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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Initial education for academic staff in higher education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.4Initial education for academic staff in higher education

Last update: 12 March 2025

The employees of higher education institutions working in higher education institutions include academic teachers, research workers, art workers, and other personnel. There is no special education programme for higher education pedagogical employees. To qualify, the academic employee must complete the respective higher education degree in accordance with Act No 131/2002 on higher education (zákon č. 131/2002 o vysokých školách).

The higher education teachers hold the posts of  ”professor”, ”visiting professor”, ”docent” (associate professor), lecturer, assistant lecturer, and lector. The position of  ”professor” and the position of  ”docent” are associated with the study fields in which the scientific-pedagogical degrees of  ”professor” and  ”docent” are awarded.

Qualification for the post of professor is subject to fulfilment of the criteria for the title of professor issued by the higher education institution concerned. The qualification for the post of docent (associate professor) is fulfilment of the criteria for the title of associate professor issued by the higher education institution concerned. 

The criteria for obtaining the title of professor and the criteria for obtaining the title of associate professor must comply with the standards for the habilitation and inauguration procedure (štandardy pre habilitačné konanie a inauguračné konanie). The fulfilment of the general criteria for filling the posts of professor and associate professor and the specific conditions for filling the posts of the relevant higher education institution is also a further qualification. A scientific or artistic degree may not be a prerequisite for the appointment to the post of professor or associate professor.

A qualification requirement to work as a "lecturer" is higher education of the second level or the third level, depending on the specific content of the work tasks. If a higher education teacher working as a lecturer does not have a third-level higher education degree or a scientific-pedagogical or artistic-pedagogical degree, they must study to obtain one.

A qualification requirement to work as an "assistant lecturer" is a master's degree. The higher education institution provides the assistant teacher with the opportunity to undertake training to obtain a third-level higher education qualification.

The qualification required for the performance of the duties of a university teacher in the post of lector is, depending on the specific content of the work tasks, a first-level or a second-level higher education degree.