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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Separate special education needs provision in early childhood and school education
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

12.Educational support and guidance

12.2Separate special education needs provision in early childhood and school education

Last update: 17 January 2024


According to the Law on Primary Education, special schools are transformed into schools with a resource center, while special classes are transformed in learning support centers in order to provide quality education for all students with special educational needs. Schools with resource center and learning support centers will perform wide range of services: educational, advisory and rehabilitation. They will play a dual role in their work:

  • Realize a traditional specialized role of educational activity for students with complex needs for which educational services in these schools is in their best interest in accordance with the recommendations of the professional bodies for functional assessment. These students follow a modified program that develops life skills, self-care, personal hygiene, speech development, communication skills, and emotional development. Resource center schools have specialized knowledge, services and equipment to cater to students with a high level of need for support that enables them to focus on their individual needs.

  • On the other hand, with their material, spatial and human resources, they will serve as resource centers for regular schools for successful inclusion. Using their technical equipment, professional knowledge and experience, they will support teachers, professional associates, the inclusive team to develop their knowledge and skills to respond to the specific needs of students. They should assist in the development of an individual education plan, specific teaching aids and instruments.

Schools with resource center and learning centers beside educational work with special education needs students will perform advisory services such as: coordination on educational and personal assistants, specific didactical aids for schools (guidebooks in Braille alphabet, tactile aids etc.), orientation and mobility in space, use of sign language, use of assistive technology, use of Braille alphabet/computer/machine etc., mobile service of special education teachers and rehabilitators, support of students with disabilities (according to the specialty of the school), expert support to teachers from primary schools in their work with special education needs students, work in home setting and support to families (group support, training, counseling etc.), rehabilitation treatments: speech therapy, sensory stimulation, art therapy, Montessori method, graphomotor and motoric skills training etc., expert training/qualification for adult persons with disabilities, professional rehabilitation and orientation, vocational training and inclusion in the labor market.