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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Quality assurance


11.Quality assurance

Last update: 18 March 2025

The framework of the education quality assurance system consists of three approaches:

  • self-evaluation of educational institutions – a process of systematic and continuous monitoring, analysis and assessment of performance. It is used as an important instrument for strengthening capacities and for the progress, development and success of all participants in the educational process;

  • external evaluation of educational institutions – contains an expert assessment of relevant areas of school work (school management, human and material resources, key processes; quality of self-evaluation and development planning, quality of teaching and student support, results and outcomes, student achievements and achievement of educational goals);

  • evaluation of student learning outcomes – described in detail in chapters 5.3 Assessment in single-structure education6.3 Assessment in general upper secondary education and 6.6 Assessment in vocational upper secondary education.

The quality system aligns internal quality assurance through school self-evaluation and external quality assurance conducted by the competent agency according to prescribed standards and criteria, with external evaluation using the results of self-evaluation and development plans of institutions as a basis for further assessment.

Quality assurance in higher education is regulated by the Act on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education (OG 151/22), which entered into force in December 2022 and introduced a new quality assurance system, based on modern criteria. The Act regulates the internal assurance and improvement of the quality of higher education institutions and scientific institutes, the external evaluation of these institutions, and the organisation and powers of the Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE). 

The quality assurance system in adult education includes an internal and external quality assurance system. At the national level, this system is regulated by the Adult Education Act (OG144/21) adopted in 2021, which contains provisions on quality assurance in this area. 

Responsible bodies 

Several agencies, each responsible for a specific level of the education system, and other competent institutions are responsible for ensuring quality in education in the Republic of Croatia. 

The Education and Teacher Training Agency – manages quality assurance in pre-primary, single-structure primary education and general secondary education (ISCED 1 – 3) and performs professional and pedagogical supervision (monitoring the implementation of curricula, organisation and delivery of classes and other forms of educational work of institutions, and the professional and pedagogical work of educators).

The Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education is responsible for quality assurance in vocational education and adult education and professional and pedagogical supervision.

The Agency for Science and Higher Education is responsible for quality assurance and monitoring in higher education and science.

The National Centre for External Evaluation of Education – conducts external evaluation in the pre-tertiary education system of the Republic of Croatia, organises and conducts national exams and evaluation of other parts of the educational process in cooperation with schools.

The Education Inspectorate – monitors the legality and conditions and methods of work in preschool institutions, primary and secondary schools, student dormitories and other legal entities that carry out educational activities, except for institutions of higher education. 

Legislative framework

The responsibilities and responsible bodies, as well as the types and methods of implementing evaluation for the purpose of ensuring quality at different educational levels, are regulated by the appropriate legal and subordinate legal documents for each individual level of education.

The National Plan for the Development of Education and Training until 2027 defines measures in the area of ​​quality assurance at all levels of the education system: 


  • improve quality assurance procedures in ECEC, 

  • improve the system for monitoring the functioning of the education system and the use of available data in shaping education policies and implementing reforms aimed at quality, effectiveness, efficiency and equity,

  • improve the quality of management of education institutions,

  • establish a coherent quality assurance system in vocational education by identifying quality indicators, developing new tools and mechanisms, and improving the self-evaluation process and linking it with external evaluation,

  • continue developing the quality assurance system in adult education,

  • improve the internal and external quality assurance system in higher education.