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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Administration and governance at local and/or institutional level
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

2.Organisation and governance

2.7Administration and governance at local and/or institutional level

Last update: 27 November 2023

Governance in education in North Macedonia is centralised to a high degree. Education policies are responsibility of the Parliament and the Government through the Ministry of Education and Science, mandated with the realisation of education. It is responsible for structuring and financing of education, founding of public institutions, preparation of the legislation governing education and science, implementation of laws, bylaws and other regulations, adoption of syllabi and curricula, approval of textbook, development of science and research, enrolment policies, and for control over the work of education institutions and quality of education. Supervision over the adherence to the laws by higher education institutions is carried out by the Ministry, whilst quality assurance and external evaluation of higher education institutions is the responsibility of the Higher Education Accreditation and Evaluation Board and its successor.

Institutions responsible for the development of and support to specific types and levels of education are: the Bureau for Development of Education, Centre for Vocational Education and Training, Adult Education Centre and State Examination Centre.

According to the Law on Local Self-government, the competences for founding pre-school institutions, primary and secondary schools are designated to the municipalities who are responsible for their funding and administration in collaboration with the central authorities, and also for the organisation of transportation, meals and accommodation of students in dormitories.

Representatives from local authorities participate in the governance and management of primary and secondary schools on their territory. Local authorities also participate in the funding of the educational institutions. The system is based on rational distribution of the targeted/block subsidies and with additional funds from the budgets of municipalities and the City of Skopje. Investments were made for strengthening municipalities’ (and of the City of Skopje) capacities of governing and managing secondary schools particularly in terms of funding, monitoring and adjusting the school budgets.