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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Programmes outside the bachelor and master structure
Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia

7.Higher education

7.4Programmes outside the bachelor and master structure

Last update: 27 November 2023



According to the Article 133 (6) of the Higher Education Law 2018, certain study programs can be integrated in the first and second study cycle. Study programs in the field of regulated professions are considered as integrated study programs and have different duration (Article 147 of HE Law 2018):

  • Medicine, 12 semesters or 6 years, 5500 hours of theoretical and practical training and 360 ECTS;
  • Dentistry, at least 10 semesters or 5 years and 300 ECTS or 5,000 hours consisted of theoretical and practical training (commonly offered 12 semesters or 6 years and 360 ECTS);
  • Pharmacy, at least 10 semesters or 5 years and 300 ECTS;
  • Veterinary, at least 10 semesters or 5 years and 300 ECTS (commonly offered 11 semesters or 5 and ½ years and 330 ECTS);
  • Architecture, 10 semesters or 5 years and 300 ECTS

Specialized medical and dentistry programs are comprised of theoretical and practical teaching at a university, university clinical center/university hospital or a health care facility approved for that purpose by the Ministry of health. Study program for pharmacists include as a minimum the program described in the regulations of the European Union which includes at least four years of regular theoretical and practical training provided at a university and six-month internship at a pharmacy or in a hospital, under the supervision of the hospital's pharmaceutical department. Specialization in the field of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy is regulated by a special law.

The integrated study program in Veterinary medicine has been introduced in the academic year 2009/2010 and include theoretical and practical instruction conducted at the university. The study courses/subjects are developed in accordance with the EU Directive on regulated professions, which include, the veterinary profession (Directive 2005/36 / EC and 2013/55 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council; Regulations 2007 European Communities [Recognition of Professional Qualifications] 2007 No. 2781, 19.10.2007). Qualifications acquired from successful completion of Veterinary integrated studies are correspondent with the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) propositions.

Academic study program for an architect must comprise at least five-year studies that end with successful passing of the final exam as determined with formal qualifications in architecture (2005/36/ EC), Article 46 of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council and Directive 2001 of the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) from 2001.

The general admissions criteria for these programs are the same as those for the first cycle university study programs.

Graduates of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine and architecture are awarded the following professional titles: Doktor po medicina (Doctor of Medicine), Doktor po dentalna medicina (Doctor of Dental Medicine), Doktor po veterinarna medicina (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine), Magister po farmacija (Master of Pharmacy), Magister inzener arhitekt (Master of Architecture)




  • Faculty of Dental Medicine-Skopje

  • Faculty of Pharmacy

  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-Skopje

  • Faculty of Architecture-Skopje