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Initial education for academic staff in higher education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.4Initial education for academic staff in higher education

Last update: 18 March 2024

Education staff in short-cycle higher vocational education

In short-cycle higher vocational education, lecturers give lectures and instructors alongside lecturers give and assess practical lessons. The law specifies general educational qualification requirements of education staff. Higher vocational colleges define diplomas that correspond to the content of subjects they provide.

Candidates who wish to teach at higher vocational colleges have to be given the title of higher vocational college lecturer by the college board of lecturers, and by consent of the Committee for accreditation of short-cycle higher vocational education programmes and higher vocational colleges. The law specifies the title may be awarded to candidates with relevant educational qualification and notable achievements in their professional field. The candidates have to have Master’s degree at least, pedagogic-andragogic training, three years of relevant work experience, as well as notable achievements in their professional field. The Council of experts of the Republic of Slovenia for vocational and technical education adopts the achievement recognition criteria. The notable achievements may be pedagogic (pedagogic work experience, study programme development, writing and reviewing textbooks, mentoring, organisation of educational activities, pedagogic research) or professional, and have to be attested by postgraduate qualification, published relevant articles, patents, projects competed, etc.

Lecturers are given the title for five years and can be re-elected. In order for this to happen, the candidate must prove their pedagogical accomplishments related to their work at the vocational college or a higher education institution. During re-appointment the assembly of lecturers must receive students' opinion.

Instructors have at least Bachelor's degree, pedagogic-andragogic educational qualification, as well as relevant work experience. It is the college itself that defines the corresponding diplomas.

College lecturers do parallel or consecutive studies to gain pedagogic-andragogic educational qualification. The faculties of arts provide programmes of continuous pedagogic-andragogic education.

For programme accreditation and enrolment requirements, see the chapter Initial Education for Teachers Working in Early Childhood and School Education.

Higher education teachers

Educational, research and artistic activities may be implemented by:

  • higher education teachers (responsible for educational and research work and artistic production)
  • research staff (perform scientific-research work), and
  • higher Education associates (cooperate in educational and research work and artistic production).

Higher education institutions may allocate specific parts of the subject or subject field to a private higher education teacher or even invite prominent teachers, scientists, experts and artists to stand in for a of a subject, thereby sidestepping the specified requirements to be appointed to a title.

To become a faculty member or associate at the higher education institution the candidates must be appointed to a relevant title (awarded habilitation). In addition to relevant educational qualification, they have to fulfil the requirements specified by the Minimum Standards for Appointment of a Title (sl); the Standards were adopted by the National Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (NAKVIS), and they are elaborated in detail by regulations of individual institutions. Reappointment is possible upon expiration of the term.

Higher education teachers

Higher education teachers include assistant professors, associate professors, full professors and lectors. Higher education teachers in higher professional programmes are also lecturers and senior lecturers.

Anyone who has a scientific doctorate and verified teaching abilities can be appointed assistant professor, associate professor and full professor.

Anyone who has completed second cycle studies, and has recognised artistic work and verified teaching skills can be appointed the title of higher education teacher of artistic disciplines.

Anyone who has completed at least a second cycle studies and has pedagogical experience can be appointed the title of senior lecturer.

Anyone who has completed at least a second cycle degree and has verified pedagogical experience can be appointed the title lecturer or lector.


Scientists are scientific associates, senior scientific associates and scientific councillors.

Anyone who has a scientific doctorate can be appointed the title of scientific worker. A scientist can also be appointed to the title of higher education teacher if they have verifiable teaching abilities.

Higher education associates

Higher education associates are: research and teaching assistants, librarians, expert advisors, senior advisors, advisors and instructors.

Anyone who has completed at least a second cycle degree can be appointed the title of higher education associate.