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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management and other education staff


10.Management and other education staff

Last update: 27 November 2023


Early Childhood and School Education

The management of kindergartens and schools is the responsibility of school/kindergarten principals. They assume two roles: that of a management and that of an expert director, and they carry out statutory duties - assigned by the kindergarten or school council - primarily, in the context of the annual action plan.

The principal organizes and manages school's work and activities. He/she represents the school institution and is responsible for lawfulness and professionalism of the school institution’s operations. In addition to the tasks stipulated by the Founding Act, the principal, in his/her role of an expert director of the school institution, among other activates, proposes annual work plan and programme, prepares financial plan and reports, analysis the work of teachers and expert associates and ensures their CPD, takes care of students rights and interests and is responsible for the safety of students, teachers and all other school employees.

He is appointed and relieved by the school committee. Any person complying with conditions stipulated by law, foundation act and school statute can be appointed principal. Principal is appointed pursuant to a public competition. Usually, principals are members of the permanent teaching staff. They are appointed for a five year mandate and may be reappointed or they return to their previous teaching post.

The educational advisers foster development of kindergartens and schools. They are employees at the Education and Teacher Training Agency and the Agency for Vocational Education and Training.


Higher Education

Higher education institutions are managed by rectors, deans and university department heads. According to the Croatian constitution, which guarantees the university self-governance, higher education managers are selected and appointed by the respective higher education institution governing bodies: University senates and Faculty and department councils.