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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Conditions of service for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

9.Teachers and education staff

9.8Conditions of service for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

As mentioned in point 9.7, the conditions of service for teachers and trainers performing educational work with adults are foreseen in the Law on adult education. It is important to underline that these regulations pertain as obligation to teaching staff for state accredited adult education programs in the context of the s. c. Verification of programs and institutions for non-formal adult education. Namely, in line with Article 21 of this Law, the state accredited non-formal adult education programs are delivered by teachers, trainers and instructors who are obliged to have completed a suitable further education program for educational work with adults. The further education programs (as mentioned in Point 9.7)  are offered and organized by the Public Institution Adult Education Centre as well as by other suitable providers, as stated in the Law. These programs, as well as their providers, can be found in the Database of providers and programs for non-formal adult education, on the website of AEC.

As defined in the Rulebook on the standards of the venues, equipment and the personnel in the institutions and organizations in adult education, the teaching staff who is to deliver the theoretical part of the certain programme, has to fulfil following requirements:

  • To have completed university degree in the corresponding field of the programme
  • To have obtained training of trainers for teaching in adult education

The teaching staff who is to deliver the practical part of the programme, must fulfil following requirements:

  • To have completed at least relevant secondary education and at least 3-year experience in the corresponding field, or
  • to have completed at least secondary education and 5-year experience in the corresponding field, or
  • to have completed secondary education, completed a training in the field relevant for the programme and 3-year experience in the corresponding field. 

For all other profiles of providers of programs for non-formal Adult Education who are not holding a state verification, the regulations of the Law related to the further education of teachers for educational work with adults is not of an obligatory nature.