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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Administration and governance at local and/or institutional level


2.Organisation and governance

2.7Administration and governance at local and/or institutional level

Last update: 27 November 2023


Administration at local level

The system of school administration is mainly centralised. However, some administrative authority is exercised at local level by the Local School Boards (Σχολικές Εφορείες). The Local School Boards are legal entities established in municipalities, villages or neighbouring communities where schools operate and they are responsible for the management of school buildings, furnishings and equipment and any other property owned by the school. Every School Board is responsible for the primary and secondary schools under its authority, as assigned by the Council of Ministers. In assessing the school needs, Local School Boards are in close cooperation with the school Heads and the Teachers’ assemblies, Parents’ Associations and the Technical Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Law 70(I)/2005 provides for the election of the majority of their members.

Municipalities are also involved in education at local level, but their role is one of an owner rather than an administrator. Municipalities establish and run community kindergartens and day nurseries on a non-profit basis in areas where there are insufficient public institutions to meet the needs of the community. Community day nurseries (κοινοτικοί παιδο/βρεφοκομικοί σταθμοί) are registered with the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance. Community kindergartens are registered with the Ministry of Education and Culture.


Administration at institutional level

Pre-school level (day nurseries)

The administration of pre-school institutions, both public and private, is the responsibility of the director of the institution. The director acts in close cooperation with the Parents’ Association and the staff of the institution.

School level (pre-primary, primary and secondary schools)

Public schools are not free to decide either on the content of the curriculum, the textbooks used, appointment of the teaching staff or raising and managing money for the school. So the management focuses on the day-to-day administration of the school. This is the responsibility of the head of the school, assisted by the deputy head teachers, the teachers and the clerical staff. The head teacher is responsible for the smooth and effective function of the school and the application of educational laws and regulations. He/she represents the school to the Ministry of Education and the wider society and cooperates with the Parents’ Association, the Local School Board and other Authorities.

The teachers’ assembly (καθηγητικός σύλλογος) led by the head teacher, constitutes the highest body in the school, which approves the allocation of teaching and other tasks to the teachers, decides on the promotion or retention of the pupils and imposes discipline measures to the pupils in the framework of the existing regulations.

In addition, there is pupil involvement at the secondary level. A Pupils’ Council represents the pupils’ interests and cooperates with the head teacher and the Parents’ Association. When there are meetings to discuss issues of relevance to the pupils of the school, the head teacher will invite the president of the pupils’ council or all of the council members to attend (Regulations ΚΔΠ 310/1990).

At the primary level, pupil involvement is expressed as collaboration between staff and pupils in the establishment of a mutually agreed code of conduct. This is regulated by Regulations ΚΔΠ 225/2008.

Higher education level

At the higher education level, the administration of institutions varies according to their role and status. Public universities are academically autonomous and fully self-administered public corporate bodies. The overall administration is the responsibility of the University Council (Συμβούλιο Πανεπιστημίου) and the Senate (Σύγκλητος).

The University Council is responsible for the management and control of the administrative and financial affairs of the university and its property, as well as the preparation of its budget which must be submitted to the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives through the Ministry of Education and Culture. There are seven external members of the Council, four of whom are appointed by the Council of Ministers and three by the Senate. University members include the Rector, Vice Rectors, two representatives of the academic staff, one representative from the administrative staff, one student representative and the Director of Administration and Finance. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the University Council are appointed by the President of the Republic of Cyprus from among external membership.

The Senate is the university's highest academic body and is responsible for academic affairs. It is made up of the Rector, Vice Rectors and Faculty Deans, as well as three representatives from each faculty, student representatives (the number equaling the number of faculties), the Director of Administration and Finance and the Library Director.

The Rector (Πρύτανης) is the head of the Senate and is assisted in his/her duties and responsibilities by one or more Vice Rectors (Αντιπρυτάνεις). The Rector and Vice Rectors are elected by the entire academic staff and representatives of both student and administrative staff.

The universities are made up of different faculties and each faculty is subdivided into departments. Each Faculty is headed by a Dean (Κοσμήτορας) and each Department is headed by a Chairperson (Πρόεδρος Τμήματος). Faculties and Departments are administered by Faculty Boards (Συμβούλια Σχολής) and Departmental Boards (Συμβούλια Τμήματος) respectively.

Student Unions are represented on all the governing bodies of the University – the Council, Senate, departmental and faculty boards.

Similar organisation and governance provisions, as those described above, exist for the private universities as well.

At the non-university level, each public institution has a Council (Συμβούλιο), which is appointed by the Council of Ministers. The Director of the tertiary level institution has the right to attend meetings of the Council and participate in the deliberations on any subject. The Council advises the Director on all matters concerning the operation of the institution, specifically on the educational programme, areas of specialisation, the budget and any other matters concerning the institution referred to it by the Director.

The internal regulations of each public institution provide for the establishment and operation of any committee, but the following three committees must be in existence:

  • The Academic Committee (Ακαδημαϊκή Επιτροπή), which deals with all issues related to the academic levels and criteria for promotion and graduation of the students;
  • The Administrative Committee (Διοικητική Επιτροπή), which deals with all issues related to the effective operation of the tertiary level institution; and,
  • The Disciplinary Committee (Πειθαρχική Επιτροπή), which is responsible for issues of discipline

Representatives from the teaching staff association and students’ union are represented on the Committees, in a ratio determined by the internal regulations of the tertiary level institution.

Private tertiary level institutions, regulated by the same laws (67(I)/1996 – 1(I)/2010), are governed on similar lines as those described above.