor of professional studies or professor of professional studies with tenure (2) and a representative of the business sector (1).
In accordance with the Act, the Accreditation Council:
adopts criteria and indicators for quality assessment in external evaluation procedures
proposes an annual implementation plan for the reaccreditation of higher education institutions and scientific institutes
appoints members of expert committees in external evaluation procedures
appoints members of the Follow-up Committee
decides on the exemption of a member of the expert committee in external evaluation procedures
adopts a reasoned proposal and a reasoned opinion in evaluation procedures
proposes to the Management Board the annual report on the work of the Accreditation Council
submits to the Management Board the annual report on the work of the Accreditation Council
regulates the composition and manner of work of the working bodies of the Accreditation Council
decides on expert issues at the request of the Management Board and the Director of the Agency.
Ministry of Science, Education and Youth
The Ministry of Science, Education and Youth supervises the legality of the work of ASHE and supervises the application of the provisions of the Act on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education and the regulations adopted on the basis of that Act.
National Council for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development
The National Council for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development (NCSHETD) consists of 15 members appointed by the Croatian Parliament – four scientific advisers or scientific advisers with tenure, seven full professors or full professors with tenure, of whom at least one is from the field of arts, two professors of professional studies or professors with tenure, and two persons from the entrepreneurship sector. The National Council for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development (NCSHETD) is the highest professional authority responsible for the development and quality of the entire scientific activity and the system of science, higher education and technological development in the Republic of Croatia.
It proposes one member of the Management Board of the Agency for Science and Higher Education, appoints members of the Complaints Committee, and gives an opinion on the need to establish a public higher education institution or public scientific institute in the initial accreditation procedure.
Approaches and Methods for Quality Assurance
Internal quality assurance and improvement of higher education institutions and scientific institutes and external quality evaluation of higher education institutions and scientific institutes at the national level are regulated by the Act on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education.
External evaluation
The system of external quality evaluation is under the competence of the Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE) and includes the evaluation and assessment of the quality and efficiency of the work of a higher education institution or a scientific institute. The evaluation is based on objective and clear criteria prescribed by European and international quality assurance standards in the field of higher education and scientific activity, by the Act on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education and regulations adopted on the basis of the Act.
The system of external quality evaluation is carried out by quality evaluation in the process of initial accreditation, reaccreditation, exceptional evaluation and thematic evaluation of a higher education institution or scientific institute and in the process of initial accreditation of the study.
The European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes is applied in the evaluations of joint programmes at domestic and foreign higher education institutions. It is possible to evaluate joint programmes by other agencies registered in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR).
The procedure for obtaining a licence for conducting study programmes, as well as the criteria for their evaluation, are standardised for all types of higher education institutions. Licences also include compliance of the study programme with the qualification standard entered in the Croatian Qualifications Framework Register, if the qualification standard is entered.
The initial study accreditation is carried out in the following cases:
introduction of a new study at a higher education institution
changes in the joint programme co-leaders
changes in the location of the conducting the study
changes in the language of the conducting the study
changes in the professional or academic title or academic degree obtained upon completion of the study
changes in the way the study is conducted
changes of more than one-third of the learning outcomes that are acquired by the completion of a study module or studies.
Initial accreditation of higher education institutions and scientific institutes is carried out in case of their establishment and status change. Higher education institutions and scientific institutes are subject to a reaccreditation procedure every five years.
An exceptional evaluation evaluates one or more areas of activity of a higher education institution or scientific institute, and is carried out by the Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE). The procedure is initiated based on a decision of the director of ASHE, a decision of the Accreditation Council or at the request of the higher education institution or scientific institute. The procedure ends with the adoption of a report on an exceptional evaluation, on the basis of which the reaccreditation procedure can be initiated.
A thematic evaluation evaluates similar subjects of evaluation or areas of activity of one or more similar subjects of evaluation. The procedure is initiated based on a decision of the Accreditation Council or a reasoned proposal of the minister. Based on the report of the Expert Committee, the Accreditation Council issues a reasoned opinion, following which ASHE may initiate the reaccreditation procedure. The thematic evaluation procedure is regulated by a general act of ASHE.
In external evaluation procedures, the Accreditation Council appoints an Expert Committee consisting of at least five members. The method of appointing the committee, its composition and other requirements are defined by the Act and the Instructions and Regulations issued by the ASHE for individual evaluation procedures. The members of the committee are selected from among domestic and foreign teachers, professors or scientists, depending on the institution for which the procedure is being carried out. In the initial accreditation, reaccreditation, exceptional evaluation of a higher education institution or study programme, one of the members must be a student, but he or she cannot be the president of the expert committee.
In the initial accreditation procedure of a higher education institution or study programme, the Committee prepares a report on the quality assessment, on the basis of which the Accreditation Council makes a reasoned proposal and submits it to the ASHE. Based on the proposal, the ASHE issues an order with which the licence is either issued or refused. The order also determines the procedure for follow-up monitoring of the work of the higher education institution or monitoring of the implementation of the study programme, which is carried out by the Follow-up Committee.
In the reaccreditation procedure, the Accreditation Council submits to the ASHE a reasoned proposal containing a quality assessment of the higher education institution and recommendations for quality improvement. In accordance with the assessment and proposal, ASHE issues an order with the following conclusion:
meets the criteria for work – a licence for work or for conducting studies is issued
certain measures should be taken in order to fulfil the criteria for work or the criteria for conducting studies – the letter of expectation that determines the measures that the higher education institution should take in order to meet the criteria for work or for conducting studies and the deadline for taking these measures is issued
does not meet the criteria for work or for conducting studies – an order is issued to revoke the licence.
The results of the evaluations are public and are published on the website of ASHE.
Internal evaluation
Higher education institutions and scientific institutes are obliged to establish a system of internal quality assurance and improvement, and for this purpose they are obliged to set up an organisational unit for quality assurance and improvement. The organisational unit for quality assurance and improvement submits an annual report to the senate, faculty council, academic council or administrative council of the polytechnic, or the scientific council of the scientific institute.
The scope of the quality monitoring system is defined by the Act on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education, and the system of internal quality assurance and improvement of the higher education institution or scientific institute is regulated by a general act.
The level of achievement of the quality standards of the higher education institution or scientific institute in relation to the system of internal quality assurance and improvement is assessed in the procedure of external quality evaluation of the higher education institution or scientific institute, along with other requirements that these institutions must meet.
Standards and guidelines for quality assurance
The Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE) has developed an integrated quality system that encompasses the entire organisation and is based on the application of the valid Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard.
All external quality evaluation procedures carried out by ASHE are based on and aligned with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area. Quality standards contain elements and indicators of quality that include fulfilling the conditions prescribed by the Act.
ASHE creates instructions and standards for each of the individual procedures and publishes them on its website.
For individual evaluation procedures, instructions are prepared that contain the conditions and a detailed explanation of all phases of the procedures, as well as all necessary forms in the procedure. They are intended for everyone involved in the procedure (institutions initiating the procedure, potential members of the expert committee and other interested parties). Members of the Committee must participate in training organised for the purpose of familiarising themselves with the tasks and obligations, the procedure and purpose of the procedure, and national and European regulations for the implementation of the procedure.