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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Adult education and training
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

8.Adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

Basic Law that regulates adult education and training on national level is the the Law on Adult Education (Law on Adult Education). It was adopted in 2008, which was followed by issuance (or amendments) of a number of sub-legal acts regulating the procedures for verification of the programmes for adult education (non-formal education), standards for space, equipment and staff of the institutions for adult education. In 2011 another legal act related to the sector, i.e. the Law for Open Civic Universities for Lifelong Learning was also adopted.

The goal of adult education and training in North Macedonia in accordance with the Law on Adult Education is to secure opportunities for obtaining appropriate education levels to all and for all age groups, and to allow everyone to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes which will be in concordance with the demands of society and the labour market.

Objectives of adult education which correspond with the goals are the following:

  • Completing at least compulsory education;
  • Employment training for adults who have not completed first level vocational education,
  • Conducting requalification and acquiring of new qualification, education and training for employed and unemployed adults;
  • Providing education, knowledge and skills which correspond with personal abilities and age of the adults;
  • Obtaining basic skills and competences which make the basis of the lifelong learning.

The priorities of the sector were defined in the Strategy for Adult Education. Two concept documents providing directions on how to integrate the non-formal education in the education and training system, and defining conditions for improvement the elementary adult education were adopted. This was accompanied by adoption in 2011 of Manuals for verification of special programmes for adults and for verification of institutions for adult education. In addition, a Rulebook for verification of adult education institutions was prepared in 2013.

The priorities for adult education and training are described in the National Strategy for adult education (2016-2020) Strategy for Adult Education 2019-2023, are focused on:

1. Improving the attractiveness of participation in education of adults;

2. Establish a quality assurance system in the framework of adult education;

3. Development of a system for validation of prior learning;

4. Improvement of organization, management and funding of adult education;

5. Establishment of a system of public education for adults by reforming public education institutions for adult education Open Citizens' Lifelong Learning Universities / Worker Universities;

6. Strengthening research, expertise and development projects in the field of adult education;

7. Improving partnerships in the field of education adults;

8. Monitoring and evaluation of adult education.

concept for secondary education of adults has been adopted in 2022. This concept represents a vision that should develop postulates and mechanisms of secondary education of adults over ten years and more. The focus is on measures and activities that will enable the adults to actively adjust to the changes within the society, and will enable personal growth and inclusive and cohesive society that learns and develops.